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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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I doubt we'll see any posts about former SoS Clinton from either Dante or 3rdnlng during this campaign that don't utilize some form of sex-specific derogatory language, unrelated to politics.


Useless language. Useless people. Useless posts.

There was a time that I would have thought that a statement like this was beneath you. Please point out one instance of me using sex-specific derogatory language. If you can't or won't, then an honest person would naturally owe me a public apology. BTW, your cute little trick of quoting someone here but altering what they wrote won't work with me. Have at it, smartest man in the room.

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There was a time that I would have thought that a statement like this was beneath you. Please point out one instance of me using sex-specific derogatory language. If you can't or won't, then an honest person would naturally owe me a public apology. BTW, your cute little trick of quoting someone here but altering what they wrote won't work with me. Have at it, smartest man in the room.

He will glad to get back to you right after he answers why stealing music is ok. He promised to do that any minute now about a year ago.

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There was a time that I would have thought that a statement like this was beneath you. Please point out one instance of me using sex-specific derogatory language. If you can't or won't, then an honest person would naturally owe me a public apology. BTW, your cute little trick of quoting someone here but altering what they wrote won't work with me. Have at it, smartest man in the room.



You do realize that this is a message board that saves your posts, right?

Edited by TakeYouToTasker
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I am unsure of your point. While calling someone "cankles" is certainly insulting, Cankles are found in men and women.








The astonishing incompetence of Hillary´s campaign rollout

American Thinker, by Thomas Lifson


Original Article Edited by B-Man
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I am unsure of your point. While calling someone "cankles" is certainly insulting, Cankles are found in men and women.




Stop being obtuse. It's very thinly veiled gender bias. I've never heard of anyone making fun of a man for having "cankles". Further, critiques of a woman's looks have no place, at all, in political discussion.


If 3rd doesn't like being called out for this kind of ****, he should simply stop doing it.

Edited by TakeYouToTasker
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Stop being obtuse. It's very thinly veiled gender bias. I've never heard of anyone making fun of a man for having "cankles". Further, critiques of a woman's looks have no place, at all, in political discussion.


If 3rd doesn't like being called out for this kind of ****, he should simply stop doing it.



Fair enough...............I was just speaking of my experience as a nurse. There are certainly men with cankles, but it is used as female insult generally.







Hillary’s Most Humble First Day in Iowa
by John Fund
Hillary Clinton made her first trip to Iowa as a presidential candidate yesterday. Her campaign promoted her appearance at a community college with a press release headlined, “On First Trip, Hillary to have Conversations with Everyday Iowans.”
But apparently not all everyday Iowans are created equal. It turns out that students in classrooms along the paths Hillary was walking at the college were put on lockdown during her visit for “security” reasons.
Meanwhile, the Clinton campaign hosted a conference call during which its top aides urged potential fundraisers on towards the goal of raising $1 billion. The Wall Street Journal reported that “those who commit to becoming ‘Hillstarters’ must raise $27,000 in campaign donations within 30 days. The money will go toward Mrs. Clinton’s Democratic primary race, as opposed to the general election.” To date, Clinton has no significant primary challengers.
During a separate conference call with reporters, a top Hillary aide explained, “We understand this is a long process that we are going to take very seriously, with a great deal of humility.” Along with a fair pinch of hypocrisy, I might add. Hillary’s first policy pronouncement yesterday actually included a call by her to end the role of “unaccountable” money in politics — this as she plans to raise $1 billion and allow independent super PACs to promote her candidacy.


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Stop being obtuse. It's very thinly veiled gender bias. I've never heard of anyone making fun of a man for having "cankles". Further, critiques of a woman's looks have no place, at all, in political discussion.


In fairness, I think you're selling your point short. There was a time I would mock Nancy Pelosi's extensive and not-so-successful plastic surgery, or Joe Biden's plugs, but I got tired of hearing about how fat Chris Christie is or how yellow John Boehner is, and made a conscious effort to stop lowering myself to the low-hanging fruit of someone's physical appearance.


In other words, it's not just critique of a woman's looks that should be removed, but critique of anyone's physical appearance, regardless of gender. Maybe I'm just older and wiser, but I've come to learn that mocking the way someone looks doesn't take any effort, and any simple mind can do it.

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In fairness, I think you're selling your point short. There was a time I would mock Nancy Pelosi's extensive and not-so-successful plastic surgery, or Joe Biden's plugs, but I got tired of hearing about how fat Chris Christie is or how yellow John Boehner is, and made a conscious effort to stop lowering myself to the low-hanging fruit of someone's physical appearance.


In other words, it's not just critique of a woman's looks that should be removed, but critique of anyone's physical appearance, regardless of gender. Maybe I'm just older and wiser, but I've come to learn that mocking the way someone looks doesn't take any effort, and any simple mind can do it.

I totally agree with this. But what happens when you can't control the disdain? Would you grant the same respect to someone that broke into your house, robbed you and smacked your wife and kids around? People who are on a deliberate path to neuter the country not only deserve no respect , they should be considered treasonous. I do get your point and I am one of the guilty ones but it's very hard to refrain.

Edited by Dante
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You do realize that this is a message board that saves your posts, right?

Ooooh, you got me there. That absolutely proves that I use sex-specific derogatory language. Tell me, if it was so offensive to you why didn't you say something at the time I referred to Hillary as "Cankles" or did you have to search for something to try to connect to your snide, snarky, ignorant out of left field remarks about Dante and me?


Although Hillary is fair game I guess I'll refrain from calling her "Cankles" out of sensitivity to those of you here in the OMG, LOL crowd. I wouldn't want to be put in the same category as the cartoonists who accentuate Obama's ears now would I?


Tell me, smartest man in the room, since I so poorly convey my feeling with words, does the attached picture do a better job of conveying my feelings?


Edited by 3rdnlng
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I totally agree with this. But what happens when you can't control the disdain? Would you grant the same respect to someone that broke into your house, robbed you and smacked your wife and kids around? People who are on a deliberate path to neuter the country not only deserve no respect , they should be considered treasonous. I do get your point and I am one of the guilty ones but it's very hard to refrain.


It's ultimately not hard to refrain because the more your refrain, the easier it becomes to refrain simply because you can suddenly hear the pure stupidity of those who can not refrain.


It's a bit like giving up smoking. It's not until you quit smoking that you realize how disgusting you used to smell.

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Stop being obtuse. It's very thinly veiled gender bias. I've never heard of anyone making fun of a man for having "cankles". Further, critiques of a woman's looks have no place, at all, in political discussion.


If 3rd doesn't like being called out for this kind of ****, he should simply stop doing it.

I agree with you in principle, but are we pretending that her sex isn't the primary reason she's the Dem front runner?

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Ooooh, you got me there. That absolutely proves that I use sex-specific derogatory language. Tell me, if it was so offensive to you why didn't you say something at the time I referred to Hillary as "Cankles" or did you have to search for something to try to connect to your snide, snarky, ignorant out of left field remarks about Dante and me?

It certainly does; and quite frankly, it also proves you a liar. I quoted you.


Further, you don't get to choose the time table on which I critique your stupidity.


The only thing you get to control is if you act like a jackass or not. So far you've chosen to act like a jackass. If you don't like being called out for it, I suggest you stop.




Although Hillary is fair game I guess I'll refrain from calling her "Cankles" out of sensitivity to those of you here in the OMG, LOL crowd. I wouldn't want to be put in the same category as the cartoonists who accentuate Obama's ears now would I?


Hillary Clinton most certainly is fair game, and her pre-emptive campaign of assigning negative gender identity to phrases like "out of touch" is laughable; however that's not what you've dome; and worse, you smart enough to know this, yet are apparently small enough that you won't cop to it and defend your asanine behavior.


Even more laughable is that you're comparing your openly derogatory hack-and-slash posting to caricature art.






Tell me, smartest man in the room, since I so poorly convey my feeling with words, does the attached picture do a better job of conveying my feelings?


No. Doing a better job with words would be a better way of conveying your feelings. You aren't stupid. You should try it.

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I agree with you in principle, but are we pretending that her sex isn't the primary reason she's the Dem front runner?

As Greg says, it's her dynastic family name, not her gender.


But even if it weren't, what would be the point of engaging in misogyny? That sort of nonsense always weakens the argument of the one making it.

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