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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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Smart, substantive new Hillary ad: “44 boys is too many.”


“If we’re already at the ‘adorable little girls wishing for a woman president’ stage of Hillary’s gender pander, where will we be next October? Where can they go from here?


The answer, I think, is towards victimization. Hopefulness of the sort you see below makes sense early in the campaign, when there’s no enemy yet to demonize. Now’s the time to add a feelgood glow to your campaign by emptying your arsenal of shiny-happy fireworks. Once there’s a GOP nominee to finally run against, that’ll be the moment to get crazy with the ‘voting for Republicans is like voting for rape’ war-on-women cheez whiz.


If you enjoy following politics (especially elections) purely as spectacle, that’s one reason to be glad that Hillary will be the nominee: She’s a cinch to crank out some of the most cartoonishly demagogic ads in modern political history next fall. She’s famously ruthless, she has no meaningful policy accomplishments to run on, and she’s up against eight years of voter fatigue with the Democrats’ agenda.”

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Smart, substantive new Hillary ad: “44 boys is too many.”


“If we’re already at the ‘adorable little girls wishing for a woman president’ stage of Hillary’s gender pander, where will we be next October? Where can they go from here?


The answer, I think, is towards victimization. Hopefulness of the sort you see below makes sense early in the campaign, when there’s no enemy yet to demonize. Now’s the time to add a feelgood glow to your campaign by emptying your arsenal of shiny-happy fireworks. Once there’s a GOP nominee to finally run against, that’ll be the moment to get crazy with the ‘voting for Republicans is like voting for rape’ war-on-women cheez whiz.


If you enjoy following politics (especially elections) purely as spectacle, that’s one reason to be glad that Hillary will be the nominee: She’s a cinch to crank out some of the most cartoonishly demagogic ads in modern political history next fall. She’s famously ruthless, she has no meaningful policy accomplishments to run on, and she’s up against eight years of voter fatigue with the Democrats’ agenda.”

She will wallop Trump!

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Well here's one instance she showed sound, practical judgment. Really cant think of any instances where she did same carrying out her duties while in office.


Bill was so slutty, Hillary demanded he get an HIV test: book



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This is the best that they have...................really?


Hillary Clinton Can’t Remember Her Plan To Deal With National Debt


Refers people to her website… which doesn’t have her plan to deal with the national debt either.




Does anyone have any idea why she continues to dress like a lesbian Chinese dictator? You'd think with all her money and all her friends, someone would hand her a mirror.

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Does anyone have any idea why she continues to dress like a lesbian Chinese dictator? You'd think with all her money and all her friends, someone would hand her a mirror.

Well she did finally ditch the Ben Franklin coiffure.


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Does anyone have any idea why she continues to dress like a lesbian Chinese dictator? You'd think with all her money and all her friends, someone would hand her a mirror.

What would you suggest given her body type to be a more flattering and more appealing style of dress? Burlap is not an accepted answer.

Edited by keepthefaith
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Local grandmother running for President confuses question on ‘hemp’ with one on a ‘hip replacement’




So this happened today in Iowa. While answering questions from supporters at an event at the Sioux City Carpenters Training Center, Hillary Clinton confused a question on industrial hemp with one about an artificial hip. Here’s the video: (At the link)


And when she did finally figure out what the man was asking, she confused industrial hemp with medical marijuana:


First concussion,


Then, vision problems


Now, hearing gone . .

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Watch... Mark my words... Hillary is gonna come out as the sane one, smelling like a rose w/the likes of a guy like The Donald mocking people and saying he will take on terrorism like you have no idea!"


Should I be laughiing or crying! :sick::sick:


Between Hillary and Donald, which ever one of them shuts the !@#$ up first is going to come out as the sane one.

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