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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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Did you watch the video? Damn, that was gutsy stuff to do with her in the audience. I loved the one guy mocking her clothes: Who wore it better? Hillary or Caitlyn Jenner? :lol:


I just watched it. Gave me the chills. Took me back to the time we went there and sat in front and the last comedian was a black dude giving white people **** We were afraid to leave or he'd attack us for walking out. I think I pissed in my beer bottle because I was too scared to get up to go to the restroom. :lol:

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Is that a landslide I see a 'comin?


The former secretary of state's largest advantage overall comes against Ben Carson, taking 49 percent to 40 percent among the more than 1,000 adults surveyed in the days following the Nov. 13 terrorist attacks in Paris. Clinton also fared about as well matched against Donald Trump, taking 50 percent to the Manhattan mogul's 42 percent. Clinton also holds an eight-point lead over Cruz (48 percent to 40 percent), though former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio performed slightly better. Clinton held a 46 percent-to-43 percent advantage against Bush, and a 47 percent-to-43 percent lead over Rubio on the issue.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2015/11/poll-fight-terrorism-2016-candidates-216145#ixzz3sL1MxHSt



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Fox poll: Hillary loses to everyone


That might be a slight exaggeration. Hillary Clinton doesnt lose to everyone in the latest Fox poll, released yesterday. She beats Bernie Sanders for the Democratic presidential nomination, and ties Carly Fiorina in a general-election match-up. Other than that, though, its a Republican blitz, as The Hill notes:




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Fox poll: Hillary loses to everyone


That might be a slight exaggeration. Hillary Clinton doesnt lose to everyone in the latest Fox poll, released yesterday. She beats Bernie Sanders for the Democratic presidential nomination, and ties Carly Fiorina in a general-election match-up. Other than that, though, its a Republican blitz, as The Hill notes:




That's utterly ridiculous. Clinton is going to crush Donald if he is the nominee

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I wonder how much her husbands rapes will factor into her campaign.


If the GOP nominee is smart, a lot. Gotta attack the "I'm for the accuser/women" angle any way you can. Then talk about how she paid her femaie staffers and campaigners less than their male counterparts.

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