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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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You have to be perfect to not insult a woman's body as part of a political conversation? Where I'm from they just call it "not being a piece of ****". The "tower" we judge from is the soles of our shoes. How low to the ground do you have to be to look upwards at that, believeing it to be a spectacular height?


Oh to point it out is one thing. But to spend, I don't know how many posts, berating someone for using the word cankles is pretty pathetic.

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I know all politicians are phony but she takes it to a new level.



Taking phoney to a new level is an understatement. Everything about her is choreographed - 'spontaneous' meetings with 'average people', where the participants are actually vetted and selected in advance, her fake accents when addressing non-whites or non-northeasterners, her family history (claiming all her grandparents were immigrants when only one was), and her own personal history (she claimed to be named after Sir Edmund Hillary, despite the fact that she was born more than 5 years before he gained fame as the first to reach the summit of Mount Everest).

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(she claimed to be named after Sir Edmund Hillary, despite the fact that she was born more than 5 years before he gained fame as the first to reach the summit of Mount Everest).


Appropriately, the name "Hillary" is derived from the Latin "hilarius."


Also appropriately, it was a popular baby name starting in the 1960s, until its popularity dropped precipitously after...anyone care to take a guess? Yep, 1993.


It is, however, still a more popular name than "Cankles."

Edited by DC Tom
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The "tower" we judge from is the soles of our shoes. How low to the ground do you have to be to look upwards at that, believeing it to be a spectacular height?

I know that is not a haiku because it doesn't rhyme but I do not recognize the style of poetry. I can certainly see why it never gained any popularity.


Do soles of shoes have to be reinforced to support cankles?

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You're either a liar, or an idiot.


No one acting as an honest arbiter could possibly conclude that your insulting Hillary Clinton's body was anything but sexist. I've been scouring the search function, and have been unable to find a single incident of you doing the same sort of thing to a male. I hope you don't have daughters, and if you do, I hope they wind up with men more inclined to respect them than you.




No, I've been quite direct in my response, even going so far as to give you an example of what you're accusing me of.


If you have further charges, levy them with evidence.

So, you've been scouring the search function trying to find out if I ever made a sexist remark about a male, eh? I think I did make fun of Obama a few times. Try adding bowling or throwing out the first pitch to your search, oh, and you might want to add "girly" to it. If that fails throw in "mommy jeans". I also have probably made remarks about Al Franken and diapers. Don't know if I ever said anything about Henry Waxman though. Do thoughts count? Feel free to continue your "Cankles" investigation though as your self righteous levels probably need a boost.


As far as that other little matter of you altering other peoples posts you are out of your mind if you think I would give you any evidence before you categorically deny or admit to doing it. It really doesn't matter at this point in time what you say though. Your evasiveness is the equivalent of pleading the fifth and we all know what that means, don't we?

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Is it sexist to call Hillary a phony?


I know all politicians are phony but she takes it to a new level.


How many times in the last 10 years, as a percentage overall flights taken, has she flown commercially?

Of the commercial flights, what percentage of the time has she sat coach?

Did she suddenly have an antipathy and become one with the people?


The whole country ought to be embarrassed that our system is one that will not only let a person like this contend, but actually gives a person like this advantages.

It's interesting how Hillary's antipathy that she should get in touch with the peons is met with praise, but Bush 1 was scorned for being out of touch when he did the exact same thing. Is it different because he has a penis or because he has an R after his name? You be the judge.

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It's interesting how Hillary's antipathy that she should get in touch with the peons is met with praise, but Bush 1 was scorned for being out of touch when he did the exact same thing. Is it different because he has a penis or because he has an R after his name? You be the judge.


I think Hillary has something else working in her favor. All those years that she put up with Bill's infidelity, being the dutiful wife and keeping the first family together, she deserves the presidency, damn it! It's her turn, and she's payed her dues.


I've already heard people saying that. Thankfully, they're the types with opinions but don't ever actually vote.

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I think Hillary has something else working in her favor. All those years that she put up with Bill's infidelity, being the dutiful wife and keeping the first family together, she deserves the presidency, damn it! It's her turn, and she's payed her dues.


I've already heard people saying that. Thankfully, they're the types with opinions but don't ever actually vote.

So what you're saying is she's entitled to it


somewhere George Washington's zombie is grinding his wooden teeth

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Hillary Clinton: Risk-Avoider in Chief
Washington Post, by Philip Bump


Original Article





With Hillary, Appearances Are Everything
None of her political career makes a hell of a lot of sense if you think about it for three minutes. Every Mystery Machine must have its Velma.

The Clinton campaign’s launch video opens with a young mother describing an all-too-familiar predicament: She is moving to a new neighborhood because her child is about to start school and the local public schools are terrible. That’s some powerful stuff — powerful stuff that conservative school reformers watched with gobsmacked disbelief: You know who has a solution to the specific problem of poor families’ being trapped by their ZIP codes in craptastical public schools? Literally every Republican positioning himself to run against Mrs. Clinton in 2016. You know who opposes that solution? Herself, who as a Senate candidate and a presidential candidate not only ran against school choice but went so far as to link it to Islamic terrorism and white supremacy.
But she has a van!
She is positioning herself to run as an economic populist, an Elizabeth Warren–style scold of the wicked 1 percent. She will be doing this while her husband sports wristwatches that cost more than the typical American’s house and after having plotted the launch of her second campaign from the multi-million-dollar beachfront estate of the late Oscar de la Renta in the Dominican Republic.

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"I am a stranger and I do not know you or your departed. However, I saw the obit and wanted to express my condolences and to let you know that your sense of humor is wonderful," one person wrote. "Please know that we will not be voting for Hillary. Blessings to you and your family."


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I think Hillary has something else working in her favor. All those years that she put up with Bill's infidelity, being the dutiful wife and keeping the first family together, she deserves the presidency, damn it! It's her turn, and she's payed her dues.


I've already heard people saying that. Thankfully, they're the types with opinions but don't ever actually vote.

The only thing Hillary has in her favor is the millions in this country without a clue or moral compass.

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