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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/3467067/postsHillary Clinton was sporting a mini earbud wired to receive stealth communications from her campaign handlers during Wednesday's Presidential Forum carried live on NBC, True Pundit has learned.While Clinton was fielding questions from NBC's Matt Lauer and the public Wednesday night on live television, a quiet buzz started circulating in New York law enforcement circles about Hillary’s left ear. NYPD sources confirm Clinton was wearing an 'inductive earpiece,' the same technology employed by almost all lead Broadway actors to receive forgotten lines and stealth off-stage cues from directors. The flesh-colored earbud is easily concealed. There are no wires running directly to the ear like you see with the units employed by Secret Service protection detail personnel.The skin-tone piece Clinton was wearing, however, was somewhat different from the standard issued stealth earpiece and is much different in appearance from a hearing aid. This unit is considered a "micro" earbud which contains all the technology but is a fraction of the size with a very high price tag. In fact, most of the units this size, approximately 3mm or comparable to a small pearl stud earring, are normally issued to law enforcement or corporate security teams, sources said. At a size that small, the earbud is designed to sit inside the opening of the ear canal, almost invisible to anyone. However, the unit does move and shift along with its wearer and at times can slightly pop out of the canal and require a quick readjustment, experts said.Ironically, the revelation that Clinton was wearing such a unit might have only been recognized because of astute NYPD officers attached to her security detail who are accustomed to seeing the stealth apparatus at stage shows, conventions and security personnel of VIPs and international dignitaries at the United nations and elsewhere in the five boroughs. Likewise, NYPD detectives employ a parallel technology to communicate during undercover Ops.

No surprise. I figure Barry's been using one for years now.

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Hillary Clinton was sporting a mini earbud wired to receive stealth communications from her campaign handlers during Wednesday's Presidential Forum carried live on NBC, True Pundit has learned.


While Clinton was fielding questions from NBC's Matt Lauer and the public Wednesday night on live television, a quiet buzz started circulating in New York law enforcement circles about Hillary’s left ear. NYPD sources confirm Clinton was wearing an 'inductive earpiece,' the same technology employed by almost all lead Broadway actors to receive forgotten lines and stealth off-stage cues from directors. The flesh-colored earbud is easily concealed. There are no wires running directly to the ear like you see with the units employed by Secret Service protection detail personnel.


The skin-tone piece Clinton was wearing, however, was somewhat different from the standard issued stealth earpiece and is much different in appearance from a hearing aid. This unit is considered a "micro" earbud which contains all the technology but is a fraction of the size with a very high price tag. In fact, most of the units this size, approximately 3mm or comparable to a small pearl stud earring, are normally issued to law enforcement or corporate security teams, sources said. At a size that small, the earbud is designed to sit inside the opening of the ear canal, almost invisible to anyone. However, the unit does move and shift along with its wearer and at times can slightly pop out of the canal and require a quick readjustment, experts said.


Ironically, the revelation that Clinton was wearing such a unit might have only been recognized because of astute NYPD officers attached to her security detail who are accustomed to seeing the stealth apparatus at stage shows, conventions and security personnel of VIPs and international dignitaries at the United nations and elsewhere in the five boroughs. Likewise, NYPD detectives employ a parallel technology to communicate during undercover Ops.


It wasn't an ear piece (sadly):




Gif so you can see it in action, it's just a reflection: https://gfycat.com/CarefulDenseCapeghostfrog

Clinton campaign warns media to tread carefully


While Clinton responded to a fit of coughing this week with humor, saying she was “allergic” to GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump, her aides and surrogates played the role of bad cop.

Campaign spokesman Nick Merrill took to task an NBC reporter who wrote about the coughing spell, posting on Twitter that the writer should “get a life.”



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Are candidates permitted to wear earpieces at debates?


The earpiece is just more evidence that there is a massive apparatus working very hard to keep her upright, alert and looking the part.


I'd LOVE for this to be true, but it just ain't. She wasn't wearing an ear piece, it was just shiny flesh and poor lighting.

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I'd LOVE for this to be true, but it just ain't. She wasn't wearing an ear piece, it was just shiny flesh and poor lighting.


You see? Partisans with conspiracy theories. The base of the Republican party has made conspiracy theories go mainstream.

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You see? Partisans with conspiracy theories. The base of the Republican party has made conspiracy theories go mainstream.


Or, it could be that more people are waking up to the manufactured nature of our reality and are questioning that narrative in numerous ways.


But in this case you're probably more right than wrong.

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I'd LOVE for this to be true, but it just ain't. She wasn't wearing an ear piece, it was just shiny flesh and poor lighting.

Read my post on this again. It supposedly fits well up into the ear and one would actually have to be in her presence to notice it. It was the NYC officers that claimed to have seen it. It shouldn't really matter though since she will be scrutinized quite carefully in the future. It will be interesting to see if she changes her hairstyle.

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Or, it could be that more people are waking up to the manufactured nature of our reality and are questioning that narrative in numerous ways.


But in this case you're probably more right than wrong.


I usually have a rule of thumb when dealing with conspiracy theorists, and I've had this way of doing things for as long as I can remember.


Which is; Don't engage in an argument with them.


Why? Because the conversations take place on two different landscapes. One is using acknowledged and verified and sourced accounts vs. the other using unprovable, non verified and non sourced accounts. Or if they are sourced, it's typically not a smoking gun per se but rather a piece of evidence that can be used to bolster their argument. But rarely a provable piece of evidence.


You aren't a classic conspiracy theorist, you at least use some sourced data, mind you it is typically cherry picked data, but you use some sourced and verifiable data to fit into an overarching conspiracy narrative. We can at least have somewhat of a conversation.


I think that your default mode is that your viewpoint is from a conspiratorial side, and in my experiences those that have a predetermined supposition/belief tend to be more prone to have accounts that aren't factually provable. That's because that is what you are wanting to believe, rather than just allowing all the data to come in without having a predisposed view and forming your opinion after collecting data.


I'm not saying that you don't ever do this, just that in way too many topics, your views are associated with conspiracies. If it were just a few conspiracy theories, that would be one thing, but when someone is consistently on that side of the realm, then it tells me they are wanting to believe that.

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I usually have a rule of thumb when dealing with conspiracy theorists, and I've had this way of doing things for as long as I can remember.


Which is; Don't engage in an argument with them.


Why? Because the conversations take place on two different landscapes. One is using acknowledged and verified and sourced accounts vs. the other using unprovable, non verified and non sourced accounts. Or if they are sourced, it's typically not a smoking gun per se but rather a piece of evidence that can be used to bolster their argument. But rarely a provable piece of evidence.


You aren't a classic conspiracy theorist, you at least use some sourced data, mind you it is typically cherry picked data, but you use some sourced and verifiable data to fit into an overarching conspiracy narrative. We can at least have somewhat of a conversation.


I think that your default mode is that your viewpoint is from a conspiratorial side, and in my experiences those that have a predetermined supposition/belief tend to be more prone to have accounts that aren't factually provable. That's because that is what you are wanting to believe, rather than just allowing all the data to come in without having a predisposed view and forming your opinion after collecting data.


I'm not saying that you don't ever do this, just that in way too many topics, your views are associated with conspiracies. If it were just a few conspiracy theories, that would be one thing, but when someone is consistently on that side of the realm, then it tells me they are wanting to believe that.


My manner of discussion and default mode comes about from two divergent personality traits:


1) I'm a storyteller by trade, thus I've always been drawn to the better story.

2) I'm a lawyer by training, thus I've always been drawn to argue which makes my first reaction often contrary for contrary's sake.


Both these traits have blindspots that, at least in real life, I make a more concerted effort to reign those instincts in when thinking critically. On here where I go back and forth between having fun at my own expense (and others') and having real substantive conversations that is where things get blurry.


I would say my default view actually isn't conspiratorial at all, but that's because I buck against that term. There's really only one "conspiracy" (going by the actual definition) that I actually believe wholeheartedly -- and while that one belief would have a fundamental impact on every facet of geopolitical and political life, I have never been under the delusion that its worth bringing into my discussions here on PPP in anything more than jokes at my own expense.


I don't think it's a conspiracy theory (again, hate that term) to say there are forces working behind the scenes to manipulate our reality, the evidence for this is just overwhelming. What is up for debate is what the motives for this kind of manipulation are -- and that's where I tend to drill in in terms of discussions on this board. That's been the focus of my more fringe discussions: there is a war going on between traditional democracy and authoritarianism -- only one is going to make it out of the 21st century in tact, and it sure does look like America is pulling hard for authoritarianism to win the day.


But again, I don't see that as being conspiratorial as much as I see it being shoved in our faces by mainstream and fringe sources alike.

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I'd LOVE for this to be true, but it just ain't. She wasn't wearing an ear piece, it was just shiny flesh and poor lighting.


Even Hillary isn't stupid enough to do something like that which can be so easily seen.

Read my post on this again. It supposedly fits well up into the ear and one would actually have to be in her presence to notice it. It was the NYC officers that claimed to have seen it. It shouldn't really matter though since she will be scrutinized quite carefully in the future. It will be interesting to see if she changes her hairstyle.


Oh well then.....NYC officers. :rolleyes:

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H1qUtJzN_bigger.jpgThe HillVerified account @thehill 8m8 minutes ago

5 takeaways from Clinton's first press conference in months http://hill.cm/K7H4Gta



15 minutes, 6 questions, nothing about email. ....................................."Press conference."






ADDED: From Today


Clinton: Trump's Praise of Putin Is 'Scary' and 'Unpatriotic'

NBCNews.com‎ -
2003 Hillary disagrees with her...............................................no reporter brings up.
“I'm sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and disagree with this administration, somehow you're not patriotic. We need to stand up and say we're Americans, and we have the right to debate and disagree with any administration.”
Edited by B-Man
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I love how Hiliary pointed out that Trump kinda said he supported the Iraq War on Howard Stern in 2002.


But her own support as a United States Senator is old news. And besides, nobody pays attention to what Senators say.


But when you go on Howard Stern, it's a matter of public record

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I love how Hiliary pointed out that Trump kinda said he supported the Iraq War on Howard Stern in 2002.


But her own support as a United States Senator is old news. And besides, nobody pays attention to what Senators say.


But when you go on Howard Stern, it's a matter of public record



I have the complete opposite view of this. Hillary's war vote, cost her the 2008 primary vs. Obama. And to this day, there are progressives around the country and on this board who cannot and will not accept her apology and in many other cases among Democratic voters are wary of her, hence the lack of enthusiasm there is for her in the Democratic party.


Trump on the other hand is held to a much lower standard. Most people recognize that he's a buffoon, most of us have already been so shell shocked by his mind numbing stupidity that nothing he does really surprises us any longer. Sure, the media loves to replay his numerous gaffes and insanely idiotic comments, simply because it is entertainment, media is in it for the ratings and he is ratings gold.


The point is, Trump literally changes positions in mid sentence. He has no core beliefs, he is a narcissistic know-nothing, who doesn't have the mental fortitude to actually study up on any real actual positions. It's beyond belief that people are not able to see through this facade. Every single thing that comes out of his mouth is either a complete fabrication or proposals that have no real thought behind them.


Seriously. Everything he says is ****. I look at the TV, I look at my wife or my parents and we all just look at each other and give each other a look as if "Is this real?". At first I just couldn't fathom his support, I thought to myself, "My god, what is wrong with these people who are supporting this dumbass". Then I got over it and put it aside. But now, it's coming back again, I'm just listening to this idiot and I just keep thinking to myself, "what the !@#$ is wrong with you people? Don't you see that he's a moron?"


Even Hillary isn't stupid enough to do something like that which can be so easily seen.


Oh well then.....NYC officers. :rolleyes:



This goes back to what I was saying about conspiracy theories. A trademark tell that you know it's a conspiracy theory are the fact they typically use unnamed sources. Hence "NYPD cop". No name, just that it was an NYPD cop. Look at this board, a good portion of the conservatives are running with the story. This did not use to be the case. This is what mindless nationalistic populism is bringing to the GOP.

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Gary Johnson also seemed unaware that we have thousands of troops in Iraq right now.




Oh wait, different candidate.




tTocueCd_normal.jpgNBC News

Hillary Clinton: 'We Are Not Putting Ground Troops into Iraq Ever...
At the Commander in Chief Forum in New York City, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton said she would not put troops back in Iraq or in Syria - Watch more on NBCNews.com
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