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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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Is it to the point where anyone expects Hillary to lose? I still think she is going to win handily. I'm just a Joe blow though and you guys are far more in tune with this BS so that's my disclaimer.


She'll absolutely still win. People stupid enough to vote for Obama a second time won't think twice about voting for someone like Hillary. She has a vagina and herstory must be made.


But now I'm openly cheering for it, because the best shot we have of getting around the pending disaster that you get with either a Trump or Clinton presidency is to elect the one under investigation by the FBI in hopes she get's indicted in her first year, and then et Kaine finish it out by sitting quietly for three years (like he's been doing the past year) and not doing a damn thing.

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But now I'm openly cheering for it, because the best shot we have of getting around the pending disaster that you get with either a Trump or Clinton presidency is to elect the one under investigation by the FBI in hopes she get's indicted in her first year, and then et Kaine finish it out by sitting quietly for three years (like he's been doing the past year) and not doing a damn thing.


Indicted? Can't see any chance of that when she's prez. She'll have that deal cut when she extends Lynch or appoints another AG when Lynch gets promoted to supreme court.

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She'll absolutely still win. People stupid enough to vote for Obama a second time won't think twice about voting for someone like Hillary. She has a vagina and herstory must be made.


But now I'm openly cheering for it, because the best shot we have of getting around the pending disaster that you get with either a Trump or Clinton presidency is to elect the one under investigation by the FBI in hopes she get's indicted in her first year, and then et Kaine finish it out by sitting quietly for three years (like he's been doing the past year) and not doing a damn thing.

Hiliary is going to ride it for at least two years because of the 22nd Amendment. If she resigns before two years, for health reasons of course ;), Kaine is only eligible to run for a single full term. If Clinton resigns after 2 years, Kaine is eligible to run for two full terms.

Captions needed:






Kiddie Porn, Classifed documents, and I saved us 15% on car insurance

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Well...this didn't take long.


TIME Magazine: The only reason Comey is doing this is because...wait for it...,she's a woman.


I am mad. I am mad because I am scared. And if you are a woman, you should be, too. Emailgate is a B word hunt, but the target is not Hillary Clinton. It’s us.

The only reason the whole email flap has legs is because the candidate is female. Can you imagine this happening to a man? Clinton is guilty of SWF (Speaking While Female), and emailgate is just a reminder to us all that she has no business doing what she’s doing and must be punished, for the sake of all decent women everywhere. There is so much of that going around.


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Well...this didn't take long.


TIME Magazine: The only reason Comey is doing this is because...wait for it...,she's a woman.




You can tell the left is worried about this by the level of pure hysteria they're displaying.


And the author isn't doing her gender any favors under the circumstances by throwing such a cliched hissy fit.

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You can tell the left is worried about this by the level of pure hysteria they're displaying.


And the author isn't doing her gender any favors under the circumstances by throwing such a cliched hissy fit.



And there are a lot of real women in this world (and luckily I married one) that are incredibly embarrassed by the level of that female hysteria.

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You can tell the left is worried about this by the level of pure hysteria they're displaying.


And the author isn't doing her gender any favors under the circumstances by throwing such a cliched hissy fit.


Didn't read any farther than "professor of linguistics" at UC Bezerkley to know it was going to be a cliched hissy fit...


...that the professor no doubt claims is "feminism." No, it's bitchyism. Feminism is supposed to empower. This just tears down your whole gender.

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For the Clintons, power is the narcotic of being sought out, of being surrounded by retainers, of bringing enemies to heel and enticing sycophants with benefits. Liberalism and progressivism are mere social and cultural furniture, the “correct” politics of their background that one mouths and exploits to obtain and maintain political clout — and to get really, really rich without guilt or apology.
As in the quest for lucre, the Clintons’ appetite for high-profile authority is endless. Just as $150 million seemed as nothing compared with the billions and billions raked in by their friends and associates, so too eight years in the White House, tenure as governor, senator, or secretary of state were never enough. In between such tenures, the Clintons suffered droughts when they were not on center stage and in no position to wield absolute power, as they watched less deserving folk (the Obamas perhaps in particular) gain inordinate attention. A Hillary presidency would give the Clintons unprecedented Peronist-like power, in a manner unlike any couple in American history.


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Thought this was a good round up of where things stand. Not sure if PPP approves of fact checking sites though?

Much of the fact check statements are bunk themselves like that Hillary didn't have to turn over her personal email. Since it was deleted, The determination of what was work vs personal was never made by anyone except her and her lawyers. Who hires lawyers to sort and delete their email and why?


There's no doubt that the server was installed to conceal her unethical and politically motivated activity, that she did in fact conceal it and that she was sloppy and criminally negligent with classified content. The biggest mistake by the feds was not moving for an indictment over the summer. Trump calling her crooked is spot on.

Edited by keepthefaith
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Just to clarify, you're saying this:


"The department’s policy allows its employees to determine which emails are work-related and must be preserved. “Messages that are not records may be deleted when no longer needed,” according to the State Department’s Foreign Affairs Manual (5 FAM 443.5)."


Is untrue. I'm not familiar with the State Department's policies. Could you clarify what their actual policy is?

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Just to clarify, you're saying this:


"The department’s policy allows its employees to determine which emails are work-related and must be preserved. “Messages that are not records may be deleted when no longer needed,” according to the State Department’s Foreign Affairs Manual (5 FAM 443.5)."


Is untrue. I'm not familiar with the State Department's policies. Could you clarify what their actual policy is?


“Messages that are not records may be deleted when no longer needed,”


Her emails were under subpoena thus still needed, and the department's policy does not allow for your own server which is why they were under subpoena.


Also, she did not delete the emails, she had 3rd parties, not State Dept. employees delete them.

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