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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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Hulk SMASH Hillary!


Mark Ruffalo advises #RunWarrenRun after Clinton-uranium scandal







CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: Hillary’s Free Trade Meltdown May Pull Warren into Race.






That's not good news for Hilly. Or the Dems. You get just one limousine lib A-lister in Hollywood to start the ant-Hilly bandwagon and it's sayonara.

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That's not good news for Hilly. Or the Dems. You get just one limousine lib A-lister in Hollywood to start the ant-Hilly bandwagon and it's sayonara.


This is where the left beats out the right. No matter how much Hillary is a faux candidate, the left would rather vote for her than sit it out. The right tends to sit it out if they don't like their candidate.


Hollywood may prefer Warren, but the moment Hillary starts explaining how her grandchild is transitioning between genders, Hollywood money will flow to Hillary as usual.

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This is where the left beats out the right. No matter how much Hillary is a faux candidate, the left would rather vote for her than sit it out. The right tends to sit it out if they don't like their candidate.


Hollywood may prefer Warren, but the moment Hillary starts explaining how her grandchild is transitioning between genders, Hollywood money will flow to Hillary as usual.

I'd agree for a huckster like Barry. I just don't see the same level of enthusiasm and likeability for Hilly.

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No, it's not that. It's that some people don't actually have opinions that go in lockstep with others that they usually attend to agree with 100% of the time.


sprinkling a little conservatism around the periphery gives the impression that they disagree with their non "rhino" counterparts more often than not. Where in all actuality that simply isn't even close to being the case.


It's ok to be disagreeable and have differing opinions. Perfect example is immigration reform. The numbers and math dictate that it is a logical decision to come up with a more efficient immigration policy that encourages a controlled inflow of immigrants. Also, reason dictates that we aren't going to deport the illegals that are already here. It makes sense to take steps to limit inflows of illegal immigration but at the same time providing a process that gives legal status to the ones that are here that would incorporate them to the system. There not only would be additional inflows of taxation but safety net programs such as S.S would benefit.


Without immigration, the economy would have stagnant population growth. Stagnant population growth is a long-term killer for economic growth.


This is an issue that should be ok to have respectful dialogue, rather than have the nativists attempt to purge members of the party they tend to support simply because they don't agree with them on this issue.


Perfect example, can you actually believe that many of these same people believe Rubio is a RHINO? Yet if you look up the Heritage foundation's scorecard of conservatism, he rates extremely high and a perfect 7 for 7 (according to their scores) on the issues they care about.


The point is if you want to expand the party and increase the size of the tent (which is what Reagan did) then in order to that, you have to have more differing points of view.


It is unrealistic to believe that if the GOP had it let's say Dante's way and that they were all hard line tea partiers that somehow you would change the landscape of the constituents on the electoral map to be more hardline right wingers. That is simply fantasy.


No one is saying abandon your principles, you can stand up for them advocate and make your positions known. The point is to not try to purge those that you don't always agree with simply because they aren't as much of a purist as some people would like. When you go into more moderate swing states, we have seen what happens when you purge those that you agree with more often than not but not all the time The more hard line candidate often loses. Obviously that's not always the case. It's largely dependent on the quality of the candidate. Ted Cruz is a perfect example, he espouses very conservative views, but he's a talented politician. He wins . But look at Angle from Nevada or the kook from Delaware. Both of these candidates weren't ready for prime time, yet the primary process and outside support purged the more moderate candidates.


What was the result, another six years of Harry Reid, rather than someone who would have voted in the opposite direction of him 85% of the time.

I'm not arguing against that. I tend to agree with you. I was thinking of the John McCain/GWB types that like to take what the opposition is proposing, put a couple of conservative modifications on it, then sell it as their own. Like Bush with the Medicare benefit and McCain with his health insurance voucher program.

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I can't believe she's all they have.

Screwed just like Repub's were in 2008. Can't run on their party's record, and in the case of the Dem's you'd have to up go against the Clinton machine which is hard. I'm going to out on a limb right now though and say that someone that can challenge her will emerge and that Hillary will lose the nomination. The Dem party has to realize now that she is toting an ever growing truckload of baggage.

Edited by keepthefaith
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I'm not arguing against that. I tend to agree with you. I was thinking of the John McCain/GWB types that like to take what the opposition is proposing, put a couple of conservative modifications on it, then sell it as their own. Like Bush with the Medicare benefit and McCain with his health insurance voucher program.


I don't have a problem with the benefits of the Medicare plan he had, it's that it wasn't paid for. That's where I had a problem with that. In regards to the health insurance voucher program, I for whatever reason can not remember the details of that plan, but I have no problem with giving lower to middle class folks assistance either through advanced tax credits or subsidies to help pay for their health insurance. I am now more on the side of expanding coverage than I use to be, it's a good thing that more people have coverage. Of course, it's the pay for's is where it gets tricky.

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Screwed just like Repub's were in 2008. Can't run on their party's record, and in the case of the Dem's you'd have to up go against the Clinton machine which is hard. I'm going to out on a limb right now though and say that someone that can challenge her will emerge and that Hillary will lose the nomination. The Dem party has to realize now that she is toting an ever growing truckload of baggage.

Liz Warren is the only potential Democrat candidate who has a shot at beating Clinton in the primary, and the Democrats won't run her because now because her policies mirror those of the current Administration, so she'd be at her political weakest. They'd like to hold her back for another 4 year cycle hoping the the electorates short memory will have kicked in, and the the pendulum will have begun to swing back against Republicans.

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I hope each and every one of your mothers, wives, sisters, and daughters is treated in this manner, and I hope they suffer for it emotionally.

You are making it pretty obvious that you are not the smartest man in the room. You took exception to Hillary being called "Cankles" because it was so hurtful, but you now wish the same thing for potentially hundreds of other woman just because they might be related to someone here? You were widely mocked in this thread for your so called indignation. There was even a new thread started with the sole purpose of mocking you further. So, instead of just being thankful that you only got a little mauled, you return to poke the bear? I think you could also claim to be the only man in the room.

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Liz Warren is the only potential Democrat candidate who has a shot at beating Clinton in the primary, and the Democrats won't run her because now because her policies mirror those of the current Administration, so she'd be at her political weakest. They'd like to hold her back for another 4 year cycle hoping the the electorates short memory will have kicked in, and the the pendulum will have begun to swing back against Republicans.


I disagree.


Elizabeth Warren is a populist. Populism is very popular right now in a lot of the Democrat leaning states which is a majority of the electoral college (CA, NY, WA, OR) and probably some not so democratic leaning states. Income equality is a big issue and rightfully so. AND she's no Johnny Come Lately to it like Hillary. She's genuine.


If she were to also throw in "I'll take MJ off of the schedule 1 list", she'd be a shoe in.

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Income equality is a big issue and rightfully so.


It's only a big issue compared to global warming. She can jump up and down about the 1% and most of America will turn her out because they're tired of the left yelling about income inequality, and then immediately doing what they can to make it worse.

Edited by LABillzFan
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I disagree.


Elizabeth Warren is a populist. Populism is very popular right now in a lot of the Democrat leaning states which is a majority of the electoral college (CA, NY, WA, OR) and probably some not so democratic leaning states. Income equality is a big issue and rightfully so. AND she's no Johnny Come Lately to it like Hillary. She's genuine.


If she were to also throw in "I'll take MJ off of the schedule 1 list", she'd be a shoe in.

Really? Like she's a genuine Navtive American? She should be DQ'd by America just for that gem. Or maybe you meant she's a genuine marxist? She's just another criminal freak show looking to get her ugly mug in the trough.

And I what I mean by "ugly" is her as a person not her physical appearance. Before everyone gets bent I think she's a absolutely stunning woman.

Edited by Dante
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Really? Like she's a genuine Navtive American? She should be DQ'd by America just for that gem. Or maybe you meant she's a genuine marxist? She's just another criminal freak show looking to get her ugly mug in the trough.

And I what I mean by "ugly" is her as a person not her physical appearance. Before everyone gets bent I think she's a absolutely stunning woman.

Leave it to Dante to make a sexist remark about a potential presidential candidate that is a female. :worthy:

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Hulk SMASH Hillary!


Mark Ruffalo advises #RunWarrenRun after Clinton-uranium scandal







CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: Hillary’s Free Trade Meltdown May Pull Warren into Race.







He is mad at Hillary for selling uranium to the commies so his solution is to elect a commie of our own? :wacko::wacko::wacko::wacko::wacko:

I hope each and every one of your mothers, wives, sisters, and daughters is treated in this manner, and I hope they suffer for it emotionally.



Rest assured that Hillary is not suffering emotionally so your wishes are ill founded. As a matter of fact she knows that there are many sick of pants like you out there that will cry unfounded tears for her and vote for her because you feel bad.

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He is mad at Hillary for selling uranium to the commies so his solution is to elect a commie of our own? :wacko::wacko::wacko::wacko::wacko:



Rest assured that Hillary is not suffering emotionally so your wishes are ill founded. As a matter of fact she knows that there are many sick of pants like you out there that will cry unfounded tears for her and vote for her because you feel bad.

Think of what you are doing to his self of steam.

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I disagree.


Elizabeth Warren is a populist. Populism is very popular right now in a lot of the Democrat leaning states which is a majority of the electoral college (CA, NY, WA, OR) and probably some not so democratic leaning states. Income equality is a big issue and rightfully so. AND she's no Johnny Come Lately to it like Hillary. She's genuine.


If she were to also throw in "I'll take MJ off of the schedule 1 list", she'd be a shoe in.

Income disparity is a symptom of weak demand for jobs to a great extent. So what would Warren or any others of her ilk do about that?

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