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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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So essentially you've adopted the Obama Doctrine as your official PPP policy. That makes you so much less of an idiot.


Careful, he might put you on ignore.

Posted in the shoutbox by the pedophile support & anti semite



photo-thumb-7030.jpg?_r=0@ JTSP : (07 October 2015 - 09:45 PM) russia, kicking ass and taking names in syria
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He opens a page on PPP and it looks like this:













































































Posted Yesterday, 8:03 PM

JTSP: Yer all a bunch of scum! Ya hear me... SCUM! So I put you all on Ignore! :nana:


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Hillary Clinton: I Totally Oppose The Trans-Pacific Trade Agreement I Negotiated In 2012, even though “In her 2014 memoir, Hillary Clinton listed the negotiation of TPP as one of her key accomplishments as Sec. of State.”


As Twitchy asks, “Did TPP flip-flopper Hillary even READ her book before sending it to GOP candidates?”.... :lol:






Jack Tapper of CNN notes: “45 times Secretary Clinton pushed the trade bill she now opposes.”




And don’t get her started on NAFTA, either, which further demonstrates the paradox of Hillary’s campaign. It’s entirely based on the good time nostalgia of the 1990s, even though she has repudiated seemingly every aspect of her husband’s post-Reagan centrism that helped to create it, as part of her increasingly quixotic efforts to lock down her party’s radical socialist base.

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The funniest part to me is that he put me on ignore not for what I said in PPP, but for repeating JTSP's own football drivel. Specifically how JTSP said Watkins reminded him more of a DB than a WR. :lol: Talk about a guy in desperate need of a testicular upgrade...


That's nothing. Warrow put me on ignore because I have different tastes in music. Talk about a puzzy. :doh:

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Frankly, Hill'ry's blending of smoke and mirrors, hand-waving, laughing dismissals, and righteous indignation, along with her ability to camouflage her complete lack of actual achievement, could be considered her biggest (and only) achievement. Look where it got her: She's running for POTUS!


Shame on us, eh?

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Accomplishments are for Eurocentric Patriachial Heteronormatives. Your Microaggression® offends me



This is a deep one, but, reading this reminds me of: "Stop trying to make fetch happen. It's not going to happen."


For those on the outside: These made up words have 0 chance of entering the average Joe's lexicon. That's the objective here: come up with words that project erudition. All these words project is "how do you like them apples" grad student guy's epic bar fail.


And, unlike in the business world, where every time somebody comes up with something meaningful, like "out of the box"(that actually started with puzzle which required thought), and legions of idiots(none of whom could solve the puzzle) turn it into a cliche in a matter of months?


Nobody wants to say these words so that they can sound smart too. That's because the only thing you sound like when you say these words is: a butthurt twit.


I guarantee I can get more people to say "butthurt twit" in the next year, than they can twist college freshman into saying heteronormative.



Used in a sentence: JTSP's crusade of inanity reveals to us all that he is nothing more than a butthurt twit.

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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Frankly, Hill'ry's blending of smoke and mirrors, hand-waving, laughing dismissals, and righteous indignation, along with her ability to camouflage her complete lack of actual achievement, could be considered her biggest (and only) achievement. Look where it got her: She's running for POTUS!


Shame on us, eh?

She is such a fraud. She has literally accomplished nothing.


The irony of how the left portrays her as a feminist hero, but in reality she is married to and condones a serial misogynist pervert. Ironic.

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Lost in debate news – Obama walks back Hillary server defense


Hillary Clinton supporters understandably are happy after last night’s debate. The motley crew of challengers on stage were incapable of stringing sentences together, much less taking on Clinton directly. Bernie Sanders’ demand that the media leave Hillary alone on her server also was a boost to her narrative of “nothing to see here, move along.”


But that good night masked the fact that in the real world, the server is a serious problem legally and politically.


When Obama was interviewed on 60 Minutes last Sunday, he seemed to be signaling there was nothing to Hillary’s server problem, Obama pretty much signaled Justice to lay off Hillary:

Steve Kroft: Did you know about Hillary Clinton’s use of private email server–

President Barack Obama: No.

Steve Kroft: –while she was Secretary of State?

President Barack Obama: No.

Steve Kroft: Do you think it posed a national security problem?

President Barack Obama: I don’t think it posed a national security problem….



That was a fairly outrageous statement to make considering the FBI is still investigating, and could be seen as an interference in DOJ evaluation of the case. Did Obama know something the rest of us don’t know? Were the FBI and DOJ sharing information about the investigation with Obama?


Now Obama is walking it back:



The White House on Tuesday backtracked on President Barack Obama’s blanket assertion earlier this week that Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server as secretary of state didn’t pose a national security threat.

Asked outright in an interview on CBS’ “60 Minutes,” Obama said, “I don’t think it posed a national security problem.”

But asked how the President was able to make such a definitive statement even as the FBI is looking into the server’s security, White House press secretary Josh Earnest clarified that Obama’s statement was made “based on what we publicly know now.”



“The President was making an observation about what we know so far, which is that Secretary Clinton herself has turned over a bunch of email to the State Department, and the review of that email has garnered some differing assessments about what’s included in there,” Earnest said.


The President’s comment was “certainly was not an attempt, in any way, to undermine the importance or independence of the ongoing FBI investigation,” Earnest said, stressing that Obama “has a healthy respect for the kinds of independent investigations that are conducted by inspectors general and, where necessary, by the FBI.”



The walk-back could be because the security issues are getting worse, not better, as AP reports, Clinton email server setup risked intrusions:



It's a good thing this is only a far-right issue......... :lol:




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How did Hillary 'look at' secret text of Obamatrade?



VIDEO: Local newscaster harder on Hillary than Anderson Cooper...



Republicans will not let her off so easy...



When the former secretary of state praised Libya — now a cauldron of chaos and Islamist militias — as “smart power at its best,” nobody scoffed. When she was challenged about her e-mail practices, a controversy that has concerned many voters, her top rival Bernie Sanders actually stepped in to dismiss the question. Americans are “tired of hearing about” it, he said.


For a night, the Democratic primary looked like what it was supposed to be a year ago: a coronation. On stage stood one dominant candidate, surrounded by others with other goals that didn’t include actually taking her down.


For Clinton, this night was a win. But it wasn’t great preparation. If Clinton is the Democratic nominee, she will face a Republican candidate who sees the very things she talked about Tuesday — Libya, the e-mails, and her closeness with President Obama — as weapons to use against her.

“She won’t be so lucky when it comes to me!” wrote GOP front-runner Donald Trump on Twitter, deriding Clinton’s opponents as “the B-team.”


Rich Galen, a Utah-based GOP strategist, said he imagined much of what Clinton said Tuesday night making its way into television spots to benefit Republican candidates next year.

“She was like a walking 30-second ad script,” Galen said. “Having such a weak field is such a double-edged sword for her. She doesn’t get challenged on that.”


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I was wondering what happened to that thread... Too bad the old board wasn't nuked either... That was a real hoot w/the PPP establishment!

yes, but" ignore is for puzzies". reminds me of the students at a college my wife taught at for a while. they all seemed determined to be unique. there was this trend that they dressed mostly in black. it was supposed to be cool…but then it wasn't. because it was the norm.


kind of like here and being a renegade yet simultaneously being an establishment conservative, at least for this little "campus". oh yeah, and the establishment controls the school newspaper.


no idea what is meant by the "old board". enlighten me.

Edited by birdog1960
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