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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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So if I call Hillary a B word in a situation where I would call Obama a dick head would that be sexist, and if so should I be ashamed of it?

If it's relevant to the conversation, no it would not be sexist, though it still might be distasteful. However I'm not sure that anyone here knows either of them well enough to ascribe such personal labels to either of them.

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Would it be sexist to say I have a lot of women friends?

If your straight I imagine you are exploiting them some way. Unless your a gay dude you are indeed sexist. :rolleyes:

More lies. What a useless pos she is.



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. . . which is (more than ironically) what Hillary Clinton is billing herself as.


In her recent Iowa appearance, Clinton revealed these two themes as the basis upon which she’s shaping 2016 presidential bid.



She complained that chief executives make too much money, and of the horror that has befallen politics after the Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United–which stands for the unremarkable position that groups of people organized in a business (e.g., corporations) or association (e.g., unions or neighborhood associations) form still have a First Amendment right to free speech.




All of this is coming from a woman whose persona is defined by whose massive political fundraising, multiple ethical lapses, and laughable claims of poverty.


I would call Clinton a hypocrite, but somehow this word fails to capture fully the Orwellian nature of her behavior. How do Democrat voters let her get away with such obvious doublethink? In the Words of Orwell, in the novel 1984:


In a way, the world-view of the Party imposed itself most successfully on people incapable of understanding it. They could be made to accept the most flagrant violations of reality, because they never fully grasped the enormity of what was demanded of them, and were not sufficiently interested in public events to notice what was happening. By lack of understanding they remained sane. They simply swallowed everything, and what they swallowed did them no harm, because it left no residue behind, just as a grain of corn will pass undigested through the body of a bird.




Ignorance is strength, I guess.






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You freely admit it now, however when I initially called out out for your idiocy, you denied any such behavior. The fact of the matter is that you're a liar. As for not usually resorting to substituting insults for substance? You do with enough frequency that it registers with me as a pattern. The fact that you defend your behavior "unapologetically" only speaks to your lack of character. As that, sir, is what it is.




The fact that you're "pissed off" rather than ashamed of yourself is the perfect critique of you as a person, and my comments regarding you were spot on, as you continue to reinforce.




Your own behavior lables itself sexist. Cheap swipes at the appearance of a woman, unrelated to the topic, is shameful. You absolutely can do something about it, rather than play the victim, by changing your behavior so that others don't see you that way. Act like a grownup.




One hardly has to be the smartest man in the room to call you out when you're acting like the most dense.


As for my changing posts? Like this?




You are a liar. I never denied calling Hillary "Cankles". Again, I took exception to your claiming that Dante and I would most likely come up with some sex-specific derogatory comments regarding Hillary during her campaign. I don't really think that "Cankles" is sex-specific but you sure are making a big deal out of it. It seems as if I've hit a sore spot with you. Any chance you have been referred to in the past as "Cankles"? Maybe I should call you "Cankles" too, although I'm not sure that by doing so I'd be showing that it is not a sex-specific term. After all, you certainly do seem to be on your period. There will be no apology from me regardless of how much of a hissy fit you throw. Quit making a mountain out of a molehill nothing you prig.


So, I see "the smartest man in the room" is doing his best to avoid directly answering my accusation that he altered other people's posts and hid that fact. It is amazing to me that a person that would do such a thing as that would question my character. It must be uncomfortable for you to be taken to task for what would appear to be a serious flaw in your own character. I called someone "Cankles" and you go nutso questioning my character, truthfulness and maturity while you refuse to admit, let alone apologize for altering other people's posts and hiding the fact. Keep your faux indignation out of here. If you have some deep seated need to be an ass just go fire another one of your servants.

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Here is some text from a mail note I got from my Congresswoman today:


"Hillary Clinton just announced she'll support a constitutional amendment taking on dark money. This is a HUGE DEAL.

We need 375,981 more signatures to get ONE MILLION Democrats demanding an end to Citizens United.


How encouraging is this?! Hillary Clinton called for an END to dark money in politics. She laid it out as a top priority at her first campaign event in Iowa this week.


She is right -- our campaign finance system is broken. We can’t let the Republicans or the Koch brothers buy any more elections. It’s time to get their big money out of politics NOW and forever!"


Meanwhile reports are that Hillary will raise $2,000,000,000.00 to run her campaign.


This is rich (pun intended).


Have to agree that the campaign finance laws can be improved, but certainly you realize that both parties use similar funding playbooks and tactics.

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Have to agree that the campaign finance laws can be improved, but certainly you realize that both parties use similar funding playbooks and tactics.


They're all crooks. I don't trust either party. In my life I've voted in every presidential election and have voted for Republicans, Democrats, Reformers (care to guess who that was?), and Libertarians.


It's just funny that she made such a big deal about how money in politics is bad, yet she is gong to raise $2,000,000,000.00 (that's Billion with a B) of this "bad" money.


In the other post about this from the B guy mentions Hillary saying We can't have the Koch Brothers buying any more elections. But it's OK for rich people to buy an election for her? :w00t:

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You are a liar. I never denied calling Hillary "Cankles". Again, I took exception to your claiming that Dante and I would most likely come up with some sex-specific derogatory comments regarding Hillary during her campaign. I don't really think that "Cankles" is sex-specific but you sure are making a big deal out of it. It seems as if I've hit a sore spot with you. Any chance you have been referred to in the past as "Cankles"? Maybe I should call you "Cankles" too, although I'm not sure that by doing so I'd be showing that it is not a sex-specific term. After all, you certainly do seem to be on your period. There will be no apology from me regardless of how much of a hissy fit you throw. Quit making a mountain out of a molehill nothing you prig.

You're either a liar, or an idiot.


No one acting as an honest arbiter could possibly conclude that your insulting Hillary Clinton's body was anything but sexist. I've been scouring the search function, and have been unable to find a single incident of you doing the same sort of thing to a male. I hope you don't have daughters, and if you do, I hope they wind up with men more inclined to respect them than you.




So, I see "the smartest man in the room" is doing his best to avoid directly answering my accusation that he altered other people's posts and hid that fact. It is amazing to me that a person that would do such a thing as that would question my character. It must be uncomfortable for you to be taken to task for what would appear to be a serious flaw in your own character. I called someone "Cankles" and you go nutso questioning my character, truthfulness and maturity while you refuse to admit, let alone apologize for altering other people's posts and hiding the fact. Keep your faux indignation out of here. If you have some deep seated need to be an ass just go fire another one of your servants.

No, I've been quite direct in my response, even going so far as to give you an example of what you're accusing me of.


If you have further charges, levy them with evidence.

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It keeps getting better and better. Here's the latest political move by Hillary:


"Hillary Clinton is planning to name Gary Gensler, a former top federal financial regulator and strong advocate for strict Wall Street rules, as the chief financial officer of her campaign, according to a Democrat familiar with the decision."




When I read this kind of stuff from her I find it insulting. She thinks I'm stupid and don't know any better.

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It keeps getting better and better. Here's the latest political move by Hillary:


"Hillary Clinton is planning to name Gary Gensler, a former top federal financial regulator and strong advocate for strict Wall Street rules, as the chief financial officer of her campaign, according to a Democrat familiar with the decision."




When I read this kind of stuff from her I find it insulting. She thinks I'm stupid and don't know any better.

I find the overwhelming majority of things politicians say on the campaign trail to be based on the presumption that the people they are trying to reach are too stupid to know any better and that those who do are either already in the bag or were never going to vote for them anyway. Hillary's just really bad at selling it..


Hillary's biggest weakness is that she's really bad at being fake, and she's almost always fake. Like that former Clinton adviser turned FNC contributor said, she thinks if you knew who she was you wouldn't like her, so she's always pretending to be someone else. The problem is her act is so painfully transparent that you couldn't buy it even if you wanted to. Her supposedly candid moments are just painful to watch. Even though I don't care for her I still cringe when she speaks.

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I find the overwhelming majority of things politicians say on the campaign trail to be based on the presumption that the people they are trying to reach are too stupid to know any better and that those who do are either already in the bag or were never going to vote for them anyway. Hillary's just really bad at selling it..


Hillary's biggest weakness is that she's really bad at being fake, and she's almost always fake. Like that former Clinton adviser turned FNC contributor said, she thinks if you knew who she was you wouldn't like her, so she's always pretending to be someone else. The problem is her act is so painfully transparent that you couldn't buy it even if you wanted to. Her supposedly candid moments are just painful to watch. Even though I don't care for her I still cringe when she speaks.

Hillary's biggest weakness is that most people got sick her more than ten years ago.

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Nobody knows the trouble I've seen............................


This video has to be fair game for any Hillary opponent. It needs to be played over and over ala Howard Dean's screech.


That video is sexist. I learned that at my secretariat hockey school.



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Is it sexist to call Hillary a phony?


I know all politicians are phony but she takes it to a new level.


How many times in the last 10 years, as a percentage overall flights taken, has she flown commercially?

Of the commercial flights, what percentage of the time has she sat coach?

Did she suddenly have an antipathy and become one with the people?


The whole country ought to be embarrassed that our system is one that will not only let a person like this contend, but actually gives a person like this advantages.

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You're either a liar, or an idiot.


No one acting as an honest arbiter could possibly conclude that your insulting Hillary Clinton's body was anything but sexist. I've been scouring the search function, and have been unable to find a single incident of you doing the same sort of thing to a male. I hope you don't have daughters, and if you do, I hope they wind up with men more inclined to respect them than you.


No, I've been quite direct in my response, even going so far as to give you an example of what you're accusing me of.


If you have further charges, levy them with evidence.

Is there something you take that makes you !@#$ing perfect? Because you sound not as the "smartest man in the room" but the absolutely most perfect man in the room. You love to judge from your high tower don't you?

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Flop-sweat can be sensed for miles.




Cellphones and Cameras Confiscated Before Meeting With Hillary
by Daniel Halper


Original Article


Iowans had their cellphones and cameras confiscated before getting to meet the Democratic presidential frontrunner, Hillary Rodham Clinton. "On Thursday, Clinton´s motorcade left the SpringHill Suites for Main Street Cafe, where she met privately with party leaders for about an hour and a half," reports KETV in Omaha.


"Pottawattamie County Democratic Chairwoman Linda Nelson said the meeting was so private that everyone invited was asked to hand over their cellphones and cameras before taking part."


The Clinton campaign has been trying to control Hillary´s campaign events as much as possible. Taking the cellphones and cameras of possible voters, however, is usually reserved for high-level national security events, not campaign stops.

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Flop-sweat can be sensed for miles.




Cellphones and Cameras Confiscated Before Meeting With Hillary

by Daniel Halper


Original Article


Iowans had their cellphones and cameras confiscated before getting to meet the Democratic presidential frontrunner, Hillary Rodham Clinton. "On Thursday, Clinton´s motorcade left the SpringHill Suites for Main Street Cafe, where she met privately with party leaders for about an hour and a half," reports KETV in Omaha.


"Pottawattamie County Democratic Chairwoman Linda Nelson said the meeting was so private that everyone invited was asked to hand over their cellphones and cameras before taking part."


The Clinton campaign has been trying to control Hillary´s campaign events as much as possible. Taking the cellphones and cameras of possible voters, however, is usually reserved for high-level national security events, not campaign stops.


Gee, it's almost like she's afraid people will see her for who she is. Next thing you know she'll be staging events where she's rolling luggage through the airport and pretending to fly coach.

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Gee, it's almost like she's afraid people will see her for who she is. Next thing you know she'll be staging events where she's rolling luggage through the airport and pretending to fly coach.


Maybe she's allergic to electricity?

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Is there something you take that makes you !@#$ing perfect? Because you sound not as the "smartest man in the room" but the absolutely most perfect man in the room. You love to judge from your high tower don't you?

You have to be perfect to not insult a woman's body as part of a political conversation? Where I'm from they just call it "not being a piece of ****". The "tower" we judge from is the soles of our shoes. How low to the ground do you have to be to look upwards at that, believeing it to be a spectacular height?

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