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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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MARC THIESSEN: An Ominous Precedent For Hillary Clinton.


Hillary Clinton likes to point out that she is not the first senior national security official to conduct official business on a home computer system. She’s right about that, but the precedent should not give the Democratic presidential front-runner much comfort. Former CIA director John Deutch was also found to have stored classified documents — including top-secret intelligence — on computers in his homes in Bethesda and Belmont, Mass., leading to an investigation by the CIA inspector general and a criminal investigation by the Justice Department. Deutch was stripped of his security clearance and ended up reaching a plea agreement admitting to his crimes — but was saved by a last-minute pardon from none other than . . . President Bill Clinton. The parallels between the Deutch and Clinton cases suggest that come January 2017, instead of planning her presidential transition, Clinton may find herself lobbying for a last-minute pardon of her own.”






Hillary Clinton’s Sycophantic Inner Circle
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And I think many of us on the right feel the same way and IMO this is fantastic news. The two parties need to be blown up. Not blown up and put back together just blown the !@#$ up!

I agree, but also think that Trump could be the one responsible for blowing up the Republican party. That would be bad unless the same happened to the Dems.

What if they gave an election and no one came?

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She is suffering the consequences, for the first time I feel that she has a real distinct possibility of losing the primaries. She is losing even in states like Pennsylvania and Michigan by 5+ points vs the top tier GOP candidates. That is bad if you are a Democrat. On the flip side, every single day that passes, Trump has gained strength and he is the only major candidate that is losing vs. Hillary in these very same polls. At this stage, my guess is they will do the same thing Claire Mccaskill did in MO.


She didn't want to go up against the establishment candidate, she was being beaten by around 10 points on average. So they mettled in the primaries, and they actually ran ads for Todd Akin.


And Claire was able to help tip the scales just enough for Akin to win, and then of course she beat him in a conservative state like MO.


But Hillary is looking weak.

Akin beat himself with two words: legitimate rape. Nothing McKaskill did put her in office.
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Akin beat himself with two words: legitimate rape. Nothing McKaskill did put her in office.


How I helped Todd Akin win


it was August 7, 2012, and I was standing in my hotel room in Kansas City about to shotgun a beer for the first time in my life. I had just made the biggest gamble of my political career—a $1.7 million gamble—and it had paid off. Running for reelection to the U.S. Senate as a Democrat from Missouri, I had successfully manipulated the Republican primary so that in the general election I would face the candidate I was most likely to beat.



She absolutely did have something to do with the outcome. I remember this all too well, well before I ever read this article.


Akin was lagging big time, third place. Claire spent more money on his campaign in ads for Akin in the last two weeks than Akin did for his entire primary campaign.

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Say, is this first Godwin’s Law violation of the 2016 campaign? It won’t be the last:


, a little Nazi allusion to go with yesterday’s
from someone who once said, as a United States senator,
Not only was she adamantly against illegal immigrants, she called for creating a national entry/exit ID card to keep track of people who’ve been admitted to the country legally
— and maybe not just those people. Quote: “Although I’m not a big fan of it, we might have to move towards an ID system even for citizens.”


Hillary’s prior support for cracking down on illegals
, rest assured, although we’ve learned from the gay-marriage debate that Democratic voters have a seemingly limitless capacity for forgiving ideological heresies. (Then again, as we’re seeing with Trumpmania, so do Republican voters.) Here’s a
watching an RNC oppo researcher hard at work sifting through archives in the Clinton Library:



Today is already a good day.


He found something while perusing through the first lady’s press office records:
an old interview in which she appears to talk about the importance of keeping undocumented immigrants out of the country.


“It’s a complete change from what she’s trying to do now where she wants everybody to come in—it’s just something we could possibly hit on,” he says




So for our Orwellian would-be next president, Republicans have gone in short succession from being “terrorists” on abortion because they’re pro-choice to Nazis on illegal immigration.


This flailing about is not the look of someone who knows she has the election locked up.





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Wow, O'Malley rips the Wasserman-Schultz-HIllary-Huma three-way rigged to keep any debate happening within the party.


Newsflash, O'Malley. You're not the Democratic Party any longer. No Democrat recognizes the mess being created by HillaryHuma and the Debster and Doc Brown (Great Scott!). It's time to get on board and embrace the Socialist Progressive Movement, O'Malley, or perish.


If you want gatorman's vote, it's time to start sucking nuts, O'Malley.


Read here.

Former Maryland governor Martin O'Malley effectively declared war on the Democratic Party leadership here Friday, blasting the party for what he called a "rigged" debate process in the presidential nominating contest and demanding it sanction additional debates.

O'Malley, who has struggled to gain traction in the polls this summer, used his appearance before the Democratic National Committee meeting to angrily denounce the party's rules that he argued were a disadvantage to all the candidates and a disservice to Democrats.

"This sort of rigged process has never been attempted before," O'Malley said. He added, "We are the Democratic Party, not the undemocratic party. :lol:

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So when this "Scandel" passes with no charges or anything, does anyone want to guess what the next crap the right wing scadel machine will dream up?


I had to go back and look up a past one, the great Travelgate controversy! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_House_travel_office_controversy


Ken Starr, the Whitewater idiots and The Ben-by-Gozi * investigators all looked into that one and found nothing. Boo! For a women that murdered a close friend you'd think they could find something on this women--if she really is a women! But with the Liberal media covering for her and conspiring against real America, we will never know the truth.





*yes, I know Bengazi was much later.

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