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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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When will she learn how to drive a car.

That should be a requisite to be President.

The same day she stops getting free rides in c40's. Oh wait aren't we supposed to be angry at the 1% and their private jets? No thats different were mad at people who pay for the jets themselves. ..the ones who get taxpayers to foot the bill for free flights are heros of the middle class and champions of womens equality.



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5SsWky7s_normal.png Hillary Clinton


Hillary on the enemies she's proud to have made: "The NRA, health insurance companies, drug companies, the Iranians...and the Republicans."


:lol: If drug companies are her enemy, just imagine how cordial she is with her friends:




J_Mq7AKo_normal.jpeg The Hill


Clinton tops 2016 field in donations from drug industry http://hill.cm/PbKMfgC


Just look how serious Hillary is about battling her ‘enemy’ drug companies..............................She must be "IN THEIR POCKET" right liberals ? that's how it works

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Jazz Shaw: Hillary’s gun confiscation proposal is going to backfire in a big way.


“Before moving on to the latest news on this story, it’s worth noting (particularly for Hillary Clinton’s campaign office) that the immediate results of the Australian gun grab were pretty much the opposite of what was advertised.”




As AP already noted, this is a winning strategy for Clinton in the primary because her base has largely been sold on the idea of things like expanded background checks at the federal level and a national gun registry. (!) How they will react to actual gun confiscation from law abiding owners remains to be seen. But when it comes to the general election, Clinton has a serious storm brewing on the horizon. Regarding a ban on all semi-automatic weapons, including handguns, the public has been consistent in their response for decades. As of last year there was 73% opposition to such a ban, and 63% said that a home was safer if there was a gun in the house.

Those numbers don’t shift when there is a mass shooting. They never do in any significant way. So with all that in mind, I think we need to encourage Hillary to pick up this flag and run with it. In fact, I’m going to go on record as supporting Hillary to be the nominee for the Democrats next year. This is just what the Democrats need and I look forward to her explaining her gun confiscation plans to the public when she debates the eventual GOP nominee.

That ship is going to sink so fast it will make the Titanic look like a sure bet to make it to New York.



Seems likely.







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Jazz Shaw: Hillarys gun confiscation proposal is going to backfire in a big way.


Before moving on to the latest news on this story, its worth noting (particularly for Hillary Clintons campaign office) that the immediate results of the Australian gun grab were pretty much the opposite of what was advertised.





As AP already noted, this is a winning strategy for Clinton in the primary because her base has largely been sold on the idea of things like expanded background checks at the federal level and a national gun registry. (!) How they will react to actual gun confiscation from law abiding owners remains to be seen. But when it comes to the general election, Clinton has a serious storm brewing on the horizon. Regarding a ban on all semi-automatic weapons, including handguns, the public has been consistent in their response for decades. As of last year there was 73% opposition to such a ban, and 63% said that a home was safer if there was a gun in the house.

Those numbers dont shift when there is a mass shooting. They never do in any significant way. So with all that in mind, I think we need to encourage Hillary to pick up this flag and run with it. In fact, Im going to go on record as supporting Hillary to be the nominee for the Democrats next year. This is just what the Democrats need and I look forward to her explaining her gun confiscation plans to the public when she debates the eventual GOP nominee.

That ship is going to sink so fast it will make the Titanic look like a sure bet to make it to New York.


Seems likely.









She is such a hypocritical pandering asshat. How is she allowed to get away with constantly speaking out of both sides of her mouth and flip flipping. Ugh for un explainable reasons the media loves running cover for her and protecting her. Its disgusting.

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She is such a hypocritical pandering asshat. How is she allowed to get away with constantly speaking out of both sides of her mouth and flip flipping. Ugh for un explainable reasons the media loves running cover for her and protecting her. Its disgusting.

It's not "unexplainable."

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And neither one had any practical use. ;)

Haha! I would argue that this is the only p​ractical use it's had post-Chelsea.



Ok then Mr. Hillary. Go ahead and explain it.

Um, she is currently the top democratic candidate and no one wants to scorn a bunch of women.

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Ok then Mr. Hillary. Go ahead and explain it.

Um, she is currently the top democratic candidate and no one wants to scorn a bunch of women.


That and the MSM is liberal. They'll ignore her numerous faults just because she's got a "D" next to her name. If she had been a Repub, she'd have had to drop out months ago.

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That and the MSM is liberal. They'll ignore her numerous faults just because she's got a "D" next to her name. If she had been a Repub, she'd have had to drop out months ago.


Remember "bimbo eruptions?" Yeah, neither does anyone else.


I wish that would come up somewhere, in response to the "Republican war on women."

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Remember "bimbo eruptions?" Yeah, neither does anyone else.


I wish that would come up somewhere, in response to the "Republican war on women."


I'm hoping it comes up when the Repub nominee debates the Dem nominee, assuming it's Shrill.

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Well clearly the Dems aren't responsible for anything other than "cleaning up other peoples messes."

Of course they're oblivious to the messes they've created that the entire country has to deal with, but they know how to point fingers... and talk southern.

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