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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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Russia wants to fight against ISIS. What's the problem with that? Besides, we're kindof of busy right now in Iraq and Afghanistan (and have been for 14 years). Let the rooskies handle this one. Why do we care?


Clinton never saw a war she didn't like.


That's not what the Russians are doing.

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What exactly are they doing then?


Got any sitable information that you can give us?


Or this you once again disagreeing and offering nothing to support your point?




And yes, yes I do. But I shouldn't need to. Read the damn news.

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I see. Just as I though.


Just another case once again disagreeing and offering nothing to support your point.


I don't feel particularly compelled to support a point that is SO widely reported that you can only disagree with it by being massively and willfully ignorant. I've read three articles on the topic today (one of which was a very interesting discussion of the Iranian Special Forces that started arriving in Syria today, at Assad's request, under command of the Iranian general who helped plan the Russian intervention), any of which you could find if you actually cared what was happening.


In other words: you're a willful idiot, and it's not my problem to address.

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This is about turnout, or more precisely, lack there of.


Obama won in 2012 based mostly on historically disproportionate turnout(and no, it's not just stuffed ballot boxes) among African Americans. So disproportionate, that the Gallup, 30k sample, electoral demographic poll was in error: for the the first time ever.


The question is: Can any Democrat get that # of African Americans to the polls in 2016?


Right now, the answer seems to be: doubtful. Essentially, one of 2 big reasons Obama won isn't going to be there this time. The other reason: 3-5 million R voters(depending on whose study) staying home. That depends on all sorts of things, and we won't know what happens with this until ~OCT 2016 at the earliest.


In all cases, Hillary, Bernie and Biden are all old white people. With the left playing so much identity politics in the last few years, it's quite possible that their own actions depress the turnout of their own voters. Why would blacks, latinos, and Asians show up to vote for the people they've been told are oppressing them and microagressing them, and all that crap? Ds losing minority turnout due to their own race baiting, and losing the general in a electoral college landslide as a result? Now that would be hilarious "social justice".

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Russia wants to fight against ISIS. What's the problem with that? Besides, we're kindof of busy right now in Iraq and Afghanistan (and have been for 14 years). Let the rooskies handle this one. Why do we care?


Clinton never saw a war she didn't like.

Russia wants to save Assad, ISIS is only part of the groups they will target. They will go after all the terrorists, including those backed by US.... yes thats exactly what the so-called "moderates" are, and we'd certainly label them terrorists if they were on the other side. Russia knows that if Assad falls Syria will turn into an even bigger quagmire than Iraq. US policy is so irresponsible and reckless

Edited by JTSP
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Russia wants to save Assad, ISIS is only part of the groups they will target. They will go after all the terrorists, including those backed by US.... yes thats exactly what the so-called "moderates" are, and we'd certainly label them that if they were on the other side. Russia knows that if Assad falls Syria will turn into an even bigger quagmire than Iraq. US policy is so irresponsible and reckless

Yeah, and whose been in charge of said policy for the last 7 years? And, who was Secretary of State for most of that time?


Who the F cut and run in Iraq, which allowed ISIS to be formed in the first place? Who made the USA into a paper tiger, for real this time, by creating a "red line" in Syria and then doing nothing?


We can't debate whether the decision to go into Iraq was a good one. You know why? That was 10 damn years ago. It doesn't matter in the here and now. It was foolhardy to give up ground we lost men to get, and to leave material in the hands of chickenshits.


You're right: Obama's time has been nothing if not feckless. Hillary completely failed to achieve a single policy goal set before her.


I'm glad you're doing such a good job pointing all this out. Know why? We've been heariing since the 80s that negotiation, the UN, and "engagement" were the enlightened path, and that if only Ds were in power, these things would be much more effective than the "war mongering" ways of Reagan et al.


Well, they did get power, and got to try out all their "solutions", diplomatic contrivances, and silver bullet strategies. Now, the American people have recieved an object lesson in just how badly they fail, and just how incompetent the left truly is on foreign policy matters.


All Obama/Hillary have done is fumble the ball, throw INTs, and get sacked. Show me a single, serious, place in the world where things have gotten better, either for US interests, or humanity's interests.


You cannot. Don't bother lying to me, or worse, yourself.

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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buh bye OC, youve just landed in ignoresville with the other bottom feeders like 4mer and greggy. id like to say it was nice knowing you, but it wasnt. So Ill just say glad youre gone

Ha! I love it when they do this. Now I can talk smack about them all I want, and the best they can hope for is somebody quoting it.


The very best: the clown can't respond to a single "reasoned dissent" I posted. But, yeah, I'm the bottom feeder.


You know the part about "you've had your chance to demonstrate just how badly you suck at foreign policy" was the deal closer.


Disproportionate Emotional Response. Or...Der. :lol: Always lets you know when you've thrown a KO punch.

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What exactly are they doing then?


Got any sitable information that you can give us?


Or this you once again disagreeing and offering nothing to support your point?

Shirley, you can't be Sirius.

90% of the Russian air strikes have been against non-ISIS targets. They're trying to eliminate Assad's opposition, leaving only ISIS and Assad as the choices. So B. O. can draw another red line in the sand and walk away for all Putin and Iran care.

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buh bye OC, youve just landed in ignoresville with the other bottom feeders like 4mer and greggy. id like to say it was nice knowing you, but it wasnt. So Ill just say glad youre gone


So essentially you've adopted the Obama Doctrine as your official PPP policy. That makes you so much less of an idiot.

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