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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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I caught the tail end of it and it was light on substance and heavy on identity politics

Substance part applies to nearly all of them, and the ones it doesn't are doomed because it gives opponents the opportunity to pick their plan apart. The identity at least as it applies to wealth and income is a winner, because it can rally the low to mid level earners, but the big donors know damn well she can be bought and its just campaign rhetoric.jmho but I don't think the truly wealthy or big corporations are afraid of her policies. More broadly she has no actual policy, other than her own notoriety. Might as well not even have a president, if nothing else it will be an interesting experiment in what happens when the office is devoid of policy and agenda beyond a personal one. Edited by JTSP
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Hillary Clinton: launched but not engaged


The Hillary Clinton campaign, twice launched, still doesn’t meet the traditional criteria for a political campaign. Real presidential candidates have always answered questions, both from the press and from non-hand-picked voters. Real presidential candidates have always taken positions on key issues, especially those current enough to be voted on by Congress.


Hillary Clinton refuses. Judged conventionally, she’s still in exploratory mode.


What is she exploring? Two things. The political winds and how much (or little) she can get away with.


The mainstream media, it appears, will let her get away with plenty. Republican contenders, be they governors or neurosurgeons, are expected to opine on a wide range of foreign policy topics. If they trip up even slightly, they are said to be unready for the Oval Office.


Meanwhile, Clinton, who as Secretary of State helped formulate current U.S. foreign policy, opines little. And the MSM makes little complaint.


On domestic policy, Clinton says she wants to be the “champion” of the beleaguered middle class. Right now, a debate is raging over trade. Should President Obama be given the fast-track trade powers he says he needs to finalize negotiations over a major 12-nation deal?


Disagreement over this question is profound, and cuts across party lines. But both sides agree that the underlying issue is momentous. On one side are those who believe that free trade agreements are crucial to a middle class revival. On the other are those who insist that such agreements are job-killers that will only hasten the demise of the middle class.


Where does middle class champion Hillary Clinton stand on fast-track trade legislation? She won’t tell us.


Bernie Sanders speaks for many when he says, “I don’t understand how you don’t have a position on this issue.” Sanders adds:


I am not clear, nor do I believe the American people are clear, as to what Secretary Clinton’s position is. Is she for it, or is she against it? Those are your two options. [Not choosing] is not leadership.



As with foreign policy, the MSM has little problem with Hillary “not choosing.” The Washington Post’s online edition offers this headline from Iowa: “On the trail in Iowa, Clinton and Sanders make trade a hot issue.”


How hot an issue can Clinton be making trade when she won’t take a stand on the central trade issue before Congress?


Only a “privileged” candidate could get away with what Clinton is pulling. No wonder it is said that Clinton seeks not so much a nomination as a coronation. Among all the evidence of Clinton privilege, the form of her campaign is perhaps the most telling.


Our democracy is set up to give us the government we deserve. If we elect avowed democratic socialist Bernie Sanders, we will deserve democratic socialism. If we elect reticent Hillary Clinton, we will deserve something well short of democracy.



Edited by B-Man
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Clinton Campaign Won’t Commit to Releasing Hillary Medical Records.



Hey, Bill got away with it.







Why did the Clinton campaign exclude the pool reporter?

Various news organizations share reporting by having a pool of reporters who take turns covering the day with the campaign, and the assumption is that the reporter who is that day's pool reporter will get access. But today's reporter David Martosko, the U.S. political editor for The Daily Mail, was denied access.
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These are THEIR rules. Make them play by them.




Since all GOP candidates are getting asked flag questions, when will someone in the MSM get around to asking Hillary Clinton a flag question? Specifically, we’d like to know what she thinks about the bill her husband signed as Governor of Arkansas that dedicated one of the stars on the state’s flag to the Confederacy.


The text from the bill reads, “The blue star above the word ‘ARKANSAS’ is to commemorate the Confederate States of America”:




Should the Arkansas state flag be changed, Hillary?





Also................I love E-Bay.


clinton_gore.png?w=430 $8.00 collectable




But the media will continue to ask Scott Walker, Bobby Jindal, Ted Cruz, and everyone else , like it's just their problem.




The most powerful evidence that the South has definitively rejected slavery, insurrection, and racism is that it stopped voting Democrat.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Never mind today's Clinton / Obama Post Benghazi phone call news......................... :lol:
It's like one bad free checking account promotion after another.
CIrv1AfWcAANBp8.png...."America, you're cooked !"
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“Ever wonder why no interesting center-left Democrats aren’t challenging an increasingly vulnerable Hillary Clinton? There aren’t any. Nobody. No one,” Noemie Emery writes in the Washington Examiner:

For several cycles, the GOP starting gates will be filled with fresh horses, while the Democrats have, at least for the moment, a collection of aging and battle-worn nags.


Ever wonder why no interesting center-left Democrats aren’t challenging an increasingly vulnerable Hillary Clinton? There aren’t any. Nobody. No one.


As Britain and France were bled white by their World War I battles, the Democrats were drained by a series of midterm debacles in which those in swing states were punished by voters, and all but the bluest of blue were cut down.
On the altar of healthcare, Democrats sacrificed the fruit of two cycles of party-expansion, the picking of people who could win in red states and red districts, to bolster the party’s breadth and appeal.


Now, these Democrats were told by liberal bloggers that it was their duty to lay down their political lives for this unpopular measure that most of their voters despised.


As a result, Clinton’s most viable challengers are a 75-year-old socialist from deep-blue Vermont, and the colorless former governor of very blue Maryland, who was so weak he could not help to elect his lieutenant governor, who lost to only the second Republican governor in a very long time.


The Democrats’ bench is not merely weak, it is non-existent. And that is Obamacare’s work.



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The Democrats’ bench is not merely weak, it is non-existent. And that is Obamacare’s work.


Rahm Emmanuel did a terrific job putting hapless Dems in winnable elections in an effort to win the WH, House and Senate in 2008. It was masterful. Absolutely masterful.


It also helped Obama lead the left into the worst slaughter ever seen in local elections, and ultimately destroyed their bench. Imagine the face of the left, right now, is a desperately aged Clinton and a wild-haired socialist narrator of Tales from the Crypt.


Simpy astonishing.

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Rahm Emmanuel did a terrific job putting hapless Dems in winnable elections in an effort to win the WH, House and Senate in 2008. It was masterful. Absolutely masterful.


It also helped Obama lead the left into the worst slaughter ever seen in local elections, and ultimately destroyed their bench. Imagine the face of the left, right now, is a desperately aged Clinton and a wild-haired socialist narrator of Tales from the Crypt.


Simpy astonishing.

Yet Hillary still out-polls the Repubs. I know it's way too early to put much weight on that but the astonishing thing to me is how loyal so many people can be to the party that has done nothing but fukk up the past several years and that Obama didn't get wiped out by Romney in .12. That still amazes me. .

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Yet Hillary still out-polls the Repubs. I know it's way too early to put much weight on that but the astonishing thing to me is how loyal so many people can be to the party that has done nothing but fukk up the past several years and that Obama didn't get wiped out by Romney in .12. That still amazes me. .


It's not loyalty to the party. It's loyalty to the Clinton personality cult. It's why Chelsea can command a $65k speaking fee.

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It's not loyalty to the party. It's loyalty to the Clinton personality cult. It's why Chelsea can command a $65k speaking fee.

Ok. So what have they done to achieve this cult status? Is it Bill? It sure as hell isn't Hillary. And if it's Bill what did he do? I was just starting to follow politics after his second term.

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Yet Hillary still out-polls the Repubs. I know it's way too early to put much weight on that but the astonishing thing to me is how loyal so many people can be to the party that has done nothing but fukk up the past several years and that Obama didn't get wiped out by Romney in .12. That still amazes me. .

She outpolls a field of Repubs. And a good number of them will probably sit home on election day.

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Yet Hillary still out-polls the Repubs. I know it's way too early to put much weight on that but the astonishing thing to me is how loyal so many people can be to the party that has done nothing but fukk up the past several years and that Obama didn't get wiped out by Romney in .12. That still amazes me. .


Hillary polls well because she's controlling her message. She has neither the desire nor the ability to actually take questions that aren't posed by reporters who donated to their foundation for the honor of lobbing her a softball.


The debates will crush her. Did you see what happened the one time she tried to speak extemporaneously during her book tour? A complete disaster.


Hillary is living proof that liberals love abortions so much, they'll blindly run one for president.

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Can't operate a fax machine.


The email between her and Abedin is remarkable. Simply remarkable. Like an Abbott and Costello routine.


And I can't wait to find out who "Santa" was.





Someone wake up Bernie and tell him he's on in five.

Edited by LABillzFan
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Ok. So what have they done to achieve this cult status? Is it Bill? It sure as hell isn't Hillary. And if it's Bill what did he do? I was just starting to follow politics after his second term.


I don't know. It started in 1993, with Hillary's health care reform (when she assumed that "First Lady" was an actual executive position.) Didn't really start to hit its stride until the Starr investigation, though.

Can't operate a fax machine.


The email between her and Abedin is remarkable. Simply remarkable. Like an Abbott and Costello routine.


And I can't wait to find out who "Santa" was.



Someone wake up Bernie and tell him he's on in five.


How nice. Not just her own email, but she gave Abedin one as well.


Who else was doing government business on the Clinton server? :wallbash:

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