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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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Wifey and I took a cab ride from Lyon to Paul Bocuse's restaurant this summer. It's about a 40 minute ride out of town. The cabbie was middle eastern and after some banter about the weather (beastly hot), and other things, the subject turned to Guantanamo. He said we were torturing our prisoners there. I told him he was full of ****. He went onto his smart phone and quickly grabbed pictures of captives in orange jump suits. MOST of which I easily recognized as pictures that were released from the infamous Abu Ghrab (sp) prison. He refused to believe that. He would not be dissuaded from his belief that they were current photos from Guantanamo.


We are clearly losing the cyber war with these fiends. Hillary and the current regime are absolutely clueless as to what's going on and how to stop it. We (Americans) are their enemy because we're in their way to grab more power in the name of national security - which frankly, I think they don't give two ***** about. They only want power and fame, and I think they would gladly submit in fealty to the rule of a modern day Cyrus or Darius, or Xerxes in exchange for being the ruler of the American fiefdom. America the beautiful won't even be America the pretty under Hillary's dictatorship.

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Wifey and I took a cab ride from Lyon to Paul Bocuse's restaurant this summer. It's about a 40 minute ride out of town. The cabbie was middle eastern and after some banter about the weather (beastly hot), and other things, the subject turned to Guantanamo. He said we were torturing our prisoners there. I told him he was full of ****. He went onto his smart phone and quickly grabbed pictures of captives in orange jump suits. MOST of which I easily recognized as pictures that were released from the infamous Abu Ghrab (sp) prison. He refused to believe that. He would not be dissuaded from his belief that they were current photos from Guantanamo.


We are clearly losing the cyber war with these fiends. Hillary and the current regime are absolutely clueless as to what's going on and how to stop it. We (Americans) are their enemy because we're in their way to grab more power in the name of national security - which frankly, I think they don't give two ***** about. They only want power and fame, and I think they would gladly submit in fealty to the rule of a modern day Cyrus or Darius, or Xerxes in exchange for being the ruler of the American fiefdom. America the beautiful won't even be America the pretty under Hillary's dictatorship.

Republics die. It's what they do.

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Wifey and I took a cab ride from Lyon to Paul Bocuse's restaurant this summer. It's about a 40 minute ride out of town. The cabbie was middle eastern and after some banter about the weather (beastly hot), and other things, the subject turned to Guantanamo. He said we were torturing our prisoners there. I told him he was full of ****. He went onto his smart phone and quickly grabbed pictures of captives in orange jump suits. MOST of which I easily recognized as pictures that were released from the infamous Abu Ghrab (sp) prison. He refused to believe that. He would not be dissuaded from his belief that they were current photos from Guantanamo.


We are clearly losing the cyber war with these fiends. Hillary and the current regime are absolutely clueless as to what's going on and how to stop it. We (Americans) are their enemy because we're in their way to grab more power in the name of national security - which frankly, I think they don't give two ***** about. They only want power and fame, and I think they would gladly submit in fealty to the rule of a modern day Cyrus or Darius, or Xerxes in exchange for being the ruler of the American fiefdom. America the beautiful won't even be America the pretty under Hillary's dictatorship.


You should have said "...so? It beats, say, getting beheaded."

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First, I got a huge chuckle out of the Granny Maojackets bit. That will now be my go-to name for her.


Second, this is the simple truth regardless of what nutsucking SoProg want to believe:


In the end, none of it matters, because the Democrats can infer motive and the MSM will dutifully and unquestioningly run with it.
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I think it's safe to say that a pretty decent majority of conservatives here on this board think Trump is a nutcase and it would be a horrible thing if he were elected. I have no idea who is being polled that has him on top. It's mind boggling.

My guess is older people

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At the now-infamous Andrews Air Force base ceremony on September 14, 2012, Hillary Clinton told grieving family members that their loved ones had been murdered by a bloodthirsty mob incited by an online anti-Islam video. Four different relatives of three separate victims have
that recollection, including one who jotted down notes shortly after the meeting:


Did you tell the families that the attack was about the film? Answer:

She was asked a direct question: Did she, or did she not, tell those family members that the Internet film was responsible for their loved ones’ deaths? She says she did not. This is a direct contradiction of very explicit memories shared on the record by multiple people who have far less incentive to lie than, say, a
seeking power.

be a serious problem for Hillary Clinton.



But it won’t be, because the MSM are essentially Hillary’s Democratic operatives with bylines, and because Trump is sucking all the oxygen out of the room.


Or as CBS chief Les Moonves exclaimed on Monday, “We love having all 16 Republican candidates throwing crap at each other. The more they spend, the better it is for us,” adding “Go Donald! This is fun, watching this.”

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At the now-infamous Andrews Air Force base ceremony on September 14, 2012, Hillary Clinton told grieving family members that their loved ones had been murdered by a bloodthirsty mob incited by an online anti-Islam video. Four different relatives of three separate victims have publicly shared that recollection, including one who jotted down notes shortly after the meeting:


Did you tell the families that the attack was about the film? Answer: No.

She was asked a direct question: Did she, or did she not, tell those family members that the Internet film was responsible for their loved ones’ deaths? She says she did not. This is a direct contradiction of very explicit memories shared on the record by multiple people who have far less incentive to lie than, say, a truth-challenged politician seeking power.

This should be a serious problem for Hillary Clinton.


But it won’t be, because the MSM are essentially Hillary’s Democratic operatives with bylines, and because Trump is sucking all the oxygen out of the room.


Or as CBS chief Les Moonves exclaimed on Monday, “We love having all 16 Republican candidates throwing crap at each other. The more they spend, the better it is for us,” adding “Go Donald! This is fun, watching this.”


Whatever Republican finally wins the nomination (hopefully Cruz) has a golden gift. Ol' forgetful and easily confused Hillary has served up a pretty nice and juicy slow pitch, in her own words of course.


Just imagine a political campaign ad something along the lines of, opening with Clinton's own voice from her previous failed campaign ad (the midnight phone call) asking who should be the one on the other end, then lead into her not answering the call or going to an answering machine, then the Benghazi tragedy and her denying reinforcements, lying about the cause and deceiving dead next of kin over it.


game set match. no chance she should EVER be entrusted to look out for this country's national security.

Edited by drinkTHEkoolaid
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Whatever Republican finally wins the nomination (hopefully Cruz) has a golden gift. Ol' forgetful and easily confused Hillary has served up a pretty nice and juicy slow pitch, in her own words of course.


Just imagine a political campaign ad something along the lines of, opening with Clinton's own voice from her previous failed campaign ad (the midnight phone call) asking who should be the one on the other end, then lead into her not answering the call or going to an answering machine, then the Benghazi tragedy and her denying reinforcements, lying about the cause and deceiving dead next of kin over it.


game set match. no chance she should EVER be entrusted to look out for this country's national security.


Except that it'll be spun back on the Republicans. Probably as a the "war on women," but possibly also "war on senior citizens," or just simply unfair mud-slinging.

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A Huffington Post-Morning Consult poll of 2047 registered voters released this week shows Republican presidential candidates Donald Trump and Ben Carson each beating Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton 45 to 40. The poll has Clinton’s unfavorable numbers at 54 percent. Also, President Barack Obama’s job disapproval is at 59 percent with 74 percent saying the country is on the wrong track. The poll has a margin of error of only plus or minus 2 percent. (PDF here.)


In head to head match-ups, Clinton struggles against leading and trailing Republicans.


Trump and Carson are the only to GOP candidates who outright beat Clinton, 45-40. Rubio edges Clinton 41-40. Clinton ties Bush at 41-41 and Christie at 40-40. Clinton beats Cruz 42-40, but that is within the poll’s margin of error.





A Google News search shows zero reports by the media on the poll which was taken Dec. 3- Dec. 7 and released on Wednesday.

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Except that it'll be spun back on the Republicans. Probably as a the "war on women," but possibly also "war on senior citizens," or just simply unfair mud-slinging.

Not to mention that they'll paint Cruz as a Log Cabin Republican who has a black lover.

On second thought, that might garner a lot of Independent and Lib votes, so that might backfire.

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Except that it'll be spun back on the Republicans. Probably as a the "war on women," but possibly also "war on senior citizens," or just simply unfair mud-slinging.

I believe any Republican nominee who criticizes Hillary will be accused of waging what the party of birdog likes to call a "war on MILFS."
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This is a real headline that real editor okayed.



The Associated PressVerified account @AP 1h1 hour ago

As Donald Trump rises with harsh rhetoric and backlash, Hillary Clinton preaches love and kindness (@llerer): http://apne.ws/1UbqxoL

Hillary and Obama ARE the lawless tyrants they've accused Bush/Cheney/et al. of being...

Capital JournalVerified account @WSJPolitics 16h16 hours ago

Hillary Clinton says she would act on her own if GOP lawmakers won’t work with her on key issues. http://on.wsj.com/1NPmEkf

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