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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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Anybody wanna bet against the notion that all of these "protests" aren't large scale distraction operations funded by whatever replaced ACORN....in an effot to save Hillary from the news cycle?


They are stupid. Eventually this will come out. Just like everything else has.


Every time the left gets into serious trouble they take to the streets.


Unfortunately, history shows that every time Ds start running wild in the streets....the Rs win the following POTUS election with ease. The OWS movement: usherd in the 2010 ass-whippings. People don't like chaos and scumbags stealing TVs on live TV. Never have, never will. And, the Ds take the blame.


And the worst part: as soon as this dies down, you know somebody like Trey Gowdy is gonna drop another bomb, like the "found" Lois Lerner IRS emails.....and it will be right back to Hillary Scandals.

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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The media and Democrats (a redundancy in too many instances) are starting to take notice over how some Republicans are making an issue out of Hillary Clinton’s age, as evidenced by this Reuters story:


On Clinton's age, Republican rivals imply, but never say, she's old. Read more: http://reut.rs/1KzIx7r


Where were these kinds of reports in previous election cycles?









And the stories about Reagan's age are endless



The MSM needs to exercise a little self-awareness before criticizing anybody for talking about Hillary’s age.






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Hillary Clinton Might Call Your Mom On Mother’s Day If You Give Her Money






7G_NGYT5_normal.pngHillary Clinton @HillaryClinton

Mother’s Day gift idea: a call from Hillary. Sign up for a chance to surprise a mom you love: http://hrc.io/1EZuyt2


In an apparent effort to increase her campaign’s war chest and its database of potential donors, Hillary Clinton is offering to call supporters’ moms on Mother’s Day, May 10.


“Give someone special in your life a Mother’s Day gift to remember: A call from Hillary (on your behalf!) Enter now for your chance to win,” reads Clinton’s campaign website, which then prompts users to enter their email address.


After entering that information, the site makes another pitch.

“Now increase your odds — chip in to be automatically entered again for another chance to win,” reads the site, which allows for contributions ranging from $5 to $2,700.


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Hillary Clinton Might Call Your Mom On Mother’s Day If You Give Her Money




In an apparent effort to increase her campaign’s war chest and its database of potential donors, Hillary Clinton is offering to call supporters’ moms on Mother’s Day, May 10.


“Give someone special in your life a Mother’s Day gift to remember: A call from Hillary (on your behalf!) Enter now for your chance to win,” reads Clinton’s campaign website, which then prompts users to enter their email address.


After entering that information, the site makes another pitch.

“Now increase your odds — chip in to be automatically entered again for another chance to win,” reads the site, which allows for contributions ranging from $5 to $2,700.



Is it a robo call or does Hilary actually speak to the Proletarian?


If it's really Hilary, I know quite a few mothers who would never have considered donating to Hilary's campaign. But $5 for a raffle ticket to tell Hilary what they think of her...



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Is it a robo call or does Hilary actually speak to the Proletarian?


If it's really Hilary, I know quite a few mothers who would never have considered donating to Hilary's campaign. But $5 for a raffle ticket to tell Hilary what they think of her...



Would anyone be able to tell the difference?

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A new poll published Tuesday found that many voters have at least some reservations about voting for an old person. For context, Hillary Clinton would be 69 years old if elected in 2016, which would make her one of the oldest world leaders in history.


The poll, conducted on behalf of NBC News and the Wall Street Journal, found that more than a third of voters (36 percent) are either “very uncomfortable” or “have some reservations” about voting for a candidate who is over the age of 65, a demographic that includes the two formally declared Democratic candidates (Clinton and Bernie Sanders, 73), as well as two of the other Democrats likely to join the race (Joe Biden, 72, and Jim Webb, 69). Only 10 percent admitted being “enthusiastic” about the prospect of an elderly president.






MEET THE VAGINA VOTERS: The women voting for Hillary because she’s a woman are setting feminism back a hundred years.







and when a President makes up categories– out of thin air–of individuals who are entitled to stay (and obtain work authorization) in the name of “prosecutorial discretion,” the next President can just keep making new, additional categories. That’s why it’s lawless, and utterly unconstitutional.


But unless Texas and the other 25 States succeed in their legal challenge to President Obama’s immigration actions, future Presidents will be able to do whatever they want.






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Anybody wanna bet against the notion that all of these "protests" aren't large scale distraction operations funded by whatever replaced ACORN....in an effot to save Hillary from the news cycle?


They are stupid. Eventually this will come out. Just like everything else has.


Every time the left gets into serious trouble they take to the streets.


Unfortunately, history shows that every time Ds start running wild in the streets....the Rs win the following POTUS election with ease. The OWS movement: usherd in the 2010 ass-whippings. People don't like chaos and scumbags stealing TVs on live TV. Never have, never will. And, the Ds take the blame.


And the worst part: as soon as this dies down, you know somebody like Trey Gowdy is gonna drop another bomb, like the "found" Lois Lerner IRS emails.....and it will be right back to Hillary Scandals.

Yes I'm being arrogant and quoting myself.


However, has anyone bothered to look at RCP's front page, and compare the # of headlines about the protests vs. the headlines about Hillary Cash?


Sorry folks, you can bus in all the assclowns you want but nobody cares. Meanwhile the Clinton Cash stories are only suprassed by Deflate Gate. Tom Brady and Hillary Clinton are competing for who is the biggest liar.


As a Bills fan, how can anyone but PastaJoe be displeased with current events? :lol: Or, can anyone list for us what Hillary did for WNY?

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Or, can anyone list for us what Hillary did for WNY? (Quote from OCinBuffalo)


My response is that her greatest contribution is that she left town for richer climes.

When she was back "home" in NY State visiting the Proletariat she brought her entourage with her. Her entourage stayed at local hotels and ate at local restaurants. Thus boosting local economies.


Think like a Keynesian man!

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Could ANYBODY ELSE run for President like this ?



Even The New York Times Complains: Hillary’s Answered Seven Questions


Hillary Clinton is so disdainful of the press that since she declared her candidacy on April 12, The New York Times complained she has answered just seven questions from reporters. Even from reporters who love her. So the Times created a feature publishing questions they would ask Mrs. Clinton if “we had the opportunity.”



- See more at: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/tim-graham/2015/05/08/even-new-york-times-complains-hillarys-answered-seven-questions#sthash.cVIUVcEV.dpuf






Notice that all the questions are in the first three days of her campaign, and none in the last 24 days.



Again, NO ONE else would be permitted to get away with this.




Edited by B-Man
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Notice that all the questions are in the first three days of her campaign, and none in the last 24 days.




I know I mentioned this before, but to date, every time she speaks in public her poll numbers go down. Then she keeps quiet for a while and her numbers start to creep back up again. I find that to be fascinating - how can someone successfully run for office if their popularity suffers whenever they speak? I've never seen this sort of thing before. I'm really looking forward to the inevitable debates.

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