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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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The U.S. Department of Clinton



The latest emails show that State and the foundation were one seamless entity.



This is the week that the steady drip, drip, drip of details about Hillary Clinton’s server turned into a waterfall. This is the week that we finally learned why Mrs. Clinton used a private communications setup, and what it hid. This is the week, in short, that we found out that the infamous server was designed to hide that Mrs. Clinton for three years served as the U.S. Secretary of the Clinton Foundation.







Clinton Foundation donor denied entry to US on terrorism claims http://nyp.st/2bskbDT





Hillary had 1 big speech & her lead gets cut. The #HiddenHillary strategy is her only winning route to white house




Clinton Global Initiative Moderator Describes Group’s Events As ‘Creepy,’ ‘Disgusting,’ ‘Gross.’................................. Well, to be fair, Bill’s involved.







In 1992, Bill Clinton announced that “It’s the economy, stupid.” That was pretty much the sole theme of his campaign.
He ludicrously claimed that the country was then experiencing “the worst economy since the Great Depression,” a lie that the press, to its everlasting shame, not just allowed but often endorsed. So what was the level of GDP growth that Clinton relentlessly denigrated?


According to the
, the quarterly growth numbers for 1992, in chained 2009 dollars, were
4.8%, 4.5%, 3.9%


That’s right–the growth that Bill Clinton derided as the “worst economy since the Great Depression” was around
four times what we are now seeing under Barack Obama.
And Hillary Clinton promises to continue Obama’s anti-growth policies.


* * * * * * * *


“I would have thought that the economy would be at the center of the presidential campaign. Instead we’re hearing about which candidate is more racist. It’s crazy. It’s sad.”





Read the whole thing.




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A Republican circle jerk.

Way back at the start of this thread, I was all Hillary. Today, I'm here to tell you I was a fool. My apologies.


Hillary is the most blatantly corrupt Presidential candidate I can conceive of, and my political views have completely changed.


I see totalitarianism on the horizon.

Edited by HoF Watkins
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Way back at the start of this thread, I was all Hillary. Today, I'm here to tell you I was a fool. My apologies.


Hillary is the most blatantly corrupt Presidential candidate I can conceive of, and my political views have completely changed.


I see totalitarianism on the horizon.

I would say congratulations on opening your eyes but I'm not sure that's the right thing to say in this situation.


They say ignorance is bliss, but now that you see what's happening you'll never be able to go back.


It's like that scene from the Matrix after they extract Neo and he asks why his eyes hurt and Morpheus responds it's because he's never used them

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Way back at the start of this thread, I was all Hillary. Today, I'm here to tell you I was a fool. My apologies.


Hillary is the most blatantly corrupt Presidential candidate I can conceive of, and my political views have completely changed.


I see totalitarianism on the horizon.


The spleen doctor and Baskin still can't read.

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If Clinton had a press conference, here’s what she should be asked

McClatchy Newspapers, by Andrew Malcolm


Original Article







The Clintonian Gaslighting Never Ends
by Jonah Goldberg
Media Protects Hillary Clinton after Weekend of Mega-Fundraisers with Elitist Donors (Updated) https://shar.es/1whhYs
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I would say congratulations on opening your eyes but I'm not sure that's the right thing to say in this situation.


They say ignorance is bliss, but now that you see what's happening you'll never be able to go back.


It's like that scene from the Matrix after they extract Neo and he asks why his eyes hurt and Morpheus responds it's because he's never used them


My awareness took a leap during the Clockboy "scandal". It became apparent that, among virtually all my peer group, even questioning Ahmed's motivations was enough to have you branded a racist. From there to the Roosh (pickup artist) "scandal", where a tasteless "pro-rape" satire provokes death threats, yet from the same attackers not a single mention of actual rapes by migrants throughout the EU.


I expect Hillary to do for relations between the sexes, what Obama did for race relations.



The refugee crisis is beyond the pale.


The Orlando killer story...immediately converted into a gun issue. Even if they stopped selling any guns TODAY, there are so many guns already in circulation, that any terrorist would have no trouble obtaining one (or would just make a bomb, or run people over with a car, or....).


Transgender...BLM...no need to go on, really. I'm preaching to the choir.


I have always been on "the Left", and throughout my life, it was the Right that I associated with censorship, and suppression of information. Now it is clear that "progressivism" is a wolf in sheep's clothing. I have always been dismissive of conspiracy theories, but the table is being set for globalization, and it appears there is no way around it.

Edited by HoF Watkins
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My awareness took a leap during the Clockboy "scandal". It became apparent that, among virtually all my peer group, even questioning Ahmed's motivations was enough to have you branded a racist. From there to the Roosh (pickup artist) "scandal", where a tasteless "pro-rape" satire provokes death threats, yet from the same attackers not a single mention of the actual rapes by migrants throughout the EU.


I expect Hillary to do for relations between the sexes, what Obama did for race relations.



The refugee crisis is beyond the pale.


The Orlando killer story...immediately converted into a gun issue. Even if they stopped selling any guns TODAY, there are so many guns already in circulation, that any terrorist would have no trouble obtaining one (or would just make a bomb, or run people over with a car, or....).


Transgender...BLM...no need to go on, really. I'm preaching to the choir.


I have always been on "the Left", and throughout my life, it was the Right that I associated with censorship, and suppression of information. Now it is clear that "progressivism" is a wolf in sheep's clothing. I have always been dismissive of conspiracy theories, but the table is being set for globalization, and it appears there is no way around it.


Globalism is inevitable if we're going to survive as a species.


The mechanisms under which that globalism operates is not, which is what all the fuss is about. We're either going to end up with a totalitarian/authoritarian relationship between the people and the state or one where self determination is king. In this country we've been steadily moving towards totalitarianism since September 12th, 2001. It's been a downward slide since then.

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Globalism is inevitable if we're going to survive as a species.


The mechanisms under which that globalism operates is not, which is what all the fuss is about. We're either going to end up with a totalitarian/authoritarian relationship between the people and the state or one where self determination is king. In this country we've been steadily moving towards totalitarianism since September 12th, 2001. It's been a downward slide since then.


Oh, &^*^ off. I was keeping it simple, and didn't define "globalism". The issues here are way more important than our feelings about Tom Brady. But you have to be a dick.

Edited by HoF Watkins
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My awareness took a leap during the Clockboy "scandal". It became apparent that, among virtually all my peer group, even questioning Ahmed's motivations was enough to have you branded a racist. From there to the Roosh (pickup artist) "scandal", where a tasteless "pro-rape" satire provokes death threats, yet from the same attackers not a single mention of actual rapes by migrants throughout the EU.


I expect Hillary to do for relations between the sexes, what Obama did for race relations.



The refugee crisis is beyond the pale.


The Orlando killer story...immediately converted into a gun issue. Even if they stopped selling any guns TODAY, there are so many guns already in circulation, that any terrorist would have no trouble obtaining one (or would just make a bomb, or run people over with a car, or....).


Transgender...BLM...no need to go on, really. I'm preaching to the choir.


I have always been on "the Left", and throughout my life, it was the Right that I associated with censorship, and suppression of information. Now it is clear that "progressivism" is a wolf in sheep's clothing. I have always been dismissive of conspiracy theories, but the table is being set for globalization, and it appears there is no way around it.


This is excellent trolling. As good as anything crayonz has ever done. It's like you've had lessons.

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This is excellent trolling. As good as anything crayonz has ever done. It's like you've had lessons.


ha. Not trolling at all, unfortunately. But maybe you're all dicks. That's fine with me, I was just acknowledging my previous mistaken assumption. Not sure what part of my post could be construed as trolling.

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My awareness took a leap during the Clockboy "scandal". It became apparent that, among virtually all my peer group, even questioning Ahmed's motivations was enough to have you branded a racist. From there to the Roosh (pickup artist) "scandal", where a tasteless "pro-rape" satire provokes death threats, yet from the same attackers not a single mention of actual rapes by migrants throughout the EU.


I expect Hillary to do for relations between the sexes, what Obama did for race relations.



The refugee crisis is beyond the pale.


The Orlando killer story...immediately converted into a gun issue. Even if they stopped selling any guns TODAY, there are so many guns already in circulation, that any terrorist would have no trouble obtaining one (or would just make a bomb, or run people over with a car, or....).


Transgender...BLM...no need to go on, really. I'm preaching to the choir.


I have always been on "the Left", and throughout my life, it was the Right that I associated with censorship, and suppression of information. Now it is clear that "progressivism" is a wolf in sheep's clothing. I have always been dismissive of conspiracy theories, but the table is being set for globalization, and it appears there is no way around it.


Here, here. Another former 'progressive' finally opens his eyes. Congrats.

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