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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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Curious exactly why you think 'Hillary needs to be stopped', what do you see as happening if she's the POTUS?


As far as a new release, I haven't seen anything on the usual news networks, but then again, one can claim 'cover-up', in that case.

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Curious exactly why you think 'Hillary needs to be stopped', what do you see as happening if she's the POTUS?


As far as a new release, I haven't seen anything on the usual news networks, but then again, one can claim 'cover-up', in that case.


Because she promised Sharia law. Didn't you read the article?

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Curious exactly why you think 'Hillary needs to be stopped', what do you see as happening if she's the POTUS?




She's the worst candidate ever and should be in prison,


She lies, she's treasenous, she only cares about herself and career, she destroys everything she touches, she has a literal running body count of anyone who gets in her way, she's unfit in every possible way.

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I skipped it because of the source, I'll give it a read later... maybe. :lol:


Don't bother. It's a bit...disorganized. And I've already shared the high point with you.


Never thought I'd see "Hillary is a closet Muslim" trotted out.

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Curious exactly why you think 'Hillary needs to be stopped', what do you see as happening if she's the POTUS?


You're really not kidding?


Let me ask you this: She is proven to have used a personal server for all correspondence while SoS, making classified emails easily hackable from pretty much anyone with a laptop. She lied under oath to Congress, and even the FBI director embarrassingly stated that she lied, and that if she were anyone else, she'd be indicted.


She has proven to launder foreign funds to get a uranium deal for Russia. She handed Libya over to the terrorists, and I didn't even have to bring up the four people her department left for dead in Benghazi before lying to America, and in particular the families of the victims, about what happened.


You're okay with all this? You're "with her?" This is acceptable behavior for your president?


Note: this is a yes or no question.

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Well, some of the stuff I think is a bit overblown. BUT, I do agree that she's rather shady, largely on the level of a great many of our politicians. That being said, I think Trump is dangerous due to his temperament. The other two... loony and don't have a shot. So in that regard, yes 'I'm with her', but I also am not exactly enthused by it, if that makes sense. I think if we 'survived' our last handful of Presidents, we'll be just fine with Clinton.

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Well, some of the stuff I think is a bit overblown. BUT, I do agree that she's rather shady, largely on the level of a great many of our politicians. That being said, I think Trump is dangerous due to his temperament. The other two... loony and don't have a shot. So in that regard, yes 'I'm with her', but I also am not exactly enthused by it, if that makes sense. I think if we 'survived' our last handful of Presidents, we'll be just fine with Clinton.

What is overblown?

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Anyone know if this is authentic? Not sure how reputable this story is but I'm hoping it's true and there's more to come. Hillary needs to be stopped.


I think articles like this do a greater disservice. By sensationalizing and exaggerating the story, it tunes people out who are on the fence.

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I think articles like this do a greater disservice. By sensationalizing and exaggerating the story, it tunes people out who are on the fence.


Completely agree. It reminds the reverse effect we some from Trump yelling about Obama's birth certificate.


Hey, waaaaaait a minute...

What is overblown?


Yeah, I'd be curious to know the answer to this question as well.

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Well, some of the stuff I think is a bit overblown. BUT, I do agree that she's rather shady, largely on the level of a great many of our politicians. That being said, I think Trump is dangerous due to his temperament. The other two... loony and don't have a shot. So in that regard, yes 'I'm with her', but I also am not exactly enthused by it, if that makes sense. I think if we 'survived' our last handful of Presidents, we'll be just fine with Clinton.


If you're a fan of war, or better yet work in an industry that profits from war, then you'll love what a HRC presidency will bring.


It's what she does.

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Well, some of the stuff I think is a bit overblown. BUT, I do agree that she's rather shady, largely on the level of a great many of our politicians. That being said, I think Trump is dangerous due to his temperament. The other two... loony and don't have a shot. So in that regard, yes 'I'm with her', but I also am not exactly enthused by it, if that makes sense. I think if we 'survived' our last handful of Presidents, we'll be just fine with Clinton.

I consider honesty and integrity part of temperment. It's all part of character. I find it hard to understand how anyone that has an issue with Trump's character can support Hillary. Neither of them have great character but Hillary IMO has lapped Trump in crappy character race IMO.

Edited by keepthefaith
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Fixed this for you.


I consider honesty and integrity part of temperment. It's all part of character. I find it hard to understand how anyone that has an issue with Trump's character can support Hillary, and vice versa. Neither of them have great character but Hillary IMO has lapped Trump in crappy character race IMO.


It cuts both ways. Thinking its okay to support Trump because he just isn't as bad as Hillary is like saying you are okay taking birdog seriously because he isn't as stupid as gatorman.

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Well, some of the stuff I think is a bit overblown. BUT, I do agree that she's rather shady, largely on the level of a great many of our politicians. That being said, I think Trump is dangerous due to his temperament. The other two... loony and don't have a shot. So in that regard, yes 'I'm with her', but I also am not exactly enthused by it, if that makes sense. I think if we 'survived' our last handful of Presidents, we'll be just fine with Clinton.

Are you one of those people that thinks that Trump will unilaterally send nuclear weapons at people who talk bad about him?

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Are you one of those people that thinks that Trump will unilaterally send nuclear weapons at people who talk bad about him?

I don't understand anyone who thinks Trump is a whiny, thin-skinned blowhard will think he'll start bombing people. Wouldn't he be more likely to say a lot of random stuff and do nothing?

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