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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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I'll do what I always do. If I don't like either major party candidate then I'll vote for a 3rd party candidate. You can't complain about the 2 party system if you always vote for one of them.

Ideally, that's the way it should be. And it might be what I do this year. (or I might not vote at all, because it's feeling more and more useless)

Edited by Dorkington
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Ideally, that's the way it should be. And it might be what I do this year. (or I might not vote at all, because it's feeling more and more useless)


Move to Canada.


There are some nice places to rent in Nunavut



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Hillary Clinton Owns the War in Libya (And Its Horrible Aftermath)

by David Harsanyi


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Bill Clinton makes his 2016 campaign debut in Iowa

CBS News, by Hannah Fraser-Chanpong


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AMERICA’S TEST: IMAGINING A CLINTON VERSUS CARSON ELECTION. You may say Roger Simon is a dreamer, but he’s not the only one:


If you close your eyes and see Carson and Clinton standing together on a stage, you are almost envisioning a confrontation between good and evil, the forces of light and darkness, with the black man being light, of course.

I know that sounds Manichean, but there is no question that Carson is the kind of person the Founders had in mind to lead our country, the private citizen who had led a noble life come to serve the public, a soft-spoken American Cincinnatus from Johns Hopkins by way of the Detroit ghetto. Yes, they might have been surprised to find that he is black, but I suspect some of them would not have been that surprised. And, although you may not agree with everything Carson says, it’s clear his convictions come from the heart. They are not “political.”

Hillary Clinton is the antithesis. Deep down, everyone knows it.



Read the whole thing.

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CSQe1wYWoAAfgnq.pngCelebrate her birthday in style !









:lol: We're at the point in US history where one major political party (dems) defines a "great week" by getting away with lies and not being indicted.





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Clinton previews her lame ‘everything is sexism’ strategy.


Conservatives knew this was coming. Just as President Obama and his surrogates found racism in every criticism or disagreement with the commander in chief, Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton is now finding sexism in everyday remarks.

At the first Democratic presidential debate, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders said that “all the shouting in the world” would not solve gun violence.

What Americans heard: “As a senator from a rural state, what I can tell Secretary Clinton, that all the shouting in the world is not going to do what I would hope all of us want, and that is keep guns out of the hands of people who should not have those guns and end this horrible violence that we are seeing.”

What Hillary Clinton heard: SEXISM!!!!!!!1!!1!!



Sanders, of course, disagreed with Clinton's characterization of his remarks, and said in a Sunday interview that "what the secretary is doing there is taking words and misapplying them."

Prepare for another 12 months of this, if Clinton is indeed the Democratic nominee.






Well, it’s not as if she can run on her record, you know.


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Is there a Hillary supporter reading this that can help me understand why they think she is remotely qualified to be President let alone the Democrat nominee? It's fair to say that she isn't honest, has experience but no real accomplishments and is a far cry from the "common man" that Democrats say they represent. Is it that she plays for your team and is the best that your team can put forth or is it more about hatred for the other side (Republicans)? Does she even understand the big fiscal issues we face as a nation and does she have any solutions to solve those? Solutions that don't simply deploy the old tired greater taxing and spending tools? Does she know anything about growing an economy and does she have a plan for that? Can we excuse her poor record as SOS and believe that as a President she will do much better on foreign policy matters? Is she really going to go farther than Obama on helping illegal immigrants get citizenship while at the same time making it harder for Americans on the lower part of the economic scale get jobs?


Please, somebody from the left, help me understand.

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Is there a Hillary supporter reading this that can help me understand why they think she is remotely qualified to be President let alone the Democrat nominee? It's fair to say that she isn't honest, has experience but no real accomplishments and is a far cry from the "common man" that Democrats say they represent. Is it that she plays for your team and is the best that your team can put forth or is it more about hatred for the other side (Republicans)? Does she even understand the big fiscal issues we face as a nation and does she have any solutions to solve those? Solutions that don't simply deploy the old tired greater taxing and spending tools? Does she know anything about growing an economy and does she have a plan for that? Can we excuse for poor record as SOS and believe that as a President she will do much better on foreign policy matters? Is she really going to go farther than Obama on helping illegal immigrants get citizenship while at the same time making it harder for Americans on the lower part of the economic scale get jobs?


Please, somebody from the left, help me understand.


Questions answered.

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Is there a Hillary supporter reading this that can help me understand why they think she is remotely qualified to be President let alone the Democrat nominee? It's fair to say that she isn't honest, has experience but no real accomplishments and is a far cry from the "common man" that Democrats say they represent. Is it that she plays for your team and is the best that your team can put forth that you think can win or is it more about hatred for the other side (Republicans)? Does she even understand the big fiscal issues we face as a nation and does she have any solutions to solve those? Solutions that don't simply deploy the old tired greater taxing and spending tools? Does she know anything about growing an economy and does she have a plan for that? Can we excuse for poor record as SOS and believe that as a President she will do much better on foreign policy matters? Is she really going to go farther than Obama on helping illegal immigrants get citizenship while at the same time making it harder for Americans on the lower part of the economic scale get jobs?


Please, somebody from the left, help me understand.


Fixed and answered.


One more to add. Hillary voted for the Iraq War. Why is this now acceptable?

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All too believable.............................






Elliot Spitzer: I buried plan to give illegal immigrants licenses to help Hillary

by Geoff Earle


If Spitzer did indeed scuttle a plan he thought was good for the




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If Ellliot did indeed scuttle a plan he thought would be beneficial to the residents of his state in order to help Hillary get elected, then he's even more of a scum bag than I thought. Edited by reddogblitz
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If Ellliot did indeed scuttle a plan he thought would be beneficial to the residents of his state in order to help Hillary get elected, then he's even more of a scum bag than I thought.

Except he made the right decision not to grant driver's licenses to illegal immigrants. Unfortunately he was right for the wrong reason.

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