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Glad I don't live in Indiana


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Come to think about... You can't buy cold @ a normal store. I live on the Indiana border (children born in Lake County) and we were in South Bend for the last two days... Dropped our son off @ Notre Dame lax camp. @ the grocery store on Sunday, my wife put some Mike's Hard Lemonade in the cart... I told her: "I don't think we can buy it on Sunday." Yep... The cashier said: "Nope. Not on Sunday, no alcohol." Come to think of it/ it was warm too... Which would have not been a problem since our hotel had a fridge.

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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In Ohio and North Carolina you can roll in to mini marts, drive in style, and buy a cold beer or case right from the cooler and they'll load it for you, front seat, back seat, trunk, or even just hand it to you and let you tap it.

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So is Indiana.




Indiana is "different"... You just get that vibe, like Ohio. You venture into the hinterlands of those two states and it is pretty damn scary.


I'd think he'd do pretty well, if you know what I mean. ;-)


Up here... Northwest Indiana (Lake, Porter, St. Joseph Counties) are pretty much almost an extension of Chicago/Illinois... Which is bad enough! ;-)


In Ohio and North Carolina you can roll in to mini marts, drive in style, and buy a cold beer or case right from the cooler and they'll load it for you, front seat, back seat, trunk, or even just hand it to you and let you tap it.


Same in Illinois... Except you have to load your own Everclear & Jack... ;-P


BUT, you can get the fireworks and gun in Indiana and bring it back into Illinois.

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Indiana is "different"... You just get that vibe, like Ohio. You venture into the hinterlands of those two states and it is pretty damn scary.


I'd think he'd do pretty well, if you know what I mean. ;-)


Up here... Northwest Indiana (Lake, Porter, St. Joseph Counties) are pretty much almost an extension of Chicago/Illinois... Which is bad enough! ;-)




Same in Illinois... Except you have to load your own Everclear & Jack... ;-P

I wouldn't put Jack in my car. Maybe my trunk, but I think it'd be a bit of a struggle to accomplish. I am sure he would offer a good fight.
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I wouldn't put Jack in my car. Maybe my trunk, but I think it'd be a bit of a struggle to accomplish. I am sure he would offer a good fight.

I may be small, but I'm wirey.


Who doesn't like a good celebration! Jack would love it!

Is the gun loaded?


Was at a Walmart in Stockton, CA, they had an aisle in the grocery section of liquor and wine.

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I don't need to even read the article to know I don't want to live in Indiana. Driving through it a couple of times gave me more than enough information on that subject.


Indiana Turnpike is a dump... Very basic & frugal... Rest areas even worse. BUT the price of tolls (Indiana Turnpike, $4.15 to drive 160 miles across state) has never gone up in the 20+ years I have been driving it. Ohio it costs $6.75 to go 140 miles up from about $5 dollars 20 years ago. NYS, it is $2.99 up from $2.10 20 years ago to go from BFLO to the PA line. Yes, they very much cater to industry and business... Fuel taxes are also very low.


Your point is well taken. It is a "different" kind of state to say the least. Very frugal & practical... But strange, they kinda do things their own way while latching on to the resources of others. Now, with that being said, they do keep the state fiscally responsible and out of the red. Again, very business friendly (outside the blue laws). Maybe because of where it is located (crossroads) and it never has really been urbanized (NW Indiana and Indy being the main two areas) this is why? It is very AG as it always has been. I mean, the state does well... But like I said, it is "different." Totally different feel than most other states. IMO, the state is in good shape because they are very conservative, frugal (to the point of being cheap) by using the means of other states and their prime location @ the crossroads of the country.


Indiana will be celebrating its bicentennial in a couple of years. When it comes to the statehood, there is is a reason why Indiana was the second state to be carved out of the Northwest Oridinace (very first act of Congress under the current USC) way back in 1816 followed very short time later by Illinois (1818).


Anyway... It is very interesting given their conservative views with things like guns etc.. YET, they have very restrictive liquor and voting laws (poll closings and ID). Like I said, sure you can basically do what you want with the guns & fireworks... But get your whiskey @ the gas station in Illinois, Ohio, or Michigan.


Pick your poison.


At least you guys can buy beer in grocery stores :cry:





In Illinois... Screw the grocery store... You can get your hard liquor @ the gas station. Sure, it isn't drive-thru and you have to walk... Still pretty nice. Same in Indiana outside of the cold thing and on Sundays... Yet, in Indiana @ least they don't create a huge barrier around the wine, beer, and liquor aisle in the supermarket... If it is Sunday and you grab it, the cashier will just refuse sale and they will put the item back. No big deal... No big project to carry out. Now, in Illinois I think (don't quote me on it) the supermarket has to block off a whole section from 12am Sunday to 10ish of so. Blue laws are in place in Indiana, but from what I have seen there is not really that much added cost (of doing business) to the store with the laws enacted. They keep it simple.


why don't convenience stores take advantage and constantly run specials on bags of ice and coolers? they are missing out on add-on sales


They do.


Again, if you live anywhere near the border... Especially on Sunday, just shoot into Illinois, Michigan, Ohio... I don't know what alcohol laws are in Kentucky? Worse? Heading south, more "dry counties?" Like I said, we were in South Bend this past Sunday. Cashier said: "Just go up to State Line (Michigan) and buy there." I totally forgot about the no alcohol on Sunday thing in Indiana and that we were only a few miles from Michigan.

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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I don't need to even read the article to know I don't want to live in Indiana. Driving through it a couple of times gave me more than enough information on that subject.


Reading the pasta recipes gave me more than enough info...

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Reading the pasta recipes gave me more than enough info...


LoL... So true. Again, pick your poison. With no booze on Sunday, retetta during the week, cheap taxes on everything, sucky Turnpike but cheap, buy 1 get 6 fireworks free, unlimited ammunition and firearms, busines/AG/industry friendly and a state that stays out of the red (fiscally that is)... I think the pasta culture is the least of your problems.

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