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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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Video's been removed. What did it show that had to be erased from the world's mind-eye?




I'm not a doctor but if you have "walking pneumonia" aren't you supposed to be able to walk?


Overheated/dehydrated is BS. It was 80 and not humid. Would there be any hotter days in the 4-8 years she'd be Prez?


The thing I find most sad:


The pull to be president pushes people to things like this. It sure looks like she has serious issues to me in that video She can move her upper body but not her lower body. You can't be president if you can't move and the stress of that job cannot help. It's not just her but these people are politicians first and people second even when it comes to their own personal well being. It's weird and disturbing. I wish her a recovery from whatever affliction is doing this to her but I am also bothered that is is very clear that she is hiding something.....again....and the press is not only allowing it but supporting it.....again.

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Regarding 'humidity being bs', if she was sweating and dehydrated on top of battling pneumonia, it kinda fits together.


That being said, I do have questions about her health in general.


Out of all her handlers and assistants and (I'm assuming) doctors who are looking after a 68 year old Presidential candidate around the clock, how is she allowed to become dehydrated? I could throw in an "I blame Whaley" but I'm serious. I don't let my kids get dehydrated, or anyone else I'm looking after, when they're healthy let alone AFTER they've been diagnosed with pneumonia.

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Out of all her handlers and assistants and (I'm assuming) doctors who are looking after a 68 year old Presidential candidate around the clock, how is she allowed to become dehydrated? I could throw in an "I blame Whaley" but I'm serious. I don't let my kids get dehydrated, or anyone else I'm looking after, when they're healthy let alone AFTER they've been diagnosed with pneumonia.



There are 8 people standing around her and she is a "dehydrated" presidential candidate and not one of them offers her a drink of water. Seriously? I mean there are seriously people that are willing to believe that?


It was not a humid day. That is simply a fact. But of course there are people willing to believe that it was humid in the 8 cubic feet immediately surrounding her.

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Regarding 'humidity being bs', if she was sweating and dehydrated on top of battling pneumonia, it kinda fits together.


That being said, I do have questions about her health in general.

The WaPo sure edited that clip to NOT show her face-planting into the SUV.

Fair and balanced they are.

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The Yousetoob video in the Dorkington linky was removed by the entity that uploaded it. I don't know wtf is was.

The WP link of Dorkington's is an article that I can summarize in two small snippets:


She stumbled




No big deal



For most people stumbling and being unable to stand up are two different things, but I guess they are not for Hillary. She didn't stumble. She was unable to walk or stand.


As for the no big deal part:


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I realize it is Hilary's "turn" but the Democrats will lose the election if they keep propping up an obviously frail, ill 68 year old woman.


What happened yesterday wasn't some case of pneumonia. What gave it away before the incident was that she was conspicuously the only one wearing sunglasses during the ceremony. Guaranteed you see her disappear for 2-3 days before each debate for infusions just like she's taking two days off all of a sudden.

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I realize it is Hilary's "turn" but the Democrats will lose the election if they keep propping up an obviously frail, ill 68 year old woman.


What happened yesterday wasn't some case of pneumonia. What gave it away before the incident was that she was conspicuously the only one wearing sunglasses during the ceremony. Guaranteed you see her disappear for 2-3 days before each debate for infusions just like she's taking two days off all of a sudden.



They are probably not going to lose. The R's helped her out by nominating the Rex Ryan of presidential candidates, but no matter who was nominated the machine is working overtime.


FWIW I find the picture in this link mean and unnecessary. But it was inevitable.

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They are probably not going to lose. The R's helped her out by nominating the Rex Ryan of presidential candidates, but no matter who was nominated the machine is working overtime.


FWIW I find the picture in this link mean and unnecessary. But it was inevitable.


That assumes she has no more medical episodes and no more gaffes as a result of her health. And makes it through the debates that will require a lot from her. And the lies about what's going on don't get so outrageous nobody believes them. That's the minefield here. So many people today take care of their parents or have grandparents her age and they know when somebody's sick and when they are not. I'm one of those such people. What I see and what I'm being told don't gel.


For someone who's so scripted she's nearly robotic, the "deplorables" comment was surprising. IMO, I don't think a healthy Clinton says that within 10 feet of a microphone.

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What I see and what I'm being told don't gel.


For someone who's so scripted she's nearly robotic, the "deplorables" comment was surprising. IMO, I don't think a healthy Clinton says that within 10 feet of a microphone.



For the bolded part.....hasn't that been happening with the Clintons for over 20 years? This is a SoS who deliberately designed a communications methodology to illegally withhold information from the American public. This resulted in exposing that information to enemies. That has been treated like no big deal by the press, the President, Congress....both parties...., and the DOJ/FBI. They can't keep health concerns from swaying votes for less than 2 more months? Lol.


For the next part....meh. It will be made into no big deal....the mirror image of Romney's 47% and the mirror image coverage.

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