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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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I suspect Schoen's public statement sounds far more noble than his private interests. Schoen runs a Democrat polling firm my suspicion is that he is distancing himself early so that when sh*t gets real and Democrats starts turning on one another, potential future clients won't be turned off by the Clinton stank.


We'll assume neither Schoen nor Comey will be visiting a nearby park any time soon.

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This strikes me as a REALLY big deal. Not so much because they reneged on the deal to destroy them, but because a deal was made in the first place, which leads me to believe the laptops will be chockfull of stuff the Clintons didn't want to get out.


Additionally, Shoen bails on her for the reason everyone should bail on her: she would be sworn in as president while under FBI investigation. Why would anyone even THINK that's a good idea?


Well, anyone except the baskins, gatorman/...lybobs and birdogs of the world...


It strikes me as darkly hilarious. FBI agrees to destroy evidence. FBI doesn't destroy evidence. Clinton campaign says "We had a deal! Doesn't matter if the deal was right or wrong!"


Next thing you know, Hillary's wearing a 40-lb chain main dress, watching Comey wearing a giant clown head and seated backwards on a donkey walking in to the desert, while Reid and Pelosi chant "Break a deal, spin the wheel!"

Why the park reference?


Ft. Marcy Park. Where Vince Foster was found.

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It strikes me as darkly hilarious. FBI agrees to destroy evidence. FBI doesn't destroy evidence. Clinton campaign says "We had a deal! Doesn't matter if the deal was right or wrong!"






But maybe the FBI didn't say when they would destroy the computers? In that case they can still keep their promise after they are done with them. Stupid Clinton lawyers (all 6 of them) didn't get a date.

Edited by keepthefaith
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Occam's Weiner

by Mark Steyn

Happy Halloweiner, the night when Anthony Weiner's undead penis rises from its grave to bite Hillary's campaign. The stroking dead is apparently impervious to silver bullets or garlic, and unlike vampires it does show up in photographs, on cell phones across the globe.

So in the final week of the campaign the plot twists arrange themselves in a remarkably straightforward manner. The FBI is investigating the Clinton Foundation - because it's a criminal enterprise: if you give a million bucks to the the Clintons' charity, sixty grand goes to charity and the remaining 940,000 goes to fund the lifestyles of Bill, Hillary, Chelsea and their various malodorous associates - Sid Blumenthal, Terry McAuliffe, etc.

For four years, however, those donations also bought you access to the US Secretary of State. That's why Mrs Clinton and her coterie - Huma Abedin, Cheryl Mills, and the other supposed "government employees" - determined to use a private server. Because the pay-for-play was so unsubtle you couldn't have it sitting on State Department emails destined for the National Archives.

We now learn that the FBI are looking into 650,000 emails discovered on Anthony Weiner's laptop, a machine Huma Abedin has told friends she never used - as you wouldn't, if your spouse had the habits Mr Weiner has. 650,000 emails is at least 20 times the number Mrs Clinton originally turned over to the government - or approximately a thousand emails per day for two years, so Weiner would have to be sexting his spambot penis to an underage girl every minute-and-a-half to rack up that total. Which would be impressive even for him. Instead, the metadata indicates that thousands and thousands of those emails were sent either to or from Mrs Clinton's private server. And she seems unlikely to be that interested in Anthony Weiner's penis.

So what are they?

Consider how total has been the former congressman's fall in the five years since his legislative branch first raised its ugly head:

In 2011, he was a man of power: an influential seven-term member of the House of Representatives.

By 2013, he was a man intent on returning to power: a candidate for the New York mayoral race.

By 2015, he was a man excluded from power himself but with proximity to power: the spouse of the closest confidante of the soon-to-be most powerful woman in the world.

By August 2016, he was a man removed even from proximity to power: after the publication of photographs he'd sexted showing himself with an erection while in bed with their infant child, Huma dumped him. The last time I saw him he was sitting opposite me on a Fox Business show: he was just another schlub shooting the breeze with cable-news Z-list losers like Steyn.

But it got worse. A month later, he was a man under investigation for the one sexual predilection to which even Democrats still attach some stigma: The Daily Mail in London (because it would be unreasonable to expect Mrs Clinton's court eunuchs in the American media to note such things) reported that he had been sexting with a 15-year-old girl.

1840.jpg Huma and Weiner are so close to the Clintons that they were married by Bill.

To the casual observer, Mr Weiner was merely the Mini-Me to Bill Clinton's distinguishing characteristics. Alas, he lacked the Clintons' luck, and never enjoyed the same level of protection. It's not unreasonable to conclude that, somewhere in the latter stages of this bumpy half-decade descent, Anthony Weiner decided it might be prudent to have an insurance policy.

More at the link: http://www.steynonline.com/7577/occam-weiner

Edited by B-Man
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Captions needed:





Is This Why Comey Broke: A Stack Of Resignation Letters From Furious FBI Agents



Dilbert Creator Explains "How Do I Know The Emails Are That Bad?"


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Reading reports this morning that POTUS is breaking with Clinton; says Comey isn't being political and is in a tough spot.


Will POTUS skip his scheduled campaign visits for Clinton in Florida this week?


Someone probably pointed out to him that, if Comey is violating the Hatch Act by doing his job, then Obama certainly would be by flying to Florida on Air Force One.

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Someone probably pointed out to him that, if Comey is violating the Hatch Act by doing his job, then Obama certainly would be by flying to Florida on Air Force One.

The Hatch Act exclude Barry and crazy uncle Joe.

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Happy Halloweiner, the night when Anthony Weiner's undead penis rises from its grave to bite Hillary's campaign. The stroking dead is apparently impervious to silver bullets or garlic, and unlike vampires it does show up in photographs, on cell phones across the globe.


:lol: this may be in the top ten funniest things I've ever read on the internet.

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Someone probably pointed out to him that, if Comey is violating the Hatch Act by doing his job, then Obama certainly would be by flying to Florida on Air Force One.


Comey didn't violate the Hatch Act if he only disclosed the contents of his letter to Congress.

...And I think the President is excluded from the Hatch Act.

Captions needed:








"Will you take me back if I show you my huge...collection of emails?"

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Bill Clinton should have never said that Obamacare is junk.

And Bill Cosby should have never broken with the #blacksarevictimsofwhitepower, and Joan Rivers should never have called B. O. a homo and Mooshell his tranny beard. :ph34r:

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