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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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If you're a fan of war, or better yet work in an industry that profits from war, then you'll love what a HRC presidency will bring.


It's what she does.

Not a fan, but I do work in DC... so....

Are you one of those people that thinks that Trump will unilaterally send nuclear weapons at people who talk bad about him?

I have no clue what he will or won't do. Clinton is relatively predictable. Trump is not.

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I don't understand anyone who thinks Trump is a whiny, thin-skinned blowhard will think he'll start bombing people. Wouldn't he be more likely to say a lot of random stuff and do nothing?


Just as long as he keeps his fingers busy on Twitter he won't have a finger available for the bomb.


I have no clue what he will or won't do. Clinton is relatively predictable. Trump is not.


I think you have that absolutely backwards.

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Not a fan, but I do work in DC... so....


I have no clue what he will or won't do. Clinton is relatively predictable. Trump is not.

Yes she is predictable.


We know she is owned by big banks and wall street

We know she destroys anything she touches

We know she will get us involved in poorly thought out and supported foreign messed

We know that she will arm terrorists

We know that she will be blackmailed by other countries over her horrendous private server

We know she will lie to our faces,

We know she has had people killed who have gotten in her way

We know she is above the law

We know her "charity" is a giant money laundering operation

We know that in private she is a racist

We know that her health is rapidly declining

We know that she silenced woman her husband raped

We know that she will divide up groups to continue to cause more chaos and contraversay.


Yes she's predictable We know all about her, and yet, people will still vote for her.

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You're really not kidding?


Let me ask you this: She is proven to have used a personal server for all correspondence while SoS, making classified emails easily hackable from pretty much anyone with a laptop. She lied under oath to Congress, and even the FBI director embarrassingly stated that she lied, and that if she were anyone else, she'd be indicted.


She has proven to launder foreign funds to get a uranium deal for Russia. She handed Libya over to the terrorists, and I didn't even have to bring up the four people her department left for dead in Benghazi before lying to America, and in particular the families of the victims, about what happened.


You're okay with all this? You're "with her?" This is acceptable behavior for your president?


Note: this is a yes or no question.


She voted for the Iraq War. She was on the same page with Bush/Cheney or at least said so at the time. Either she did believe, or just said so for political sake. Either way, you can vote for that? There are no do overs on decisions like this and she is on the wrong side of them (Iraq, Libya, Syria, Honduras, eMail server). Her judgement is horrendous.
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Yes she is predictable.


We know she is owned by big banks and wall street

We know she destroys anything she touches

We know she will get us involved in poorly thought out and supported foreign messed

We know that she will arm terrorists

We know that she will be blackmailed by other countries over her horrendous private server

We know she will lie to our faces,

We know she has had people killed who have gotten in her way

We know she is above the law

We know her "charity" is a giant money laundering operation

We know that in private she is a racist

We know that her health is rapidly declining

We know that she silenced woman her husband raped

We know that she will divide up groups to continue to cause more chaos and contraversay.


Yes she's predictable We know all about her, and yet, people will still vote for her.

:thumbsup: Trump a businessman and I think he will run the country like he would a large private operation. At least as much as he can. I predict he will hire the best people he can find to do a job. Not return favors by putting them in positions. I predict he will do things businessy!

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Wow what a scummy operation, selling access to crooks to the US govt thru the clinton "foundation" ....


New emails show Huma scheming for Hillary


In an April 2009 email to Clintons State Department aides Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills, President Clintons former body man, Doug Band, the founder of corporate consultant Teneo, urgently asked them to set up a meeting with an ambassador for a major donor to the Clinton Foundation.


We need Gilbert Chagoury to speak to the substance person re lebanon. As you know, hes key guy there and to us and is loved in lebanon.


Its jeff feltman, Abedin wrote back, referring to Ambassador Jeffrey Feltman, Americas former top diplomat to Lebanon. Im sure he knows him[.] Ill talk to jeff.


Less than 20 minutes later, Band replied, Better if you call him. Now preferrable. This is very important.


Chagoury is a Lebanese-Nigerian billionaire and a Clinton Foundation donor, giving somewhere between $1 million and $5 million.


The construction magnate has financial interests around the world and was convicted in Switzerland in 2000 for money laundering. He paid $66 million in a plea deal.



Edited by truth on hold
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What TF happened there?

You try to patch hippy progressiveness software over a neocon corporativism core kernel, of course there are a few glitches that freeze the system for a second or two, we went for the happy reboot but might have to dial it down a click or two.

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:thumbsup: Trump a businessman and I think he will run the country like he would a large private operation. At least as much as he can. I predict he will hire the best people he can find to do a job. Not return favors by putting them in positions. I predict he will do things businessy!


Based on what? His long track record of doing nothing of the sort?

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Who knows. It's taken completely out of context. But damn it's creepy.

She was pretending to have a seizure. Which makes me wonder why she wasn't called out for making fun of those with disabilities. Wait, no it doesn't.

I have no clue what he will or won't do. Clinton is relatively predictable. Trump is not.

But you don't rule out the possibility of him launching nukes all by himself?

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What TF happened there?


This was more than a month old when it went viral in July 2016. NBC News posted a video of the incident taken from another angle on 10 June 2016 and explained that Clinton had just been asked about the possibility of her selecting Elizabeth Warren as her running mate as she left a meeting with the Massachusetts senator:
The occurrence depicted above was covered by several news outlets in June 2016, with none of them reporting the candidate had experienced a "seizure." The Hill, for instance, reported that Clinton "exaggeratedly bob(bed) her head" after reporters repeated the question about Warren, while the New York Daily News wrote that Clinton "gave an exaggerated startled response" to the question.
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So how much time is trump going to spend talking back his Second Amendment comments today, vs beating up Hillary on more proof that she used State as a funding vehicle for Clinton Foundation?

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So how much time is trump going to spend talking back his Second Amendment comments today, vs beating up Hillary on more proof that she used State as a funding vehicle for Clinton Foundation?

Does it matter? Why isn't the MSM themselves talking about the latter in lieu of the former?

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