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Congrats to Michelle Wie on her first Major


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She is one of the best looking women on the planet. Wow.


Smoking hot for sure.


11 year old who qualified was a really cute story too




Was listening to some sports talk over the weekend (can't remember who it was though) and they were saying something along the lines of her parents are ruining her childhood and she shouldn't be playing, she shouldn't be subjected to this sort of pressure at 11, look at what happened to Wie after she hit the scene blah, blah, blah. I'm thinking to myself, you media types are the ones creating all of this so called pressure. Inundating her constantly with questions, cameras, microphones, etc. And Wie? I think she turned out to be a pretty darn good person and golfer from what I've seen (even if she hasn't completely lived up to the hype as of yet). Regardless, she seemed pretty comfortable in front of the media, was happy and smiling the entire time, and seemed to really enjoy herself. Any kid who enjoys golf would be in absolute heaven to play beside the professionals that they look up to so much. And she did pretty damn good too for an 11 year old.

Edited by Mark80
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I flipped this on accidentally yesterday afternoon and was immediately awe-struck by Wie's looks. She has grown up nicely. I just hadn't paid much attention to her since that debacle 10 years ago when, as a 14-year-old, she played in a men's PGA event. Good for her, getting herself together and starting to realize that amazing potential. She's only 24; there could be many more majors in her future (and hopefully some unsanctioned videos).

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whatever it is, you can bet that country clubs across this land are going to be filled with members wearing the same thing.....golfers are a lemming like bunch, seemingly more so than most


What was the "thing" she wore on only one leg?

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What was the "thing" she wore on only one leg?


they are bandage/tape like things various athletes wear, especially endurance athletes, to supposedly keep muscles together and prevent injury.




BTW, those shots from behind her when she was putting...wowser :worthy:

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