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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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I saw a Hillary commercial the other day that made me apoplectic.


"While Donald was watching TV, Hillary was taking on Putin."


I literally did a doubletake when I heard it.




That woman is LITERALLY Orwellian. "Eurasia has always been at war with East Asia."


One of the few good things (politically) about living in a state that is a lock for 1 party is never seeing a presidential ad on local TV & only rarely catching the national buys.

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One of the few good things (politically) about living in a state that is a lock for 1 party is never seeing a presidential ad on local TV & only rarely catching the national buys.

come to NCmy friend. I have only every seen Hillary in these ads. Did you know she cares about children a lot and their future. Which is why she's the best. Of course, there are trump ads but they're not trump, they're gun groups spouting off about how bad Hillary is... literally you never hear trumps name here unless it is the media covering his latest gaffe.


Its worse for Roy Cooper. This guy is a shitstain. He was an AG for a long time here but his commercial starts with "this election is not about one law, this is bout so much more than that. Regaining our business ties and encouraging growth. Helping education..." etc.


Mccrory has improved both in his time after BS Purdue flushed us down a toilet. Creating an education lottery then deciding that money from that doesn't go to educational treasuries but the General Fund. Now no onewill ever reverse tthat.

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DWS got the crap booed out of her at her FL delegation breakfast.

She's shameless. She has lied with the best of them staring straight into the camera for years and even after this latest revelation she still gets up in public and attacks the other side. The voters in her district will probably re-elect her so there really isn't any downside. Carry on Deb.

Edited by keepthefaith
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I'm talking riots like 1968. Gas, dogs and billy clubs for everyone.


I don't think you'll see anything like that. The Democrats have been very supportive of the police, and I'm sure the police will do what they can to keep the peace.

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Great way to start off the week: Congressman Hank Johnson...the Democrat who was concerned about Guam tipping over...announced that Jews are "termites."


Nice to see the left finally admitting this openly.

Wow. Now everyone is booing Nancy Pelosi. Reid is probably off stage changing his Depends at this point.


Zyklon-B was developed as a pesticide...

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Zyklon-B was developed as a pesticide...


Well then it all makes sense.

BTW this whole email thing likely has most Americans thinking "holy ****, what emails have I sent from work that would likely get me in some very hot water??" :o

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