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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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:lol: 3:42 of pure glory!


Although, this guy is a body language, and verbal language, pro. The head nodding isn't really fair...when you do it to unmitigated morons, they have no choice but to agree. It's fish in a barrel. Also the looking/acting impatient and bored with them, which prompts action out of the weak-minded, is a sure-fire way to get people to agree. Dice-guy is acting like "Come on already, just agree so I can go home. I'm giving you thtre right answers here, just go with it". After all, they don't want to look stupid...because they are...stupid, and looking like it reveals their "secret" stupidity. :lol: As if everybody that knows them, doesn't know their secret.


The dumbest of all was the dude in yellow. In his effort to look informed, this Dice guy got him to dance right into the left hooks.


And The Guardian is telling us that we shouldn't call these people "Beyonce Voters". :lol: Ok, then WTF should we call them?

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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:lol: 3:42 of pure glory!


Although, this guy is a body language, and verbal language, pro. The head nodding isn't really fair...when you do it to unmitigated morons, they have no choice but to agree. It's fish in a barrel. Also the looking/acting impatient and bored with them, which prompts action out of the weak-minded, is a sure-fire way to get people to agree. Dice-guy is acting like "Come on already, just agree so I can go home. I'm giving you thtre right answers here, just go with it". After all, they don't want to look stupid...because they are...stupid, and looking like it reveals their "secret" stupidity. :lol: As if everybody that knows them, doesn't know their secret.


The dumbest of all was the dude in yellow. In his effort to look informed, this Dice guy got him to dance right into the left hooks.


And The Guardian is telling us that we shouldn't call these people "Beyonce Voters". :lol: Ok, then WTF should we call them?

This sort of thing just serves to reinforce my deeply held belief that the franchise must be restored to a privilege, as opposed to a right, and that tests for civics, and at a minimum, basic household finances, should be required.

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:lol: 3:42 of pure glory!


Although, this guy is a body language, and verbal language, pro. The head nodding isn't really fair...when you do it to unmitigated morons, they have no choice but to agree. It's fish in a barrel. Also the looking/acting impatient and bored with them, which prompts action out of the weak-minded, is a sure-fire way to get people to agree. Dice-guy is acting like "Come on already, just agree so I can go home. I'm giving you thtre right answers here, just go with it". After all, they don't want to look stupid...because they are...stupid, and looking like it reveals their "secret" stupidity. :lol: As if everybody that knows them, doesn't know their secret.


The dumbest of all was the dude in yellow. In his effort to look informed, this Dice guy got him to dance right into the left hooks.


And The Guardian is telling us that we shouldn't call these people "Beyonce Voters". :lol: Ok, then WTF should we call them?


At least the girl at 1:52 had the sense to not comment, saying that she didn't know what it was. It's sad, but the truth is that if you put a microphone in front of most people, they'll say all kinds of stupid crap, and think that they're being either intelligent or pragmatic in doing so.

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Not shown: the six hours of footage they shot to get four minutes of stupid. Which doesn't make it any less scary..."Hillary? Minorities? Of course! Now what's that bell I hear, and why am I drooling?"


I, for one, would support Sharia law in this country, only because I'm pretty sure that under Sharia law that guy at 2:22 would be executed for his outfit.

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Not shown: the six hours of footage they shot to get four minutes of stupid. Which doesn't make it any less scary..."Hillary? Minorities? Of course! Now what's that bell I hear, and why am I drooling?"


I, for one, would support Sharia law in this country, only because I'm pretty sure that under Sharia law that guy at 2:22 would be executed for his outfit.

That is the question, isn't it? How much dead footage/whats the real result?

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And of course they'd get the same embarrassing results if they sought out Trump, Carson or any other GOP supporters.

You're probably right.


A different way to ask the question is it a matter of demographic? Generally speaking are most people wandering the strand in socal more politically clueless than random people at target in Iowa? Would the results be similar or more informed?

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You're probably right.


A different way to ask the question is it a matter of demographic? Generally speaking are most people wandering the strand in socal more politically clueless than random people at target in Iowa? Would the results be similar or more informed?

I'm probably right?? You're going to find clueless people left and right no matter where you look. Hell there are people here that are clueless on certain topics. I'll be the first to admit that I am.

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Can I see the information Hillary shared?


-- no it's too secret for that.



Will you punish her for sharing it?


-- no it's not secret ENOUGH for that







Confirmed: Hillary signed NDA warning of “negligent handling” of classified info


Everyone is equal. But some are more equal than others


All secret material is secret. But some is more secret than others


Think like a Leftist

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Hillary Is Losing In Minnesota


Survey USA has released a new poll of voters in deep-blue Minnesota. The results should be alarming to Democrats everywhere. The poll shows just about every Republican tested–Ben Carson, Marco Rubio, Carly Fiorina and Donald Trump–beating Hillary Clinton, if the election were held today. Jeb Bush is +1 against Hillary, within the margin of error, and Hillary beats Ted Cruz by five points.


What’s interesting is that these are mostly voters who pull the lever for Democrats. The same Survey USA poll shows Governor Mark Dayton, Senator Al Franken and Senator Amy Klobuchar with approval ratings of 52%, 55% and 60%, respectively. Yet Minnesotans really, really don’t like Barack Obama. He currently is under water by a stunning 37%/56% margin. And that’s no fluke: polls in recent years have generally shown him with poor approval ratings in the state, notwithstanding the fact that he carried it twice.


It appears that the voters’ disapproval of the national Democrats is carrying over to Hillary Clinton. Who knows, maybe Minnesota will actually be in play next year. If a Republican were to carry the state in the 2016 presidential election, it would be the first time since 1972. But with Hillary, all things are possible.




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Hillary Is Losing In Minnesota


Survey USA has released a new poll of voters in deep-blue Minnesota. The results should be alarming to Democrats everywhere. The poll shows just about every Republican tested–Ben Carson, Marco Rubio, Carly Fiorina and Donald Trump–beating Hillary Clinton, if the election were held today. Jeb Bush is +1 against Hillary, within the margin of error, and Hillary beats Ted Cruz by five points.


What’s interesting is that these are mostly voters who pull the lever for Democrats. The same Survey USA poll shows Governor Mark Dayton, Senator Al Franken and Senator Amy Klobuchar with approval ratings of 52%, 55% and 60%, respectively. Yet Minnesotans really, really don’t like Barack Obama. He currently is under water by a stunning 37%/56% margin. And that’s no fluke: polls in recent years have generally shown him with poor approval ratings in the state, notwithstanding the fact that he carried it twice.


It appears that the voters’ disapproval of the national Democrats is carrying over to Hillary Clinton. Who knows, maybe Minnesota will actually be in play next year. If a Republican were to carry the state in the 2016 presidential election, it would be the first time since 1972. But with Hillary, all things are possible.





Is one of the people who Hillary got killed from Minnesota?

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You can bet under a President Hillary answer is "yes" ......


Will the U.S. raise the minimum wage to $15?



Politically an excellent play for her. It'll get votes now, it'll raise the pay of many people and also result in fewer people being employed. The unemployed will get government benefits and be thankful that a President Hillary is watching out for them while their evil former employer didn't give a rats' ass. Then, when the raise in the wage proves to be bad for the economy and employment, she can trash the Republicans that want to repeal it and take away better pay for the poor. Brilliant!


Dem playbook 101.

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