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Things I would rather do than watch world cup soccer


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Watch real football of any kind, including pop warner.

Watch hockey, NHL playoffs or regular season, Olympics or NCAA playoffs.

Watch MLB playoffs or regular season. Watch NCAA baseball playoffs.

Watch NCAA softball.


Watch PGA golf.

Watch that afro-headed white guy do an oil painting on PBS.

Go to the dentist.

Cut my toe nails.

Change the air filters in my house.

Clean dog crap off of my front lawn.

Well you get the picture and I don't want to have all of the fun here. What would you guys rather do than sit in front of a TV watching grown men flailing around like an epileptic 4 year old girl at the slightest hint of contact during an epic 1-0 result over 90 plus minutes?

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I can't believe I wasted ten seconds reading this post that I could have instead spent watching soccer.

I was smart and just went to your post. Instead of wasting ten seconds I just read yours and only wasted 3 minutes.
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Actually, watching nascar vs watching soccer is a tough one for me. I think I would go with soccer.


I enjoy watching soccer, but I am with you on the NASCAR thing. I went to several races while living in Charlotte. Honestly, I'd enjoy just as much parking a couple of lawn chairs and a cooler full of beer next to the NYS Thruway. I do enjoy that formula 1 racing though.

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