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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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Hillary explains difference in her email story VS State Dept...................... "I don't know that. I can't answer that,"






There's your democrat party 'leader'



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Clinton started editing emails 8 months earlier than thought

by Sarah Westwood


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Clinton ´can´t answer´ why State Department demanded her emails as new report says investigators focused only on her – not on all former secretaries of state

by J. Taylor Rushing


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State Department officials were unaware that Clinton had been using a private email setup until the spring of 2014.

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Hillary personally signed deal that let top aide Abedin collect 2 salaries







John Fund: Democrats Wake Up to How Bad a Liar Hillary Is.



Of course, if she was good at it........................they wouldn't care..............




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Hillary personally signed deal that let top aide Abedin collect 2 salaries


http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/sep/24/hillary-clinton-signed-deal-let-huma-abedin-double/ …





John Fund: Democrats Wake Up to How Bad a Liar Hillary Is.



Of course, if she was good at it........................they wouldn't care..............




From your link:


Many Democrats pine for the days when Bill Clinton could talk himself out of almost anything. Now Clinton biographer David Maraniss says it’s becoming obvious that while Bill is an “authentic phony,” the hapless Hillary is just a “phony phony.”



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I guess we'll dump this while the Pope is here and Boehner resigns



Officials: More work emails from Clinton's private account http://apne.ws/1jiCtZh


WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration has discovered a chain of emails that Hillary Rodham Clinton failed to turn over when she provided what she said was the full record of work-related correspondence as secretary of state, officials said Friday, adding to the growing questions related to the Democratic presidential front-runner's unusual usage of a private email account and server while in government.



FLASHBACK: Clinton submitted formal certification, under penalty of perjury, that she had turned over all work email http://www.politico.com/blogs/under-the-radar/2015/08/hillary-clinton-certifies-email-handover-but-aides-demur-212074


Perjury? You mean like illegal and automatic disqualification for higher office or something?



She's going to need something bigger than Lenny's junk to distract from this............... bit.ly/1MLvZyu

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LOL..................This what passes for 'journalism' these days








Karen Finney is a political commentator for MSNBC and Brad Woodhouse is the president of the progressive advocacy group Americans United for Change and the Democratic Super PAC American Bridge



So remember, we've been instructed.............................it's time to move on.................. :doh:

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Washington Post: Hillary Clinton’s incomplete timeline on her personal e-mail account.






In 2008, NBC waited until Obama was securely in place as the Democrat nominee before beginning their search and destroy mission on Hillary. That culminated in Keith Olbermann’s violent eliminationist rhetoric in late April of that year, demanding “Somebody who can take her into a room and only he comes out.”


If not Hillary, which Democrat has NBC’s corporate backing this time around?






Spielberg tried – and failed – to make Hillary seem likeable.

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LOL....................even Media-ite questioning the post MTP 'spin'


Hillary Supporters All Have Suspiciously Identical Feelings About Meet the Press Interview


Questions on @HillaryClinton's emails on this morning's #MTP? Asked and answered. Time to move on.



Now at first, it may appear that these responses were all coordinated in some fashion. However, it would be against the law for campaign officials to coordinate with a pro-Clinton Super PAC director like Brad Woodhouse. So clearly it’s a coincidence that his tweet was identical to Clinton staffer Karen Finney’s.









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LOL....................even Media-ite questioning the post MTP 'spin'


Hillary Supporters All Have Suspiciously Identical Feelings About Meet the Press Interview



Now at first, it may appear that these responses were all coordinated in some fashion. However, it would be against the law for campaign officials to coordinate with a pro-Clinton Super PAC director like Brad Woodhouse. So clearly it’s a coincidence that his tweet was identical to Clinton staffer Karen Finney’s.





It is not, however, illegal for her attorneys to coordinate with them.


That's exactly what they used to do 20 years ago. Just re-read George Snuffelupagus' book - he outlines this whole strategy Hillary's people are using. It's so straight out of the play book, you wonder if Dick Morris is advising her behind the scenes again.

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LOL....................even Media-ite questioning the post MTP 'spin'


Hillary Supporters All Have Suspiciously Identical Feelings About Meet the Press Interview




Now at first, it may appear that these responses were all coordinated in some fashion. However, it would be against the law for campaign officials to coordinate with a pro-Clinton Super PAC director like Brad Woodhouse. So clearly it’s a coincidence that his tweet was identical to Clinton staffer Karen Finney’s.









:lol: that's my favorite meme yet.

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When you don't know who you are, it's impossible to know how you are different.


Hillary Utterly Unable to Answer How She’s Different from Barack, Bill
Mediaite, by J.D. Durkin


On Monday afternoon, Meet The Press host Chuck Todd debuted his MTP Daily by airing Part 2 of his sit down with Secretary Hillary Clinton, and by the looks of things the struggling Democratic frontrunner should have stopped there.


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Hillary Clinton not sure if Bill Clinton would get West Wing office.


Perhaps they could set up some rooms in the Hays-Adams Hotel ?





How Hillary wrecked the State Department’s digital information system.

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You had to know this was coming.



Valerie Jarrett Throws Hillary Under the Bus on the Email Scandal
by Patrick Howley


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New batch of Hillary Clinton emails includes 215 classified messages – more than 1 in every 18 – as the number of state
secrets on her private server Doubles

Daily Mail (UK), by David Martosko, Francesca Chambers,*


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Did Hillary Clinton Spike CBS´ Coverage Of Benghazi?
Investor´s Business Daily, by Editorial


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