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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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If Hillary were smart, she'd simply say "As Secretary of State, I was a classifying authority. I decided what's classified and what wasn't. By definition, As Secretary of State I couldn't mishandle classified material."


Fortunately, Hillary's not smart, and will go the "Right-wing conspiracy/what difference does it make?" route.

But can she, without proper permission, declassify info that's already been classified by the department of defense?

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But can she, without proper permission, declassify info that's already been classified by the department of defense?


In principle, no. In practice? It's not uncommon. Hell, she could reference Cheney and claim supervisory authority over DoD based on precedence of presidential succession.

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In principle, no. In practice? It's not uncommon. Hell, she could reference Cheney and claim supervisory authority over DoD based on precedence of presidential succession.


I'm assuming that's why she hasn't taken that tack.

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In principle, no. In practice? It's not uncommon. Hell, she could reference Cheney and claim supervisory authority over DoD based on precedence of presidential succession.

Well, that's a F'in mess! But, it would kind of ruin her defense of not handling any classified emails on her server. As you said, she's not smart enough. Though it would be entertaining to watch her try. Kind of like the bug zapper on a summer night.

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Well, that's a F'in mess! But, it would kind of ruin her defense of not handling any classified emails on her server. As you said, she's not smart enough. Though it would be entertaining to watch her try. Kind of like the bug zapper on a summer night.


Welcome to the American people's desire for a government of people rather than laws.

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A fourth observation: As Sunday’s debate showed, Mrs. Clinton is now running as basically the third term of President Obama. She may tweak what he did here and there, but she is fully embracing Mr. Obama. In an election year in which anger and disgust at the political establishment and business as usual are dominant and in which only a quarter of the American people believe the country is headed in the right direction, that is a dangerous strategy to adopt.

In addition, there’s a historical burden Mrs. Clinton faces: Since 1948, a political party has won three straight presidential elections only once, when George H.W. Bush succeeded Ronald Reagan, who was much more popular at the end of his second term than, in all likelihood, Mr. Obama will be.

Observation number five: Mrs. Clinton may face real legal trouble. Right now there are two FBI investigations, and Mrs. Clinton is at the center of them.



Read the whole thing.

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If Hillary were smart, she'd simply say "As Secretary of State, I was a classifying authority. I decided what's classified and what wasn't. By definition, As Secretary of State I couldn't mishandle classified material."


Fortunately, Hillary's not smart, and will go the "Right-wing conspiracy/what difference does it make?" route.

I don't believe for a minute that the FBI is making a serious inquiry with the intent to prosecute if they can make a case. I think the investigation is being done to clear her. An announcement that an investigation was completed and no wrongdoing found is the planned outcome as long as Hill supports Obama up until election time.

In response...it's now clear that the State Department isn't the only agency involved in determining what is classified and what is not. In fact, as part of the formal response to the FOIA request that started this whole thing, State is only allowed dominion over its, very small, amount of internally developed intelligence.


As part of the response, the intelligence community has sent in their people to preside over all of the emails and determine what can be sent back via the FOIA. The bottome line is: IF those agencies' "elements" restrict/redact anything at all? Then, QED, Clinton had classifed material on her server, which is a direct violation of her NDA and the law. The Justice Department therefore will have no say over whether the law has been broken, as redaction proves it before they get that say. The Clinton camp statement on this clearly shows that they want Justice to be the sole investigator, but, tough schit. The Intelligence Community as a whole has already moved in, justifiably, to see what has been compromised.


EDIT: The only exception I can think of is whether intel/time matters, or is reason to classify something now, that wasn't. I'm sure that will be the excuse, but, with 1300 individual emails that have been marked classified already, and 2 Top Secret(or containing Top Secret intel) emails known to have been on the server, you can't use that excuse for everything. Even if half of them were "upgraded"(nonsense) as the Clinton camp claims, that still leaves the other half, and it only takes one(1) to convict.


Thus, this isn't a Justice/State run show. And, if Obama et al try to make it so, then we will see some big leaks to kick their asses back in line. Which intelligence agency is afraid of Obama at this point? None. Thus, no, Justice/State will not save her. The Intelligence Community routinely gets punished by politicians, especially over the last 7 years. They aren't going to miss their chance to return fire and make an example out Hillary.


Having signed 2 of these type of NDAs myself, I can tell you: we're talking about Federal Pound Me in the Ass Prision for ANY violation of protocol. None of us had any doubt where the line was, and what would happen if you came within 10 ft of it, never mind crossed it. This is way over that line.


Politically, if the legal implications don't kill her off first, I don't see how Hillary recovers from this. Debates? :lol: More like curbstomping. Not a single day will go by without the conflation of this intelligence...let's call it what it is: breach...and "what difference does it make?" We will all be sick of hearing it, but, does anyone think that the Rs are gonna run another McCain/Romney campaign this time? It was already going to be scorched earth; now it's rape, pillage, and pour salt on the scorched earth. That's also just what the doctor ordered for the modern Jacksonians whose values seem to be leading the way thus far(I'm also making this link a new thread).

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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Hillary's campaign in panic mode...................with a flat -out lie


Clinton Spox @brianefallon accuses the Intelligence Community Inspector General of coordinating w Republicans to damage Hillary.






Making this as simple as possible for our dutiful media





Inside HRC meeting: "


Hey, how can we make the email story worse?"


"I know! Let's say the IC is coordinating w/ the GOP!"

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Good God.............that was uncalled for.









How Hillary's Insane Paranoia Led Her To Put Classified Material On Her Homebrew Server http://pllqt.it/4Z1UNv





Feminists I know are angry that the woman candidate is being held accountable for her husband. http://nyti.ms/1UcYIvW

Sorry , when you run as a "TWOFER" in 1992, and talk about your White House experience in your 2016 campaign

You lose your chance to whine about the BILL stories.


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The Hill ‏@thehill 11m11 minutes ago

Sinking Clinton calls in all-star team of surrogates: http://hill.cm/CtRnfA0



Hmmmm............"All Star" doesn't seem to mean as much as it used too........... :lol:



I love the description that I read the other day of the crowd at a Bill Clinton appearance, as resembling a "Bingo Parlor"

I've got to take some time to sit down and write a parody of "Blinded by the Light" for the Democratic Party. "Blinded By The White." I wonder how Senator Booker feels being the token minority in that campaign?


There's a lot of great gems in that article:



left-leaning millennial celebrity Lena Dunham of “Girls” fame[/size]

Yeah. And Hitler was "mildly patriotic."


One Democratic strategist who is in touch with the Clinton campaign said surrogates are helpful in helping to “bring in eyeballs” and “echo a rallying point.”

"Bring in eyeballs." Great. A strategy straight out of a 90's dot-com business plan. Good luck with that.


“People want to see the candidate. People in What Cheer, Iowa, don’t wanna see Madeleine Albright.”

To be fair, nobody anywhere wants to see Madeleine Albright. And those that do can probably find Tales From the Crypt somewhere on the internet. Edited by DC Tom
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The Hill @thehill 11m11 minutes ago

Sinking Clinton calls in all-star team of surrogates: http://hill.cm/CtRnfA0



Hmmmm............"All Star" doesn't seem to mean as much as it used too........... :lol:



I love the description that I read the other day of the crowd at a Bill Clinton appearance, as resembling a "Bingo Parlor"

Nothing new there. Bill's been using Hillary surrogates for decades.

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