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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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"The Clinton event was billed as “lunch with Hillary Rodham Clinton” and had four donation levels to attend. Those contribution levels were described as $100,000, which featured “chair reception with Hillary,” $33,000, which included a “host reception with Hillary,” $5,000, which included “preferred seating” and $2,700."


Such a candidate of the people.


Other than determined to elect the first female president, I have no idea why she has the support she does in some corners of the American demographic. I doubt there are many college students or people who work for a living who are going to can shell out for preferred seating at $2,700.

Edited by dpberr
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Word is that Assange's "October surprise" is LIAR sold weapons to ISIS.


That's the least surprising surprise ever. That was the whole point overthrowing Gaddafi and establishing a presence in Benghazi in the first place. He was brought down because Saudi Salafists purchased his country through the US State Department (i.e. you-know-who), to support their boiz.


BTW, the amount was no less than $25M, in order to corruptly use the US Military to destroy a sovereign nation that in no way was a security risk to the US. To me it begs the question: what is Soros getting for his money?

Edited by Ralonzo
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Hillary's good buddy David Brock:






David Brock is everything normal people hate about politics. He’s a shady, shameless shill for Hillary Clinton who has made a fortune in the “political operative” industry by doing political operative-y things that contribute nothing of value to society. He’s also (allegedly) a paranoid coke fiend who travels with an armed security detail because he’s afraid snipers are going to get him.


Brock is probably going to want to lawyer up following the publication of a month-long investigation into his network of pro-Clinton political organizations. The Citizens Audit presents a compelling case that Brock is laundering money through the various PACs and non-profit groups he oversees. One of them is Media Matters, one of the most aggressively pro-Clinton operations in existence.


The report presents evidence that, for years, Brock has been shifting money around between his various political organizations, while paying a 12.5 percent commission on each transaction to the Bonner Group, which serves as his (unregistered) solicitor — unregistered because that way the group is not legally required to disclose its contracts.


The Bonner Group is run by Mary Pat Bonner, a rich Democratic donor with whom Brock shares a rental property in the Hamptons.


Here’s a summary of how the scheme allegedly works:







Say, for example, you donate $1,062,857 to Media Matters for America. This is how David Brock would have used your charitable donation in 2014:

1. Media Matters would receive your $1,062,857 donation ◦The Bonner Group would earn a $132,857 commission

◦Media Matters would retain $930,000


2.Next, Media Matters would give what’s left of your entire donation, $930,000, to the Franklin Education Forum ◦The Bonner Group would ‘earn’ a $116,250 commission

◦The Franklin Education Forum would retain $813,750


3.The Franklin Education Forum would then forward the remaining $813,750 to The Franklin Forum ◦The Bonner Group would ‘earn’ a $101,718 commission

◦The Franklin Forum would retain $712,031



In the end, Brock’s solicitor would have pocketed $350,825, almost a third of your initial donation! That’s a far cry from the advertised 12.5% commission

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It's funny how they accuse their enemies of exactly what they do.


That IS exactly what they do. They accuse the "rich" of having no regard or respect for the poor because they truly don't.

It's funny how they accuse their enemies of exactly what they do.


That IS exactly what they do. They accuse the "rich" of having no regard or respect for the poor because they truly don't.
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Yes, by showing that you can spend $1B and still lose the election.


That's the least surprising surprise ever. That was the whole point overthrowing Gaddafi and establishing a presence in Benghazi in the first place. He was brought down because Saudi Salafists purchased his country through the US State Department (i.e. you-know-who), to support their boiz.


BTW, the amount was no less than $25M, in order to corruptly use the US Military to destroy a sovereign nation that in no way was a security risk to the US. To me it begs the question: what is Soros getting for his money?


True it's no real surprise to us, but this will be devastating to her when those that didn't have an idea finally learn of it.

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True it's no real surprise to us, but this will be devastating to her when those that didn't have an idea finally learn of it.



LOL at your naive Tay.


Assange is a Comey like lap dog set up. If he releases anything at all it will be weak and allow for Hillary to say see I told you so just like Comey did. They are with her. If Assange really gave a crap about doing the right thing he would have done so already.

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LOL at your naive Tay.


Assange is a Comey like lap dog set up. If he releases anything at all it will be weak and allow for Hillary to say see I told you so just like Comey did. They are with her. If Assange really gave a crap about doing the right thing he would have done so already.


Again, the word is that she sold weapons to ISIS. Is that "weak"? And he's waiting until it's too late to replace her with Biden.

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Need more proof that Team Hillary’s ‘clearly panicking’? This oughta do it




Cs5qhb0UEAAGPRT.jpg Click on to enlarge.




It’s really just sad at this point.


To gin up enthusiasm, Clinton has recruited Hollywood liberals from a show that ended in 2006?







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Need more proof that Team Hillarys clearly panicking? This oughta do it




Cs5qhb0UEAAGPRT.jpg Click on to enlarge.




Its really just sad at this point.


To gin up enthusiasm, Clinton has recruited Hollywood liberals from a show that ended in 2006?







Should be Frank and Claire Underwood
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Need more proof that Team Hillary’s ‘clearly panicking’? This oughta do it




Cs5qhb0UEAAGPRT.jpg Click on to enlarge.




It’s really just sad at this point.


To gin up enthusiasm, Clinton has recruited Hollywood liberals from a show that ended in 2006?








No, she's recruiting Hollywood liberals from her extended presidential campaign ad that ended in 2006.

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Need more proof that Team Hillary’s ‘clearly panicking’? This oughta do it




Cs5qhb0UEAAGPRT.jpg Click on to enlarge.




It’s really just sad at this point.


To gin up enthusiasm, Clinton has recruited Hollywood liberals from a show that ended in 2006?


I wonder why? Was the cast from Cheers not available? :unsure:

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Are their any poll numbers which are trustworthy which will accurately judge what type of hit she has or hasn't taken? I'm still under the impression that as long as she has a pulse she is going to win this thing.


This election is so weird I don't trust any polls. Both these candidates are so deplorable and nearly impossible for any rational person to actively support that the result is likely to be determined by voter turnout than anything else.

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No it wasn't. It was never the word and t certainly wasn't after Slick met with Lo.


Lol ok.


When Assange's fart gets blown away in the wind will you believe the next revelation will be the one to give her a comeuppance?


There is already more than enough information out there to have her locked up forever but it will not be allowed. I am trying to explain to you how it works but you don't really need me for that. You'll understand eventually.

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Lol ok.


When Assange's fart gets blown away in the wind will you believe the next revelation will be the one to give her a comeuppance?


There is already more than enough information out there to have her locked up forever but it will not be allowed. I am trying to explain to you how it works but you don't really need me for that. You'll understand eventually.

Again I said IF she truly sold weapons to ISIS, she's done. And I don't expect her to go to jail.

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