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Which thread?

since it's no longer available on the dem debate thread, i'll repeat it here: you are among the many shameless, intellectually dishonest and simultaneously fearful (of honest, straight forward, civil debate) posters here on PPP.

Edited by birdog1960
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since it's no longer available on the dem debate thread, i'll repeat it here: you are among the many shameless, intellectually dishonest and simultaneously fearful (of honest, straight forward, civil debate) posters here on PPP.


Give me a reason why.

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since it's no longer available on the dem debate thread, i'll repeat it here: you are among the many shameless, intellectually dishonest and simultaneously fearful (of honest, straight forward, civil debate) posters here on PPP.


:lol: You're a loon.


The thread starter probably deleted it himself, because you hijacked with an incoherent rant about how a $15 minimum wage would prevent foreclosures.

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lets start with the thread deletion.


You're referring to a thread that was deleted that I admitted ignorance on, and using that accuse me of, your words "shameless, intellectually dishonest and simultaneously fearful"?


That's your argument?

Edited by meazza
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i'm pretty sure deleting an entire thread revealing several of the establishment crowd here as fools is a bigger puzzy act.


And you're responding to my post with this for what reason?

lets start with the thread deletion.


I think the original poster deleted it to save you from further embarrassment.

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Steve Kroft: Did you know about Hillary Clinton’s use of private email server–

President Barack Obama: No.

Steve Kroft: –while she was Secretary of State?

President Barack Obama: No.


I wonder about this. How could he not know? Didn't he notice that email from her was from h@clinton.com or whatever it was as opposed to her official government account?

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I wonder about this. How could he not know? Didn't he notice that email from her was from h@clinton.com or whatever it was as opposed to her official government account?


You'd think...but who knows? Maybe he gets his emails printed for some reason (that we don't know about, wouldn't understand, and wouldn't make sense anyway - government bureaucracy does bizarre things.) Maybe they didn't communicate often outside of Cabinet meetings (entirely possible - they set foreign policy in meetings, and senior staffers at State and the White House communicate on the details without Obama and Clinton having to get involved). Maybe they found the phone better and easier than emails. Hell, maybe the email client the White House uses (almost certainly Outlook) displays the name instead of the full email address, so Obama never noticed.


There's enough ways he could have not noticed that I don't particularly wonder about it. Hell, if I had to bet...I'd say he never read them electronically, but was forced to read print-outs due to some weird administrivia nonsense he couldn't get around.


Who was the original poster? Gator?


B-Man. It was his "Democratic Debates" thread, which morphed in to birddog wondering about some sort of connection between "repug" states having low minimum wage and high foreclosure rates, because the CA real estate market is underwater. Or something. It was one of his usual discordant rants where he jumps from A to B to Q to gamma to the number seven to a Chinese pictogram, then bitches that we didn't understand "hyu" because we don't read the classics, because he implicitly pointed it out clearly. :wacko:


Some of his finer work, really. I thought "implicitly pointed out" was a fine touch of crazy-stupid irony.

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You'd think...but who knows? Maybe he gets his emails printed for some reason (that we don't know about, wouldn't understand, and wouldn't make sense anyway - government bureaucracy does bizarre things.) Maybe they didn't communicate often outside of Cabinet meetings (entirely possible - they set foreign policy in meetings, and senior staffers at State and the White House communicate on the details without Obama and Clinton having to get involved). Maybe they found the phone better and easier than emails. Hell, maybe the email client the White House uses (almost certainly Outlook) displays the name instead of the full email address, so Obama never noticed.


There's enough ways he could have not noticed that I don't particularly wonder about it. Hell, if I had to bet...I'd say he never read them electronically, but was forced to read print-outs due to some weird administrivia nonsense he couldn't get around.


B-Man. It was his "Democratic Debates" thread, which morphed in to birddog wondering about some sort of connection between "repug" states having low minimum wage and high foreclosure rates, because the CA real estate market is underwater. Or something. It was one of his usual discordant rants where he jumps from A to B to Q to gamma to the number seven to a Chinese pictogram, then bitches that we didn't understand "hyu" because we don't read the classics, because he implicitly pointed it out clearly. :wacko:


Some of his finer work, really. I thought "implicitly pointed out" was a fine touch of crazy-stupid irony.


I remember now. Silly of me not to remember a thread in which I participated very sparsely except for the moment where I called him a condescending piece of ****.

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I remember now. Silly of me not to remember a thread in which I participated very sparsely except for the moment where I called him a condescending piece of ****.

And he responds to my post about Wawrow being a puzzy for putting me on ignore because he didn't like my music by saying it's almost as much as being a puzzy for deleting a thread as if I was the one who deleted it. Whacked. Edited by Chef Jim
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And he responds to my post about Wawrow being a puzzy for putting me on ignore because he didn't like my music buy saying it's almost as much as being a puzzy for deleting a thread as if I was the one who deleted it. Whacked.


Persecution complex. Professional victim, like most die-hard liberals.

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Persecution complex. Professional victim, like most die-hard liberals.

Little known although seemingly obvious fact:


Persecution complex was named for whiny drummers, cymbal players and xylophonists who felt they got too little credit for the success of orchestras.

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:lol: You're a loon.


The thread starter probably deleted it himself, because you hijacked with an incoherent rant about how a $15 minimum wage would prevent foreclosures.



We have a winner,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,please no more calls............... B-)






MEGAN MCARDLE: Democrats Wasted Their Chance to Test Clinton.




Why You Actually Should Care About Hillary Clinton’s Damn Emails.




Edited by B-Man
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I might have made one of the last posts in that thread where I pointed out that LA said Kalifornya had a minimum wage of less than $15.00 an hour. birdbrain took it to mean the median income - which to be fair is what his original statement on the subject mentioned, i.e., median not minimum. But that didn't stop him from running to get some stats that showed the median income was over the magical $15/hr. and he started calling everyone dishonest and liars. The guy has some real issues but that's what you get when you've been marinating in a liberal milieu for your entire life.

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Anyone notice the terrific job the FBI did getting retired agents on TV to complain?


The FBI, not Bernie Sanders, has the last word on Hillary’s emails

Original Article






Hillary’s hilarity


CNN’s Jake Tapper interviewed Madam Hillary for the State of the Union show to be broadcast tomorrow. In an excerpt of the interview , Tapper asks her about the FBI investigation of nobody for nothing in particular. Clinton displayed her new approach to the question. She’s laughing it off. Or, rather, fake laughing it off.






Will any of her democrat supporters please comment ?



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