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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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An article published Monday by Politico reports on a recent podcast interview Solis Doyle gave to former adviser to President Barack Obama, David Axelrod.


Politico noted Solis Doyles was an adviser on Clinton’s two successful Senate campaigns and was her 2008 presidential campaign manager until she was replaced after Clinton finished third in Iowa. She then worked as a senior adviser to the Obama campaign and was Joe Biden’s campaign chief of staff, added Politico.


While the Politico article leads with Solis Doyle’s predictable denial of whether Hillary bears any responsibility for her husband former President Bill Clinton’s affairs and if they should hurt his wife’s candidacy, the real news is confirmation by an experienced Hillary campaign insider that Hillary has an energy problem campaigning and that Clinton disdains interacting with voters.

“You know, Bill Clinton, he gets so much energy from the people at his rallies. When he’s working a rope line, you can just see him light up.
You know, she’s tired. She gets tired.
She does it. She does it dutifully. Is it her most fun thing to do? No. Would she rather be looking at policy and going through legislation and working with a bunch of experts on how to, you know, improve the Affordable Care Act? Absolutely,” Solis Doyle explained. “This is not her favorite thing to do. It’s a mean, you know, to an end, I guess.”





ABC’s World News Tonight Worries Campaign’s ‘Grueling Pace’ Is ‘Seeming to Catch Up’ with Hillary

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Obama is really sucking up to Clintons. Must be looking to get in on the foundation donation/paid speaker circuit gravy train.


I had an unfair advantage over Hillary in 2008: Obama


Clintons strengths .... Obama said ticking off her attributes extraordinarily experienced, wicked smart and she can govern and start here on Day 1 more experienced than any non-vice president has ever been.



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Young African-American legislator flips his endorsement from Hillary to Bernie. It's starting...she's in trouble.


SC Democrat Withdraws Support from Hillary, Endorses Bernie




She is being tossed softballs by CNN Cuomo tonight at the (emergency) Iowa town hall meeting tonight,


but Sanders still has the momentum.



obvious differences in how they talked to the crowd ...................Sanders was all about his causes. Clinton is all about what she did.



"I am very proud of my record as SecState..:women's rights, gay rights"...no mention of #Libya #Egypt #Russia #PRC



the more uncomfortable the question the louder and longer that laugh of hers in response.


I wish someone would respond to Hillary's artificial laughing at every unpleasant statement by asking, "Seriously, what's so funny?"




"Nothing I did was wrong." -- Hillary Clinton.




Edited by B-Man
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Watch this questioner accidentally reveal CNN's planted question at Iowa #DemTownHall http://washex.am/1JBeqB0





Sanders is within striking distance in Iowa, dominates New Hampshire, and has cut Clinton’s lead in half in South Carolina.


All this, despite pulling his punches on Emailgate and other issues, campaigning as essentially a single-issue protest candidate, and being by some reports a deeply unpleasant human being.


What’s his secret? It’s no secret at all.



Cosmo_B-Day_Hat_bigger.jpg Jonah GoldbergVerified account @JonahNRO 15h15 hours ago

Also, I still believe that Hillary is an AWFUL candidate & may be beatable by just about any Republican with a pulse


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Clinton's $200,000 pay from Goldman Sachs is nothing to laugh at:



Yikes -- this is a bad look:


"If they can't, turn into nonpaper w no identifying heading and send nonsecure."




FBI Ready to indict Hillary: (according to DeLay)


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FBI going ´right to the source´ in Clinton email probe, interviewing intel agencies

by Catherine Herridge & Pamela Browne


Original Article






Motion filed to block State from delaying release of Clinton emails

The Hill (Washington, DC), by Julian Hattem


Original Article







Clinton Chief Of Staff Lost Her Personal Blackberry, Which Contained Classified Emails

by Chuck Ross


Original Article
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Yikes -- this is a bad look:


"If they can't, turn into nonpaper w no identifying heading and send nonsecure."






I'm no email expert but the Googlebot is on the fritz so I'm going to have take a shot at articulating this myself.


On process:

If you go to the bottom of that email chain it is sent from Spence to Sullivan. The subject is redacted.


The next note is from Sullivan to "H" which is presumably his short name for the hdr22 address. It is on a Thursday, early evening and tells her she have her info on Friday morning.


She replies Fri AM 7:52 stating she still doesn't have them, he basically says he'll check in the next reply 8:00. It looks like he made a phone call because at 8:17 he says they are having technical issues due to the nature of the content.


A reply comes back at 8:21, only 4 minutes later, with a somewhat technical explanation of how to circumvent the restrictions of sending the content. I'm not sure exactly how to translate it not knowing how their system works, but "turn into non paper" probably means scan, "no identifying heading" is pretty clear...redact the heading or don't scan that part...."and send nonsecure" is obvious. It is a bad look, but.....


Up until this point all correspondence has gone to "H" or hdr22. 4 minutes later, a reply comes back from hrod17. So it appears that HDR22 is either and assistant to Hillary or Hillary has 2 different addresses or maybe/probably even hrod17 is the assistant. I don't think this is really a big deal either way, but at no point in the chain is hrod17 copied or bcc'ed, there is no redaction of cc or bcc. So between 8:17 and 8:21 that note got forwarded from HDR22 to hod17 and hrod17 went back to Sullivan with instructions. Does that make any sense if both email addresses are actually Hillary? And if she thinks servers are wiped with a cloth why would she all of a sudden know a moderately technical three step process of "cleansing" a document to send avoiding the need for secure fax? Were both addresses Hillary with some sort of auto-mirror set up and a password for hrod17 that was known to multiple people? Am I missing something there? Maybe "H" meant both addresses? But why would that be if they were both her?



On Content:

She wanted the TPS reports? Really? The TPS reports? Wouldn't they come up with a different name just so they could avoid calling them the TPS reports?

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WaPo/ABC poll: Hillary’s trustworthiness down to 36% … among Democrats .......http://hotair.com/?p=3891560




Clinton Chief Of Staff Lost Her Personal Blackberry, Which Contained Classified Emails http://trib.al/5neDAQc











WaPo: Hillary ‘STILL Doesn’t Have A Good Answer’ on Emails.





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