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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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Politically an excellent play for her. It'll get votes now, it'll raise the pay of many people and also result in fewer people being employed. The unemployed will get government benefits and be thankful that a President Hillary is watching out for them while their evil former employer didn't give a rats' ass. Then, when the raise in the wage proves to be bad for the economy and employment, she can trash the Republicans that want to repeal it and take away better pay for the poor. Brilliant!


Dem playbook 101.



John Edwards had ideas like this and before he was caught screwing wound it played well. I think he wanted to give a one time lump sum of money to everyone. I'm not sure i remember it correctly. I liked the idea of him and a guy named Tom Tancredo crossing the aisle and joining the campaign. Tancredo wanted to get rid of all the immigrants which also plays well.....think of no more Canadians for just a minute. :thumbsup:


I have tons of money and pay more than my fair share in taxes but I don't really want to pay more. I don't like the $15 minimum wage because it will drive up the price of hamburgers and those yummy pretzels in the mall. I think a better idea is to simply pay everyone $15 an hour, assume everyone works a 50 hour week so give $22.50 for the last 10 hours. Assume 2 weeks of the 52 to be paid vacation so no overtime those weeks. You should also take taxes out of that money. With this you could literally have no minimum wage for people working jobs and pretzel prices could actually go down. There would be true supply/demand pressure on the people and businesses for low skilled jobs all the way to the top.

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I'm probably right?? You're going to find clueless people left and right no matter where you look. Hell there are people here that are clueless on certain topics. I'll be the first to admit that I am.

You mean like that time you tried to argue that Obamacare's website was going to get fixed by consumer app programmers from Google and Apple, but in the end it took real enterprise consultants from Accenture to do real enterprise work?


It's understandable: you're clueless about the fact that while:


Google and Apple people spend their day deciding everything about everything in their work, and then self-congratulating for meeting their own specifications, while telling everyone else "too bad, you must conform, because we know better"...


...consultants actually have to be better, because not only do they have to deal with client fiascos randomly thrown into their work, they face much larger scopes/50x more features, massive integration issues, 100s of potential "owners" of various pieces and parts of the 10-15 major applications/implementatons at the client, never mind it's suppliers and customers, and essentially get to decide nothing about their work that isn't signed off on by one or more morons that has to be convinced/educated/cajoled/threatened.


Yeah, I see what you mean.


Boy, that second thing looks a hell of lot more like Obamacare, now, than the the first one("I know, let's build Google Maps!") does, doesn't it? All that and nobody has to sign an NDA!

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You mean like that time you tried to argue that Obamacare's website was going to get fixed by consumer app programmers from Google and Apple, but in the end it took real enterprise consultants from Accenture to do real enterprise work?


It's understandable: you're clueless about the fact that while:


Google and Apple people spend their day deciding everything about everything in their work, and then self-congratulating for meeting their own specifications, while telling everyone else "too bad, you must conform, because we know better"...


...consultants actually have to be better, because not only do they have to deal with client fiascos randomly thrown into their work, they face much larger scopes/50x more features, massive integration issues, 100s of potential "owners" of various pieces and parts of the 10-15 major applications/implementatons at the client, never mind it's suppliers and customers, and essentially get to decide nothing about their work that isn't signed off on by one or more morons that has to be convinced/educated/cajoled/threatened.


Yeah, I see what you mean.


Boy, that second thing looks a hell of lot more like Obamacare, now, than the the first one("I know, let's build Google Maps!") does, doesn't it? All that and nobody has to sign an NDA!


I'm clueless?!?!? You thought that I was being serious in the argument? You are one gullible mother !@#$er. :lol:

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Is that real? That can't be real.


It's at the center of a little bit of controversy due to who funded it, but it's real. I haven't looked into this story much (and apologies if it's already covered in these 81 pages) but here's where I found it: (I haven't read this article yet and from what I've heard elsewhere the ties to Clinton's campaign itself are tenuous at best).


Hillary Clinton may have just committed election fraud -- and the internet found out (part 1): https://medium.com/@1e3d0077c3ca4df4b260e1ee0bceb6/hillary-clinton-may-have-just-committed-election-fraud-and-the-internet-found-out-part-1-bb7647415a71

The same guy who funded that Clinton ad, also made this. NSFW due to language: (though HILARIOUS)


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It's at the center of a little bit of controversy due to who funded it, but it's real. I haven't looked into this story much (and apologies if it's already covered in these 81 pages) but here's where I found it: (I haven't read this article yet and from what I've heard elsewhere the ties to Clinton's campaign itself are tenuous at best).


Hillary Clinton may have just committed election fraud -- and the internet found out (part 1): https://medium.com/@1e3d0077c3ca4df4b260e1ee0bceb6/hillary-clinton-may-have-just-committed-election-fraud-and-the-internet-found-out-part-1-bb7647415a71

The same guy who funded that Clinton ad, also made this. NSFW due to language: (though HILARIOUS)



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Dear Hillary,


Bad news. When the internet is intent on busting you, it's not political. They don't do this because they're right wing. They do this because they love to show everyone how smart they are at cracking code designed to hide things. You need to desperately hope the end of the rabbit hole has been reached.


I'm thinking it's not.




Those of us who know you're only in this for yourself.

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TOM MAGUIRE HAS QUESTIONS FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES about Hillary’s “extensive” experience and resume.


“As to whether Hillary’s resume is impressive, one might argue as to whether her failure to shepherd HillaryCare through a Democratic controlled Congress in 1993 was more impressive than her ‘reset’ of relations with Russia or her advocacy of beheading the Qadaffi regime in Libya with no plan to replace him.


But of course, it is much harder to argue against the notion that Hillary’s resume is extensive. So this apparent error accidentally makes Republicans look cranky and unreasonable, but I am sure that is inadvertent. No, I’m not.”

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Clinton has early, commanding delegate lead for nomination


WASHINGTON (AP) -- Hillary Rodham Clinton has locked up public support from half the Democratic Party insiders who get to cast ballots at the party's national convention.

Their backing gives Clinton a commanding advantage over her rivals for the Democratic nomination for president.











SISTER SOULJAH: Hillary reminds me of 'the slave plantation'...



'White wife of the white Master'...



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