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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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Add "extremely sloppy" to "just plain careless" .............................................................and "systematic and intentional."


FBI found extensive evidence Hillary emails violated federal records laws

by John Solomon and Kellan Howell


Original Article








Yeah, Sure, It’s Perfectly Normal for Private Foundation Staffers to Ask for Diplomatic Passports

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner
Have you ever fallen and not been able to get up? #MattLauerDebateQuestions
Mrs Clinton, who would you say is more of a pervert, your husband? or Huma's husband? #MattLauerDebateQuestions
Mrs. Clinton would you like to end this debate early so you can take a nap? #MattLauerDebateQuestions
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It doesn't matter who she's running against. The media wouldn't be treating Rubio/Romney/Paul/kasich any different. They would still be doing their best to cover hillary, spew progressive propaganda and defame her opponnent.


The entire process is corrupted and the media is far from being fair and unbiased. Its the way it is. The republicans are not going to be treated fairly.


That doesn't mean he shouldn't use every opportunity to hammer her on this.


But he doesn't. He gives her some Mad Magazine name like Crooked Hillary, mumbles something about her, and then changes his mind for the 18th time about what his immigration plan may be like from a digital, hypothetical, brick, licorice structure.


All he has to do, over and over: I'll cut taxes and then...HIllary corruption. Hillary emails. Hillary Benghazi. Hillary Iraq war. Hillary and her husband the sexual predator on kiddieporn flights. Hillary and her health. Hillary in hiding.


Then bring that to the debates, should they ever take place.


But no. He has idiot surrogates out there spewing stupidity while leaving you able to count the number of campaign offices he has in swing states on the hand of a bad wood shop teacher.

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That doesn't mean he shouldn't use every opportunity to hammer her on this.


But he doesn't. He gives her some Mad Magazine name like Crooked Hillary, mumbles something about her, and then changes his mind for the 18th time about what his immigration plan may be like from a digital, hypothetical, brick, licorice structure.


All he has to do, over and over: I'll cut taxes and then...HIllary corruption. Hillary emails. Hillary Benghazi. Hillary Iraq war. Hillary and her husband the sexual predator on kiddieporn flights. Hillary and her health. Hillary in hiding.


Then bring that to the debates, should they ever take place.


But no. He has idiot surrogates out there spewing stupidity while leaving you able to count the number of campaign offices he has in swing states on the hand of a bad wood shop teacher.



I tend to agree. It would be an interesting debate on who is a bigger lap dog for her but I'd go with piece of #$%^ Comey. Trump might be in it for the $. Comey? Running scared. He is a loser.

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Being reported from FBI Labor Day doc dump of Hillary emails that she had as many as 13 mobile devices sending date via her server.


I'm old enough to remember when Hillary said she only used one device.


Thirteen? Sheesh. Can you imagine being her 'get me a phone' B word?

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That doesn't mean he shouldn't use every opportunity to hammer her on this.


All he has to do, over and over: I'll cut taxes and then...HIllary corruption. Hillary emails. Hillary Benghazi. Hillary Iraq war. Hillary and her husband the sexual predator on kiddieporn flights. Hillary and her health. Hillary in hiding.


100% agree.


He has a new campaign manager hopefully they get it together.

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Being reported from FBI Labor Day doc dump of Hillary emails that she had as many as 13 mobile devices sending date via her server.


I'm old enough to remember when Hillary said she only used one device.


Thirteen? Sheesh. Can you imagine being her 'get me a phone' B word?

She should have put herself on the Tom Brady plan. Use a phone, smash a phone.

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Disgraceful that these interview notes were treated by the feds as a holiday weekend news dump........... :wallbash:



JUST IN: FBI says Hillary Clinton withheld 17,500 work-related emails http://washex.am/2bWhdFp






NEW: Clinton told FBI she thought "C" classified markings were alphabetical paragraphs http://washex.am/2bZ9etY



Hillary Clinton told the FBI she didn't understand classified intel http://washex.am/2cwgDn2



FBI: Hillary Clinton unable to locate any of the 13 devices she used to access private email http://washex.am/2bQPBTb




How do you turn over 30,000 work related emails & then miss 17,500 more? ...............She lied....................... But FBI says no intent.




Q: Hey my blackberry broke, can I get a replacement from the State Department? A: Bad idea, because FOIA! 1f914.pngpic.twitter.com/ReRzcw3eTz









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Top 11 Hillary revelations in a nutshell...from the always reliable Ben Shapiro.


And yet birdog and ...lybob/gatorman will be right there, hand on level, to make this historic...because they're with the oven mitt.


Here’s the bottom line: this is obviously criminal activity. The FBI’s decision not to recommend indictment was a total fraud; they hid behind the fig leaf that she didn’t “intend” to break the law, which was not required by the law. Even so, there is no way in hell that any other human being would be treated with such deference regarding the question of intent. Either Hillary Clinton is either the most incompetent woman ever put in charge of a major governmental department, or she’s a criminal. There’s no in-between here. And we’ve been informed she’s the Most Competent Woman In Human History.


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She has every intention of running out the clock to Election Day and taking her chances.


If she wins, she skates. That's Plan A.


If she loses, Obama will pardon her somehow, someway on his last day in office. That's Plan B.


Don't get your hopes up that this 68 year old grandmother who happens to be aformer President's wife, former senator, former secretary of state, former nominee for President will spend a single day in jail. Never going to happen.


The best you can hope for is that enough of the electorate realizes she's the most corrupt Presidential candidate in the nation's history who was married to one of two Presidents that were actually impeached - and makes Nixon, derided as THE most corrupt President to date, look amateur. She loses the race and goes back to making speeches and living out her years in Martha's Vineyard.

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FBI: On two occasions, Clinton tech aide destroyed her old mobile devices 'by breaking them in half or hitting them with a hammer.'



Solid case for Comey impeachment over his clearly political decision not to recommend indictment.. http://www.dailywire.com/news/8876/new-fbi-documents-show-hillary-was-obviously-ben-shapiro?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_content=news&utm_campaign=twitterbenshapiro




Clinton Said She Couldn’t Remember Classified Briefings Because of Concussion




Hillary spinners are really working hard this afternoon, attacking anyone on Twitter or Facebook who references this story.




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That doesn't mean he shouldn't use every opportunity to hammer her on this.


But he doesn't. He gives her some Mad Magazine name like Crooked Hillary, mumbles something about her, and then changes his mind for the 18th time about what his immigration plan may be like from a digital, hypothetical, brick, licorice structure.


All he has to do, over and over: I'll cut taxes and then...HIllary corruption. Hillary emails. Hillary Benghazi. Hillary Iraq war. Hillary and her husband the sexual predator on kiddieporn flights. Hillary and her health. Hillary in hiding.


Then bring that to the debates, should they ever take place.


But no. He has idiot surrogates out there spewing stupidity while leaving you able to count the number of campaign offices he has in swing states on the hand of a bad wood shop teacher.


He has been saying all that stuff. Why do you suppose you don't hear about it?

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The media doesn't care. They are progressive hacks and they control the narrative.


Oh look over there! Mitt Romney has a horse! Trumps wife plagerized!


That's exactly what I was getting at. Trump can and does say all the things non-libs want him to say. The media for the most part doesn't report on it. Which means it doesn't matter if it's a true conservative or someone like Trump, they'll get the same treatment.

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Trump can and does say all the things non-libs want him to say. The media for the most part doesn't report on it.

You know what? He really doesn't. It's never the primary reason for his speech. There are no soundbites. Conservative pundits never tweet out his clever sayings. I don't see his attacks even on Fox. It's a footnote to him.


And yes, I know how bad the media is. CNN is a disgusting mess right now.


But this isn't just on the media. He's a drastically flawed candidate, which makes sense given he's, y'know, a Democrat.

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given he's, y'know, a Democrat.

Which in a nut shell shows how messed up our country is. 20 years ago he (literally and figuratively) was a Democrat and his current platform would be appealing to 5th traditional Reagan blue collar democrats.


That shows how far to the left the country has been hijacked that we are clinging to a guy who would most align as a traditional ( not a modern socialist) Democrat to save us from all out socialism.



In primary season I was all for Cruz and a lesser extent fiorina, Paul and Dr. Carson. When trump became our best chance to stop Hillary he has my full support.

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You know what? He really doesn't. It's never the primary reason for his speech. There are no soundbites. Conservative pundits never tweet out his clever sayings. I don't see his attacks even on Fox. It's a footnote to him.


And yes, I know how bad the media is. CNN is a disgusting mess right now.


But this isn't just on the media. He's a drastically flawed candidate, which makes sense given he's, y'know, a Democrat.


His attacks are definitely on Fox. They're the only network carrying his water.


And again, as flawed as he is, LIAR is worse. All he's done is say things. She's actually done things that have been detrimental to our country. What's troubling to me is that people don't realize that/need to hear things through the media.

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