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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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I've heard that rumor as Bill, Hillary, and Markie all in Air Force One, in the President's suite, together. And I've heard that from a few independent sources, in a position to be aware.


To be honest, my view has always been: if true, good for them. Markie Post was a looker back-in-the-day.



Looks like Kermit hopped in there too.............................




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I used to watch Night Court, just for her. In my defense, it was quite a while ago, and I was just a kid.

That was the only reason ANYONE watched Night Court. (Besides being too lazy to get up and change the channel between Cheers & Hill Street Blues.)

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Hillary’s TPP Switch Shows She’ll Sell Out Anybody To Get Elected.






WOMAN OF THE PEOPLE: More CEOs donate to Clinton than to any GOP candidate.



The GOP is often considered the party of business — but it looks like the nation’s CEOs may not agree.

Hillary Clinton has received more donations from CEOs than any Republican candidate so far this year, according to a Big Crunch analysis of the last complete batch of individual Federal Election Commission records.

More than 760 people have given to Clinton’s campaign and identified their occupations as “CEO” or a variation of “chief executive” — that’s about as many CEO backers as Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz combined.



They know that her class-warfare rhetoric is just a smokescreen for feathering their nest in exchange for donations and speaking fees. Just like President Goldman Sachs. Or, should I say, President Goldman Sachs The First.






Related: Everyday Americans: Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Bankrolled by Corporate Law Firms, Lobbyists, Wall Street Banks, Ivy League Stiffs.

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But you will still not only vote for her but also defend her during the general election and at least the first 2 years of her term

Vote for her, maybe. I'll vote for the lesser evil candidate, generally speaking. Defend her? Only when warranted. Generally speaking, the public doesn't get candidates that actually represent them... they get a field of candidates that are selected by the powers that be, and then we choose the one that's closest to what we want... even if 'closest' isn't all that close. It's kind of a !@#$ed up system at this point.

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Vote for her, maybe. I'll vote for the lesser evil candidate, generally speaking. Defend her? Only when warranted. Generally speaking, the public doesn't get candidates that actually represent them... they get a field of candidates that are selected by the powers that be, and then we choose the one that's closest to what we want... even if 'closest' isn't all that close. It's kind of a !@#$ed up system at this point.

Yes you'll vote for her but...

Yes you'll defend her but...


So what you're saying is you will fall in line.

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Vote for her, maybe. I'll vote for the lesser evil candidate, generally speaking. Defend her? Only when warranted. Generally speaking, the public doesn't get candidates that actually represent them... they get a field of candidates that are selected by the powers that be, and then we choose the one that's closest to what we want... even if 'closest' isn't all that close. It's kind of a !@#$ed up system at this point.


This is the reasoning for the two party system.

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She will be president.


If the unlikely event she's not, then it's Trump.


My wife and I are already making plans to be out of here before inauguration...there is not one single candidate currently running that isn't going to !@#$ up this country.

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If the unlikely event she's not, then it's Trump.


My wife and I are already making plans to be out of here before inauguration...there is not one single candidate currently running that isn't going to !@#$ up this country.

Don't go to the new commie Canada. Dumb people and commies are a toxic mix.

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If the unlikely event she's not, then it's Trump.


My wife and I are already making plans to be out of here before inauguration...there is not one single candidate currently running that isn't going to !@#$ up this country.


I hear Syria is nice...

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