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Is This Why Comey Broke: A Stack Of Resignation Letters From Furious FBI Agents


Dilbert Creator Explains "How Do I Know The Emails Are That Bad?"


See honey, I do have things in common with Hillary.

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Seeing how it's said that the pres supposedly had emails from an unofficial email address on her server too, then I would think that silence on the issue would be in his best interest.


Holder spoke up this week, and the next thing you know the FBI is releasing documents as a reminder that Holder led the way for Clinton to pardon Marc Rich.


Something tells me Comey is done gobbling Obama's knob.

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Hey Barry, more emails found in an previously undisclosed device is not innuendo.







The hacked Podesta emails indicate the State Dept “coordinated” its official statements about her email server with Hillary’s campaign. State is denying this, but the Wikileaks emails say otherwise.

An Obama Administration cover-up?





: Did WikiLeaks just uncover Clinton’s mole within the DOJ? Who is Peter Kadzik and why is no one reporting on this?

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Hey Barry, more emails found in an previously undisclosed device is not innuendo.






True but half the population will believe anything he says and that same half of the population is desperately looking for a reason to believe Hillary is a victim of a right wing conspiracy.

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Holder spoke up this week, and the next thing you know the FBI is releasing documents as a reminder that Holder led the way for Clinton to pardon Marc Rich.


Something tells me Comey is done gobbling Obama's knob.


I believe you're 100% correct. Let's hope that's the case. I realize you're no Trump fan, but just the thought of Hillary as president..... :sick:

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Good investors (especially real estate) are in bed with everyone.

I must be a good investor. My bed stays full.


Holder spoke up this week, and the next thing you know the FBI is releasing documents as a reminder that Holder led the way for Clinton to pardon Marc Rich.


Something tells me Comey is done gobbling Obama's knob.

guessing you already know comedy was lead prosecutor against rich?
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Too bad these stories didn't start coming out sooner. Looks like WSJ is picking up on the rancor between DoJ & FBI field agents, and it's probably too late for Obama & Clintons to stifle the investigation. Even if she wins, I fully expect Congress to pursue the investigation of Clinton Foundation.


Whoever the President will be, they'll be severely wounded.


Secret recordings of a suspect talking about the Clinton Foundation fueled an internal battle between FBI agents who wanted to pursue the case and corruption prosecutors who viewed the statements as worthless hearsay, people familiar with the matter said.

Agents, using informants and recordings from unrelated corruption investigations, thought they had found enough material to merit aggressively pursuing the investigation into the foundation that started in summer 2015 based on claims made in a book by a conservative author called “Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich,” these people said.


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Secret Recordings Fueled FBI Feud in Clinton Probe: Agents thought they had enough material to merit aggressively pursuing investigation into Clinton Foundation.

“Amid the internal finger-pointing on the Clinton Foundation matter, some have blamed the FBI’s No. 2 official, deputy director Andrew McCabe, claiming he sought to stop agents from pursuing the case this summer. His defenders deny that, and say it was the Justice Department that kept pushing back on the investigation.”

McCabe’s the one whose wife got big donations from Clinton ally Terry McAuliffe.

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