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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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CNN Host Stunned To Learn Hillary Aides Destroyed Phones With Hammers [VIDEO] http://trib.al/RbiChZr



Gee FBI, why would they do that if everything was turned over to State ?






Time to take the car keys away from Granny Clinton








Where Has Hillary Clinton Been? Ask the Ultrarich



If Mr. Trump appears to be waging his campaign in rallies and network interviews, Mrs. Clinton’s second presidential bid seems to amount to a series of high-dollar fund-raisers with public appearances added to the schedule when they can be fit in. Last week, for example, she diverged just once from her packed fund-raising schedule to deliver a speech.


The public has gotten used to seeing Mrs. Clinton’s carefully choreographed appearances and her somewhat halting speeches and TV interviews over the course of the long — and sometimes seemingly joyless — campaign, but donors this summer have glimpsed an entirely different person.

Edited by B-Man
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Yes, and these extremists are skinheads who want to do away with anyone who isn't white.






When you have footage of someone being chased by Trump supporters like this, get back to me...





Hey man, I was just kidding! We all know there isn't any footage of groups of Trump supporters accosting his opponent's supporters.


I want you to return, to hopefully persuade you that Hillary is way more dangerous than Trump.

Edited by HoF Watkins
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Labor Day is the traditional or unofficial start of the presidential campaigns, though this is really an anachronism. Nevertheless, it is a journalistic totem if nothing else, so one wonders how Hillary’s launch party in Ohio earlier this afternoon will be presented by the media. After several days off the campaign trail to “rest,” she sounds . .


Maybe it is just a clever attempt to distract us from the devastating FBI file dumped on Friday


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Labor Day is the traditional or unofficial start of the presidential campaigns, though this is really an anachronism. Nevertheless, it is a journalistic totem if nothing else, so one wonders how Hillary’s launch party in Ohio earlier this afternoon will be presented by the media. After several days off the campaign trail to “rest,” she sounds . .


Maybe it is just a clever attempt to distract us from the devastating FBI file dumped on Friday




Can't blame her for choking on her own words; we can't swallow 'em either.

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Hope that happens during each of the debates. America needs to see what an unhealthy person she is.

It would be beautiful to see her meltdown on live national TV.

She doesn't need to meltdown. She just needs to schitt the oven mitt on live TV. Sure hope she goes with a dark color.


One thing you can say about Trump...he won't hesitate to stand next to her on stage and say something like, "Geez, Hillary, did you just schitt your pants?"


Do that and I'll vote for you, Donald.

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Labor Day is the traditional or unofficial start of the presidential campaigns, though this is really an anachronism. Nevertheless, it is a journalistic totem if nothing else, so one wonders how Hillary’s launch party in Ohio earlier this afternoon will be presented by the media. After several days off the campaign trail to “rest,” she sounds . .


Maybe it is just a clever attempt to distract us from the devastating FBI file dumped on Friday


Just saw a clip of her on Fox giving a "press conference" on board her plane and she had to take a moment because of a coughing jag.

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Just saw a clip of her on Fox giving a "press conference" on board her plane and she had to take a moment because of a coughing jag.


HER plane. "Hil Force One." A 14 year old 737-800, last flown by a Dutch airline. Has four cabins - one for Hillary, one for staff, one for the Secret Service, and one (with 40 seats) for members of the press.


So 40 members of the press can accompany her everywhere while she campaigns... :huh: Come again? We're just throwing away every pretense of an independent press now? Nobody has any problem with campaign donations being used to embed reporters in to the campaign and fly them around? Is flying around on your own dime your own vetted pool of reporters to cover your campaign somehow NOT a conflict of interest, at least?

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