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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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I know I mentioned this before, but to date, every time she speaks in public her poll numbers go down. Then she keeps quiet for a while and her numbers start to creep back up again. I find that to be fascinating - how can someone successfully run for office if their popularity suffers whenever they speak? I've never seen this sort of thing before. I'm really looking forward to the inevitable debates.

I wouldn't be surprised if she only agreed to a debate or two which is one or two more than she'd like to do.

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Good to see that someone on the Right is starting to employ the same street theater tactics the left has long used. These Hillary “air fresheners” appear at at least a dozens prominent intersections in LA a few days ago, right before Hillary arrived for a fundraiser.








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Good to see that someone on the Right is starting to employ the same street theater tactics the left has long used. These Hillary “air fresheners” appear at at least a dozens prominent intersections in LA a few days ago, right before Hillary arrived for a fundraiser.









BREAKING NEWS: Air Fresheners now considered "sexist."

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The Washington Post’s Chris Cillizza is doing some research:


fG8cWpAE_normal.jpg Chris Cillizza


Question: The last question from a reporter that I can find Hillary answering was April 14. Any one have anything more recent?





National Review’s Jonah Goldberg added a degree of difficulty to the search:


Cosmo_B-Day_Hat_normal.jpg Jonah Goldberg



How far back did you go to find one she answered truthfully? https://twitter.com/TheFix/status/597828529313718272

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The Washington Post’s Chris Cillizza is doing some research:


National Review’s Jonah Goldberg added a degree of difficulty to the search:


Carly Fiorina was tweeting out info this weekend that essentially said "I've been a candidate for eight days and have answered 322 question. Hillary has been a candidate for a month and answered 7."


You'd think progressives would WANT their candidate out there answering questions, but I'm sure Hillary knows all the nutsuckers are lined up for her no matter what she says or does, so why add fuel to the inferno that has been her last four months by trying to speak extemporaneously. It's probably the reason they shut her up. She's like Biden, only older.

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Carly Fiorina was tweeting out info this weekend that essentially said "I've been a candidate for eight days and have answered 322 question. Hillary has been a candidate for a month and answered 7."


You'd think progressives would WANT their candidate out there answering questions, but I'm sure Hillary knows all the nutsuckers are lined up for her no matter what she says or does, so why add fuel to the inferno that has been her last four months by trying to speak extemporaneously. It's probably the reason they shut her up. She's like Biden, only older.

No they don't. Deep down liberals know HiIllary is a scumbag. But she's their scumbag. So any relevant details must be ignored for the greater good you know.

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I know I mentioned this before, but to date, every time she speaks in public her poll numbers go down. Then she keeps quiet for a while and her numbers start to creep back up again. I find that to be fascinating - how can someone successfully run for office if their popularity suffers whenever they speak? I've never seen this sort of thing before. I'm really looking forward to the inevitable debates.

Oh man so am I. The only weak debater amongst the GOP field is: I don't know. It doesn't matter who wins, all of them will tear her up.


The real danger is not Hillary, it's the R political consultants who tell the R nominee to nerf his/her remarks for the "optics", i.e. "don't want to be seen as verbally berating a woman".


F that. You now how no matter what the 1st question in a debate is, they never answer it without doing their own thing first? I advise the R candidate to start with: "I'm gonig to warn all of you right now that I am going to be very tough on my opponent. I am not a sexist, and therefore it would be wrong of me to take it easy on her because she is a woman. Since she hasn't done any explaining to the press, she's going to have to do some here, and that is going to be the theme tonight". Wham, and go right into attack mode.


It's the Reagan age/experince thing, just inverted. I'd go right after it in debate 1, sentence 2, right after the usual "I want to thank everyone" crap.

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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But you know she's going to get major help from the moderators. Mitt Romney kicked Obama's azz in the first debate and he left Jim Leher's head spinning like a dervish. Candy Crowley rescued B. O. in the second, and Mitt never recovered his momentum. Whomever is the R. nominee, they need to learn from that experience and expect the media to sabotage the debates.


A preemptive strategy must be employed, and I like what OC proposed. I think whomever it is so hit the audience with a litany of ways that they are unlike Ms. Clinton.


I don't control a 2 billion dollar charitable trust

The charities I contribute to use more than 10 cents on the contributed dollar for charitable work

Haven't accepted donations from foreigners and foreign governments

Didn't blame the death of 4 Americans on a disgusting Internet video

and on, and on, and on...

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