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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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A reader points out the irony of Hillary Clinton complaining about timing of the reopening of the FBI investigation. In 1992, the reader reminds me, President Bush was gaining on Bill Clinton as Election Day approached. But just four days before the election, the special counsel, Lawrence Walsh, obtained a new indictment of former Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger.

Weinberger had been indicted earlier in the year. But the new indictment cited a Weinberger diary entry that contradicted something President Bush had said.

The Clintons seized on the new indictment, howling about a “culture of corruption” that supposedly pervaded the administration. Bush’s poll numbers declined and Bill Clinton won the election.

Shortly after the election, a federal judge threw out the new indictment because it violated the five-year statute of limitations and improperly broadened the original charges. President Bush then pardoned Weinberger.

Keep this history in mind during the coming days when you hear Democratic hacks talking about how awful it is for law enforcement officials and/or prosecutors to “interfere” in the presidential election process.


We might not have even had the Clinton's if it wasn't for that B.S.

WELL, YES: Camille Paglia: Hillary Clinton is ‘a disaster.’

THIS WEEKEND SHOULD BE INTERESTING: Reddit Users Declare War On Hillary’s Paid Internet Trolls.



Edited by B-Man
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Clinton’s State Department:A RICO Enterprise

by Andrew C. McCarthy


Original Article






The Hill: DEM FURY


New Yorker: LYNCH MOVED TO SPIKE (yeah , right)











This is a truly outlandish take, considering what happened in July


Comey’s decision is a striking break with the policies of the Department of Justice, according to current and former federal legal officials. Comey, who is a Republican appointee of President Obama, has a reputation for integrity and independence, but his latest action is stirring an extraordinary level of concern among legal authorities, who see it as potentially affecting the outcome of the Presidential and congressional elections.

Let's not ignore the Dem shenanigans surrounding GW's DUI allegations in the week before the election, or the fake charges tossed at Ted Stevens that swayed the Alaska elections.


But it is funny to see them all crying foul when their tactics are used against them.

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This is a truly outlandish take, considering what happened in July


Comey’s decision is a striking break with the policies of the Department of Justice, according to current and former federal legal officials. Comey, who is a Republican appointee of President Obama, has a reputation for integrity and independence, but his latest action is stirring an extraordinary level of concern among legal authorities, who see it as potentially affecting the outcome of the Presidential and congressional elections.

Let's not ignore the Dem shenanigans surrounding GW's DUI allegations in the week before the election, or the fake charges tossed at Ted Stevens that swayed the Alaska elections.


But it is funny to see them all crying foul when their tactics are used against them.


This is Not Normal

by Rich Lowrey


It has often been said, correctly, of things Donald Trump says or does, “this is not normal.” Well, what also wasn’t normal was for a major political party to nominate for president someone who was the subject of a serious (if deeply flawed, as it turned out) FBI investigation.


This meant the director of the FBI was going to have a large hand, one way or the other, in the election. Comey’s attempted way out was to bend over backward to give Hillary a pass. This, of course, didn’t mean he wasn’t influencing the election; only that he was influencing it in way favorable to Hillary (although he tried to balance it out with his public statement excoriating her practices).


You can see the same dilemma here. If Comey didn’t say anything about the new emails and it was revealed after the election that he knew about them and stayed silent, he would be accused of aiding Hillary. If, on the other hand, his announcement today ends up flipping the race to Trump and there is nothing significant in the new emails, he will be forever remember for torpedoing Hillary. Anything he says, or even doesn’t say, from now until Election Day is going to make someone very unhappy.


I think Comey should err on the side of maximum disclosure consistent with the integrity of the investigation, but the entire episode goes to show what a bad idea it is for a political party to knowingly nominate someone who is likely guilty of criminal offenses.



Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner



The FBI’s October Surprise Is Devastating for Hillary Clinton

by David French


On Friday afternoon, the FBI uncorked the mother of all October surprises, announcing in a letter to Congress that it has re-opened its investigation of Hillary Clinton’s “personal email server.” The reason? During an “unrelated investigation”* it uncovered e-mails that “appear to be pertinent” to Clinton’s case. It is seeking to determine whether the e-mails contain classified information and can’t yet determine their significance.


Stripped of the legalese, it means that Hillary is back in legal jeopardy. The FBI doesn’t investigate and recommend enforcement actions against computer servers. It holds people accountable, and Hillary is the person most responsible for her own e-mail. I have three initial thoughts.

First, these e-mails must be prima facie problematic. There is no way the FBI publicly re-opens this investigation on the eve of a presidential election if the new e-mails contained information about yoga routines or wedding plans. Moreover, the very fact that the FBI is trying to determine whether the e-mails contain classified information indicates that their content is setting off alarm bells in the Bureau. In other words, this is serious.


Second, the e-mails could have an impact on the decision whether to charge Hillary or her aides either under the Espionage Act or for obstructing the initial investigation, perhaps by lying to the FBI. Recall that Comey previously exonerated Clinton under a made-up legal standard, but if there are more e-mails — and if Clinton or her aides worked to conceal their existence from the FBI — then their conduct may even rise to the FBI’s arbitrary, higher threshold of lawlessness. At the very least, it renders the FBI’s previous decision not to prosecute even more suspect.


Third, unless the FBI announces the investigation and clears her within the span of basically one work week (an action that would be deeply problematic on its own terms), Hillary’s closing argument to the American people is going to be that Donald Trump is so dangerous that it’s worth gambling your vote on a woman under current criminal investigation.


Will there be any Democrats who will urge Clinton to step aside? Exactly three weeks ago, the Washington Post released tapes showing Donald Trump bragging about committing actions that easily meet the legal test for sexual battery. In the aftermath, a number of Republicans asked him to step aside for the good of the country. Now it’s the Democrats’ turn. Their candidate is back under criminal investigation. Millions of people have already cast votes for her believing she’d been “cleared.” Is her personal ambition worth this national pain?


Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/441552/fbi-hillary-clinton-email-server-investigation-reopened-over-new-emails


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Will there be any Democrats who will urge Clinton to step aside? Exactly three weeks ago, the Washington Post released tapes showing Donald Trump bragging about committing actions that easily meet the legal test for sexual battery. In the aftermath, a number of Republicans asked him to step aside for the good of the country. Now it’s the Democrats’ turn. Their candidate is back under criminal investigation. Millions of people have already cast votes for her believing she’d been “cleared.” Is her personal ambition worth this national pain?


While I still expect Hillary to get elected, I suspect the biggest hit to the left will be down ballot. They're going to have to start avoiding her like the plague because until the FBI releases anything, the media will fill the void with embarrassing speculation, and the art form they have perfected over the years of "Create a problem for the GOP, then force GOP down ballot candidates to denounce them over and over" is about to meet its makers.


Next week, Obama is scheduled to stump for Hillary in Orlando. I'll be curious to see if his trip gets interrupted. His legacy is already a giant turd ball. It's probably not worth risking unforced errors by standing with the single most corrupt presidential candidate in quite possibly forever.

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Don't forget the pedophile with the flying child-brothel who's friends with the lady President's husband...

Don't forget the pedophile with the flying child-brothel who's friends with the lady President's husband...

it's unbelievable that none of those women come out about this!

This is a truly outlandish take, considering what happened in July


Comey’s decision is a striking break with the policies of the Department of Justice, according to current and former federal legal officials. Comey, who is a Republican awppointee of President Obama, has a reputation for integrity and independence, but his latest action is stirring an extraordinary level of concern among legal authorities, who see it as potentially affecting the outcome of the Presidential and congressional elections.[/size]Let's not ignore the Dem shenanigans surrounding GW's DUI allegations in the week before the election, or the fake charges tossed at Ted Stevens that swayed the Alaska elections.


But it is funny to see them all crying foul when their tactics are used against them.

forgot Chris Christie
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yes, revisiting the Clinton email scandal is what will doom your country...


The hyperbole from both sides is impressive...but sadly, not surprising.


ps. i really hope you guys will be fine.


It's not revisiting the email scandal, it's that enough people would ignore her lies, corruption, incompetence, and facade (I've heard several people say that Donald is an !@#$, but she's one too and is just better and hiding it from the majority of her supporters) and elect her president.

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My very tin foil hat conspiracy theory:


These hacking groups are being funneled information from NSA/DIA/CIA insiders and Wikileaks has the 33,000 lost emails and is going to release them - but only after she's elected.


The FBI is being leveraged big time into reopening the case because having those emails released after she's won the election and/or has assumed office, you've got a very, very bad situation on your hands of having a President-Elect found to have committed crimes and then the sitting President pardoning the President-Elect. That'd be a mess.


I'll add to this as it's been speculated for awhile now that the hacks and leaks originated from NSA/US Intelligence who are pissed at Clinton for compromising their asset's identities and information...


The wifi on Hillary's plane was down when the story broke. This might not seem that significant, but it was the first time that has happened to her plane since she started using it for her campaign well over a year ago. The wifi was working when the plane took off but cut out just before the story was breaking.


Of course it could be a coincidence, malfunctions happen, but it threw the whole Clinton campaign into chaos as they landed into a literal shitstorm without any time to prepare spin.


If she's still elected president after all this, our country is doomed.


She will be "elected". All this new development does is assure is an impeachment proceeding.


Now... What's the best way to distract the public from the impeachment of a president elect and give her the best platform from which to look presidential?



And, because it's a great movie, a bonus related clip:


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It's not revisiting the email scandal, it's that enough people would ignore her lies, corruption, incompetence, and facade (I've heard several people say that Donald is an !@#$, but she's one too and is just better and hiding it from the majority of her supporters) and elect her president.

yes, it's just that your comment coincided with the emailz announcement, as if that was the backbreaker. :thumbsup:

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yes, it's just that your comment coincided with the emailz announcement, as if that was the backbreaker. :thumbsup:

What is it you love so much about her ?


I have a gay uncle whose smitten by her and an ex coworker who wrote a sob story about voting for the first woman while she wore a shirt that says the kitty grabs back. She had some message about ending sexism and racism and every other ism and something about construction workers catcalling her. There will be no more catcalling after Hillary is in !

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I'll add to this as it's been speculated for awhile now that the hacks and leaks originated from NSA/US Intelligence who are pissed at Clinton for compromising their asset's identities and information...


The wifi on Hillary's plane was down when the story broke. This might not seem that significant, but it was the first time that has happened to her plane since she started using it for her campaign well over a year ago. The wifi was working when the plane took off but cut out just before the story was breaking.


Of course it could be a coincidence, malfunctions happen, but it threw the whole Clinton campaign into chaos as they landed into a literal shitstorm without any time to prepare spin.




She will be "elected". All this new development does is assure is an impeachment proceeding.


Now... What's the best way to distract the public from the impeachment of a president elect and give her the best platform from which to look presidential?



And, because it's a great movie, a bonus related clip:


a few things that I think you will be among the very, very few here to truly understand and appreciate...

Access to the internet is seemed a law of nature by our society. When we cannot access this people lose their brains and forget the now seemed archaic systems of radio, television as well as two way radio and non-IP based com.

What can be had thru simple hacks and cracks (99% of reported hacks are actually cracks and people are dumb) is amazing. You can ruin someone's car, house, record everything in their home.

DDoS with a LOIC is the biggest weapon around today. Other forms of DDOSing can do a lot and if this is done on a large scale on election day we could have a truly enlightened moment to observe just how connected we are which shows our vulnerability.


Combine hacktivists with social media and the ability to begin trolling and socio-engineering by 140 characters or less or a simple Instagram or Facebook live post... No one questions it. And we are doomed.

What is it you love so much about her ?

I have a gay uncle whose smitten by her and an ex coworker who wrote a sob story about voting for the first woman while she wore a shirt that says the kitty grabs back. She had some message about ending sexism and racism and every other ism and something about construction workers catcalling her. There will be no more catcalling after Hillary is in !

please let me come to vab and grab her !@#$
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