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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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You must love physics. We have entire imaginary dimensions. Hell, we can't even tell you if our cats are alive or dead.


We knew until Shrodinger came along....



Seriously...ask him if the Federal Reserve is an agency of the US government.



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Is there any doubt that if Marco Rubio, rather than Hillary Clinton, promised to get answers on UFOs,


it would be front page on the NYT?






Clinton: Aliens may have visited us — "We don't know for sure" http://hill.cm/Ip1HSkI










In all seriousness (about a subject I joke A LOT about), I've been hearing for going on two years now that Hillary's connection to the ET world is going to either be her great undoing in the coming election, or what ultimately tips the scales in her favor (though that scenario involves her not only admitting she'll study the issue in office, but offering ironclad proof of the existence of visitors from other realms). She's been heavily involved (though denies it) with Laurence Rockefeller and his group whose sole purpose involves exposing the truth about ETs, visitation, government interaction and reproduction of their technology.


The cynics will say she just appears interested to take Rockefeller's money, but either way she has a long history of active involvement in studying the phenomenon.

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Hey D.R.,


Which of the following movies are related to Hillary Clinton's campaign


1) The Martian



2) 13 Hours (Benghazi)



3) Concussion










Trick question...................All the Above

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In all seriousness (about a subject I joke A LOT about), I've been hearing for going on two years now that Hillary's connection to the ET world is going to either be her great undoing in the coming election, or what ultimately tips the scales in her favor (though that scenario involves her not only admitting she'll study the issue in office, but offering ironclad proof of the existence of visitors from other realms). She's been heavily involved (though denies it) with Laurence Rockefeller and his group whose sole purpose involves exposing the truth about ETs, visitation, government interaction and reproduction of their technology.


The cynics will say she just appears interested to take Rockefeller's money, but either way she has a long history of active involvement in studying the phenomenon.



Well it would be the ultimate sales job. Promising to expose all the information about something that does't exist. It makes Kim Jung QB's stats look HoF worthy by comparison.

Hey D.R.,


Which of the following movies are related to Hillary Clinton's campaign


1) The Martian



2) 13 Hours (Benghazi)



3) Concussion










Trick question...................All the Above



I have been seeing commercials for that Benghazi movie. Regardless of its spin on things I think it is too soon personally. That said, if it takes a spin that somehow makes her look good, it could be one of the most disgusting things I've ever heard. Has anyone heard what that movie's make is on the events?

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I have been seeing commercials for that Benghazi movie. Regardless of its spin on things I think it is too soon personally. That said, if it takes a spin that somehow makes her look good, it could be one of the most disgusting things I've ever heard. Has anyone heard what that movie's make is on the events?


I haven't read it (though I might have the script somewhere), but my guess (knowing Bay's reputation and work) would be that it makes the military (and by extension the CIA) look FABULOUS above all else. Bay works hand in hand with the military on all of his films, even getting fighter jets to strafe location sets with live ammunition just to make it look "real".


No idea what political bent the film will have, but it'll be a military PR piece at its core.

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Are you talking about aliens or global warming cooling climate change?

The math is still inconclusive on AGW, mostly because people are trying to rig it one way or the other. The math on aliens is clear: zero.


I haven't read it (though I might have the script somewhere), but my guess (knowing Bay's reputation and work) would be that it makes the military (and by extension the CIA) look FABULOUS above all else. Bay works hand in hand with the military on all of his films, even getting fighter jets to strafe location sets with live ammunition just to make it look "real".


No idea what political bent the film will have, but it'll be a military PR piece at its core.

i see that jim from The Office is playing one of the guys. I think he is a commie in real life so I doubt he would do something that made commie Hillary look bad.

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This alone disqualifies her from ever being president. Iraq was a mistake because, while it removed a tyrant, destabilized an entire region. Then these idiots who railed against it go and do the exact same thing. :rolleyes:

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Anyone surprised ?


Clinton = Corruption




Turns out the former Secretary of State and presumptive 2016 Democratic presidential nominee has a special arrangement with the Democratic National Committee. Essentially, it’s an incentive for hyper-dollar donors to max out to Hillary and give extra-generously to the DNC. Hillary scratches Debbie’s back, Debbie scratches Hillary’s back, while Bernie and Marty get screwed. The Daily Caller News Foundation Investigative Group’s Luke Rosiak quotes several campaign finance experts who say it’s unprecedented.



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Anyone surprised ?


Clinton = Corruption




Turns out the former Secretary of State and presumptive 2016 Democratic presidential nominee has a special arrangement with the Democratic National Committee. Essentially, it’s an incentive for hyper-dollar donors to max out to Hillary and give extra-generously to the DNC. Hillary scratches Debbie’s back, Debbie scratches Hillary’s back, while Bernie and Marty get screwed. The Daily Caller News Foundation Investigative Group’s Luke Rosiak quotes several campaign finance experts who say it’s unprecedented.




I love the way HuffPo defends Clinton with the party's favoritism towards her.

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Hillary Clinton is the most miscast figure on the 2016 political stage


With all the noise and bluster coming from the Republican campaign, suggesting dysfunction among the Republican candidates, the fact is, Hillary Clinton is the most miscast character in the 2016 race. This is shaping up to be a change election, and nothing about a Clinton candidacy offers change. Period.


While Republicans are engaged in a noisy, boisterous process that is at the very least compelling to watch, the Democrats appear to be letting Clinton sleepwalk them into the doldrums of a campaign that will not be able to channel the emotions of the electorate. Her campaign will only feed the malaise that many voters feel and won’t do anything to create the enthusiastic wave to turn out Democrats in the numbers she will need to repeat President Obama’s 2008 and 2012 victories.


Poll after poll indicates voter dissatisfaction, with a vast majority of voters believing our country is headed in the wrong direction, and a sense that anger at the governing establishment is the prevailing emotion. It looks like the forces of change are gathering — and among today’s presidential candidates, on either side, Clinton is the biggest mismatch for today’s zeitgeist. That is particularly true among Republican and independent voters, but even some Democrats are questioning Clinton’s suitability. Just look at the phenomenal success of oddball Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), who is drawing enthusiastic support from the left wing of the Democratic Party, as well as the stunning news that Ron Burkle, a billionaire Democrat and Hillary ’08 supporter, has abandoned Clinton for John Kasich’s presidential campaign. Clearly, Clinton is missing the moment — yet, somehow, she is also the only candidate practically guaranteed a spot in the finals this November.


More at: https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/post-partisan/wp/2016/01/04/hillary-clinton-is-the-most-miscast-figure-on-the-2016-political-stage/

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TWEET of the Day:




Hillary Clinton in Sioux City today;


I’m a progressive who likes to get things done.” She finished with a nod to her long experience. “And I will get into that White House. I don’t need a tour. I know right where the Oval Office is.”





601NbzQt_normal.jpg Don Surber @donsurber

@danmericaCNN @instapundit Big deal. So does Monica Lewinsky


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TWEET of the Day:




Hillary Clinton in Sioux City today;


I’m a progressive who likes to get things done.” She finished with a nod to her long experience. “And I will get into that White House. I don’t need a tour. I know right where the Oval Office is.”






She may like to get things done, but what has she gotten done as a Senator or SOS that has been of benefit to Americans?

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They listed this as one of her "Top Five" accomplishments.....................................really ?


5. Texts From Hillary

In 2012, Clinton became an internet sensation because of a series of memes depicting her having fictitious, comical text exchanges with other celebrities while wearing her trademark sunglasses. Texts from Hillary became so popular that Clinton herself submitted her own caption to the website and invited its creators to meet with her at the State Department. Her star power and ability to capture the imagination of individuals around the world is one noteworthy aspect of her success.






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They listed this as one of her "Top Five" accomplishments.....................................really ?


5. Texts From Hillary

In 2012, Clinton became an internet sensation because of a series of memes depicting her having fictitious, comical text exchanges with other celebrities while wearing her trademark sunglasses. Texts from Hillary became so popular that Clinton herself submitted her own caption to the website and invited its creators to meet with her at the State Department. Her star power and ability to capture the imagination of individuals around the world is one noteworthy aspect of her success.







It's completely !@#$ing embarrassing, isn't it?


Not even the list, so much as people take that list seriously. And they get to vote. "I'm voting for Hillary, because she sent texts as Secretary of State!"

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WTF is that?!?! :w00t::cry::wallbash:


Well, what the New York Times said about the site is...


"Mic thinks it can stand out with an appealingly simple premise: Focus on college educated readers and present them only with serious news."


Got that? Serious news.

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