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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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Some people think Trump will win rather easily, and win going away as he did the Republican primaries.They expect him to carry states like Ohio, North Carolina, Florida, Michigan, maybe even Pennsylvania. Why? Two reasons.


The first can be explained with an old story from the world of marketing:

A company came out with a new dog food, and hired an advertising firm to promote the product. The ad agency placed commercials on television and ads in magazines; millions of dollars went into the campaign. The commercials and ads were first-rate, but still the dog food did not sell. The client called a meeting at the ad agency and demanded to know what had gone wrong.

After a moment of silence, the leader of the ad agency team explained: “
The dogs don’t like it.”





Hillary Clinton can be re-launched, re-packaged, and protected by a phalanx of reporters. The liberal establishment can do its best to jam her down our throats. But we–the voters–don’t like her. And the more we see of her, the more our dislike is confirmed. She is too weak a candidate to be elected president.


Second, everyone knows that the press is trying to elect Hillary, and most Americans resent it. Every day, editors and reporters try to inflict an anti-Trump theme on the rest of us. Today’s hysteria revolves around Trump’s comments on Hillary’s hypocrisy regarding gun control:


She goes around with armed bodyguards like you have never seen before. I think that her bodyguards should drop all weapons. They should disarm. Right? Right? I think they should disarm immediately. What do you think? Yes? Yes. Yeah. Take their guns away. She doesn’t want guns. … Let’s see what happens to her. Take their guns away, okay? It would be very dangerous.




Trump obviously was making the point that he and countless others have made many times before: liberals like Hillary Clinton, who are protected 24/7 by armed guards, are deeply hypocritical when they try to disarm millions of Americans who don’t have taxpayer-funded protection and rely on their own firearms for self-defense. The point is a powerful one, which is why liberal reporters don’t want to acknowledge it. Instead, they absurdly pretend that Trump was hinting that Hillary should be assassinated.



This kind of thing fools no one. Millions of Americans are quietly fuming over the press’s overreach, going over the top, day after day, to defeat Donald Trump. The blowback is building, and will continue building until election day.


At one point, when I was opposing Trump during the GOP primaries, I said to the press: Stop attacking Trump! Liberal reporters often began with a valid point, but their hysterical hatred for Trump caused them to go too far, making arguments that were patently unfair and unsustainable. Therefore, the more they attacked Trump the more his support grew.


The same thing is happening now: most Americans have a pretty good sense of fair play, and they know that Trump is being treated badly by the establishment–a group for whom most Americans have no great affection.

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Some people think Trump will win rather easily, and win going away as he did the Republican primaries.They expect him to carry states like Ohio, North Carolina, Florida, Michigan, maybe even Pennsylvania. Why? Two reasons.


The first can be explained with an old story from the world of marketing:


A company came out with a new dog food, and hired an advertising firm to promote the product. The ad agency placed commercials on television and ads in magazines; millions of dollars went into the campaign. The commercials and ads were first-rate, but still the dog food did not sell. The client called a meeting at the ad agency and demanded to know what had gone wrong.

After a moment of silence, the leader of the ad agency team explained: “The dogs don’t like it.”





Hillary Clinton can be re-launched, re-packaged, and protected by a phalanx of reporters. The liberal establishment can do its best to jam her down our throats. But we–the voters–don’t like her. And the more we see of her, the more our dislike is confirmed. She is too weak a candidate to be elected president.





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JOHN PODHORETZ: The liberal establishment’s Clinton obsession is blowing up in its face:


Trump wasn’t defeated in his quest for the nomination, but it wasn’t because the party or the conservative movement lay down and rolled over for him. Indeed, all the lines of attack being raised today by Hillary Clinton against him, from Trump’s footsie-playing with racists to his foundation’s high jinks to Trump University, were introduced into the national discussion and aired out on the Right for months.

Democrats and liberals, by contrast, did not adjudicate the matters now dogging Hillary’s candidacy during the primary season. Instead, they left all opposition to the ministrations of a 74-year-old socialist who wasn’t even a Democrat until 2014.

And his surprising strength in running against her — Sanders ultimately secured 44 percent of the Democratic primary vote — should have made clear that whatever the mainstream Democratic view, ordinary Democrats did see her as shifty, untrustworthy and someone they did not wish to vote for.

Well, here we are. And here you are, Democrats and liberals. Ther
e will be a lot of blame to go around if Trump wins. But a significant share will go to you, because you live in a bubble so impervious to reality, you didn’t realize that nominating a widely disliked person with legal and ethical problems might come to bite you in the ass in the end.



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It Sure Seems Like Hillary Clinton’s Tech Guy Asked Reddit for Email Advice



House panel looking into Reddit post about Clinton's email server


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I feel bad for her from a health perspective and it also makes me sad that this hunger for power can be so all encompassing.


Now she is off for 6 days after here eyeballs freaked out.


i mean seriously, does she think being president will make her more healthy? Would she rather be president or be alive? Sheesh.


And I don't think by any means she'd be the only one to take this approach. It's macabre.

Edited by 4merper4mer
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Hillary looked hell Saturday night.


Her eyes were buggy yesterday.


Now she's gone missing.


Media covering for her.


If there was a time Hillary needed to make a public appearance in the key battleground state of North Carolina to drum up voter support, it was today, if for no other reason than a just released Elon University poll finding Trump now has a modest 44% advantage among likely voters in the Tar Heel State, with 43% going to Clinton.


Which is why we find it surprising that with Hillary's desperately needing to make an appearance, overnight CBS reported that Clinton campaign officials said that a Tuesday fundraiser in Chapel Hill was postponed.



The Clinton event was billed as “lunch with Hillary Rodham Clinton” and had four donation levels to attend. Those contribution levels were described as $100,000, which featured “chair reception with Hillary,” $33,000, which included a “host reception with Hillary,” $5,000, which included “preferred seating” and $2,700.

No reason was given for postponement of the Clinton event, which was planned to take place at the home of Betty Craven and Michael Warner.


Media's on total lockdown over Hillary's disappearance tonight. Something must be up.

Edited by B-Man
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Hillary looked hell Saturday night.


Her eyes were buggy yesterday.


Now she's gone missing.


Media covering for her.


If there was a time Hillary needed to make a public appearance in the key battleground state of North Carolina to drum up voter support, it was today, if for no other reason than a just released Elon University poll finding Trump now has a modest 44% advantage among likely voters in the Tar Heel State, with 43% going to Clinton.


Which is why we find it surprising that with Hillary's desperately needing to make an appearance, overnight CBS reported that Clinton campaign officials said that a Tuesday fundraiser in Chapel Hill was postponed.


The Clinton event was billed as “lunch with Hillary Rodham Clinton” and had four donation levels to attend. Those contribution levels were described as $100,000, which featured “chair reception with Hillary,” $33,000, which included a “host reception with Hillary,” $5,000, which included “preferred seating” and $2,700.

No reason was given for postponement of the Clinton event, which was planned to take place at the home of Betty Craven and Michael Warner.



Media's on total lockdown over Hillary's disappearance tonight. Something must be up.


This is obviously a con designed to make people who otherwise hate her more sympathetic to her by empathizing with her at a very basic level over her health.


It makes me hate her even more.

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This is obviously a con designed to make people who otherwise hate her more sympathetic to her by empathizing with her at a very basic level over her health.


It makes me hate her even more.



I just figured it was something simple like..............................her double has the flu now too.......... :lol:

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