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H1qUtJzN_bigger.jpgThe HillVerified account @thehill 22m22 minutes ago


NEW: GOP seizing on emails that show corruption between State Dept and Clinton Foundation ......http://hill.cm/DGEEeOI



Seizing on ?




I am so G-damn tired of HRC scandals reported in terms of GOP reaction rather than on their own merits.


This isn't a GOP story.




.Sorry to intrude on the Trump discussion




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Seizing on ?




I am so G-damn tired of HRC scandals reported in terms of GOP reaction rather than on their own merits.


This isn't a GOP story.




.Sorry to intrude on the Trump discussion




It's too complicated and another right wing conspiracy no doubt. Now, if you could find out that Hillary tied a dog on her car or Bill Clinton has a horse, then we might have something to work with.

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Seizing on ?




I am so G-damn tired of HRC scandals reported in terms of GOP reaction rather than on their own merits.


This isn't a GOP story.




.Sorry to intrude on the Trump discussion






I got an earful from the lady friend this morning for pointing this out while CNN was comparing these new leaks to Trump's idiocy as if they were in any way equal.


One is a stupid comment from a known stupid guy who's never going to be president, the other gives every indication (if not outright proof) that US interests are for sale to the highest bidder under Queen Clinton's reign.


My running commentary (MST3K style) was met with a cold shoulder and a slammed door.


...Ah, well, we had a good run. :)

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We now enter the "GOP Seizes" portion of our program



H1qUtJzN_bigger.jpgThe HillVerified account @thehill 22m22 minutes ago


NEW: GOP seizing on emails that show corruption between State Dept and Clinton Foundation ......http://hill.cm/DGEEeOI




Alternate headline:


Emails show corruption between State Dept and Clinton Foundation



These 44 emails, many of which show coordination between staffers of one and staffers of the other, is a blatant example of corruption. She said in 2009 she wouldn’t do it anymore, and it continued after that.





NY Post: Emails reveal Hillary's shocking "pay-for-play" scheme http://nyp.st/2aYR0aK





Geez...............I almost forgot, stay tuned for the inevitable media "Is the GOP Overreaching" B.S. next :lol:





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We now enter the "GOP Seizes" portion of our program





Alternate headline:


Emails show corruption between State Dept and Clinton Foundation



These 44 emails, many of which show coordination between staffers of one and staffers of the other, is a blatant example of corruption. She said in 2009 she wouldn’t do it anymore, and it continued after that.





NY Post: Emails reveal Hillary's shocking "pay-for-play" scheme http://nyp.st/2aYR0aK





Geez...............I almost forgot, stay tuned for the inevitable media "Is the GOP Overreaching" B.S. next :lol:








Anyone want to list all the things wrong with this? (Hint: it's not just the content.)

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Where does the NYT put the most important presidential election news story of the day?

I knew this story was up, because I'd seen it at Memeorandum, my go-to source for trending news. I expected to find it on the front page at the NYT, but I ended up have to go back to Memeorandum to get the link. So let's examine the front page of the NYT and see what other presidential election news is there. I'll list them in the order that they are conspicuous on the front page. I'm not going to put links on them all.

1. Unsurprisingly, the story presented as the most important one is that Trump said something that can be understood as very bad: "Trump Suggests Gun Owners Could Stop Clinton Agenda." Trump is always saying something, so there's always another story on the worst thing Trump recently said.

2. "Trump’s Support Among Republican Women Is Faltering." There's always another poll, so you can always point out some specific detail in that poll.

3. "Stress Over Money Pushed Clinton Into Corporate World." Finally, we get to something about Clinton, and it relates to the distant past and is not even actually negative, though the second half of the subheading tells us "But she has been accused of going against her principles."
4. "Modest to Majestic: A Look at the Clintons’ Homes." Again, nothing that just happened. Is this mostly a real estate article or some digging down into finances? Okay, I clicked through. It's just the houses they've owned over the years — not including the White House and the Arkansas governor's mansion. But thrown in at the end is something I don't think they own (and that I'd never heard of): "Perched atop the Clinton library... is a tastefully decorated private residence where the Clintons stay when they’re in Little Rock." A penthouse was built on top of Bill's library?!

5. "New Election Podcast: A Landslide Win for Clinton?" Imagining the future.

(There it is)

6. "New Emails Renew Questions About Clinton Foundation." Oh! I finally found it. It is on the front page, just very inconspicuous.
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Suddenly I'm not just ignoring, but I'm actually mocking Chris Christie, Ann Coulter, Laura Ingram, Bill O'Reilly, Breitbart, Drudge, etc. because it's all just too embarrassing to watch.


Speaking of Christie, not a good day in court today.

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Hack of Democrats’ Accounts Was Wider Than Believed, Officials Say










CULTURE OF CORRUPTION: Five Clinton friends who got special State Department access.


If only the GOP candidate was smart, this is the only thing that he would be talking about 24/7.

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Point of note: this is not out of the ordinary for the Clinton's. The..."partnership" between favored businesses and people and the State Department during Bill's administration that often diplomats in other countries (particularly those with a history of state-owned business) did not know the difference.

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