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Bills officially for sale - let the bidding begin!

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That's certainly a big league hire.


But another hint to Timma, stick to twit wars, and don't pretend to understand the business page.


What the heck does this mean, "Even if they were to be released today or Thursday, billionaires generally aren't in their offices right up until a holiday weekend anyway."

Well the Canadian bidders might be since yesterday was their holiday.

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That's certainly a big league hire.


But another hint to Timma, stick to twit wars, and don't pretend to understand the business page.


What the heck does this mean, "Even if they were to be released today or Thursday, billionaires generally aren't in their offices right up until a holiday weekend anyway."

Fair enough observation, but didn't he break the story, and if so shouldn't he get credit?


Regardless of whether or not he broke the story, I do think that TG added to the story with his observation that Greenberg's decision to take Pegula on as a client is significant in that it signals that Greenberg sizes Pegula up to be a likely front runner.


Not a TG fan by any means, but let's give props where they're due.


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Fair enough observation, but didn't he break the story, and if so shouldn't he get credit?


Regardless of whether or not he broke the story, I do think that TG added to the story with his observation that Greenberg's decision to take Pegula on as a client is significant in that it signals that Greenberg sizes Pegula up to be a likely front runner.


Not a TG fan by any means, but let's give props where they're due.


Haven't taken anything away from Timmy's scooping the story. If anything this is emblematic of his reporting style. I think he's a very good beat writer. But it's his penchant to go off the reservation and interject an opinion into a news story that drives me nuts, because very often that opinion is juvenile and wrong.

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They are officially for sale now.


The team has released its financial book to all potential buyers.





Sources close to the sale tell us the process is expected to move quickly from here.



Love it



Edited by Canadian Bills Fan
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I will be shocked if its not pegula


I agree- all signs point to him. When you take into account the prohibitive structure of the lease, the cash needed- I see no other real serious bidder. I think it is his for the taking.

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I agree- all signs point to him. When you take into account the prohibitive structure of the lease, the cash needed- I see no other real serious bidder. I think it is his for the taking.


There are at least 3 others, including--I believe--one of which nobody in the media has even hinted at.

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There are at least 3 others, including--I believe--one of which nobody in the media has even hinted at.


Do you have an idea who that might be?


I'd guess the Buffalo guys that could be in the mix that aren't really talked about are Gundlach, Barry Snyder, and Chris Koch (New Era).


Or is it someone that has no Buffalo connection?

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Does this warrant its own thread?


I decided against it but was curious.


Dont want it to get lost in this thread.





Nah, you put it in the right place.


Do you have an idea who that might be?


I'd guess the Buffalo guys that could be in the mix that aren't really talked about are Gundlach, Barry Snyder, and Chris Koch (New Era).


Or is it someone that has no Buffalo connection?


I've heard a few whispers that I'm sure--if true--will make their way out eventually. It's such a sensitive process that information is much, much tighter than I've ever experienced since my AP days.


What I do know is that there are prospective bidders that both have and do not have Buffalo connections...what I believe is that we can all feel pretty confident about the team staying here. What I hope is that we'll know for sure soon.

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There will be no LA bidders. teams going to LA are one or 2 of St Louis, Oakland, and San Diego. The Bills will be in either WNY or Southern Ontario forever.

I agree. Can't see a LA bidder going after a team that can't move for another 7 years.


More likely one of the other franchises that you mentioned moving and botching up their plans.

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I agree. Can't see a LA bidder going after a team that can't move for another 7 years.


More likely one of the other franchises that you mentioned moving and botching up their plans.


The Rams are really looking ripe for the move right now...I agree that L.A. seems very far-fetched at this point. Then again, Toronto doesn't look so formidable either.

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