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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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Not a Moderate


Kaine's ratings from key progressive groups:


Brady Campaign 100%


Human Rights Campaign 100%


Planned Parenthood 100%










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Another thing to keep in mind with Kaine, the Senate is in play this year.


Kaine is from a state with a Democrat Governor.


The other Senators bounced around:

Fauxcohontis - MA

Sherrod Brown - OH

Cory Booker - NJ


All represent states with Republican Governors


Safe, boring, bland. But also not going to cost the Democrats a Senate seat

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She needed Booker to get the black vote to turn out. The black vote isn't going to show up for two pasty-white money grabbers.



Oh no ?


TWO FORECASTS for the Democratic Convention.

In many ways I expect the Democratic National Convention to be more of the same.


Oh, I doubt that the convention will blazon the Clinton name larger than the American flag across the stage as she speaks.


But you can expect her to paint a republic in crisis,


one where women are practically indentured servants of their male managers,


where the police routinely use civilians for target practice,


and of course, where Republicans roam among us, tirelessly impoverishing the poor and oppressing the oppressed


Who can save us now? Only one person, of course. It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s — HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON!


That case will, of course, be a lot more challenging to make given that Barack Obama has been president for eight years — which is why to hear Democrats talk, you’d often think that George W. Bush was just completing his fourth term in office. So they will spend the week pinning America’s flaws on Republicans.





So it’s business as usual, then.


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Hillary-Generic Democrat 2016!


The focus groups must have indicated that with her electoral college advantage, Hillary Clinton just needed a generic Democrat to be her running mate. And the good news is, she found the generic Democrat.


Painfully generic. Clinton’s selection of Tim Kaine as her running mate won’t raise her poll numbers much, or Democratic spirits. Ordinarily I would say the pick would “raise some eyebrows,” but maybe I should avoid that metaphor in references to Tim Kaine.


Kaine’s bland, risk-averse political persona means he’s a fascinating measuring stick of the leftward shift in Democratic politics over the past decade.


The 2005 era Tim Kaine sounded downright Republican: “I believe that marriage is between a man and a woman and that marriage is a uniquely valuable institution that must be preserved.”


“I supported reducing Virginia’s sales tax on food and prescription drugs.


I supported tax reform that eliminated the marriage penalty, reduced everyone’s income tax, and took over 140,000 Virginians off the tax rolls entirely.”


He believed in enforcing “the current Virginia restrictions on abortion and passing an enforceable ban on partial birth abortion that protects the life and health of the mother” and “fighting teen pregnancy through abstinence-focused education.”


His campaign literature promised, “Tim Kaine strongly supports the Second Amendment. As the next Governor of Virginia, he will not propose any new gun laws.”



Once he was elected governor, Kaine pushed for tax increases again and again. He began by pitching $1 billion tax increase, as well as increasing car registration fees and imposing steeper fines on drivers who got tickets. Two years later, he proposed a $1.1 billion plan to hike the titling tax and vehicle registration fees. In his final year in office, Kaine proposed increasing the state’s income tax another percentage point to 6.75 percent. Republican state legislators blocked all these proposals.


In 2009, Kaine’s dedication to the party started getting in the way of his day job; he spent “about 30 percent of the workweek, on average” as chairman of the Democratic National Committee. Of course, that was his final year as governor.


Once elected to the Senate in 2012, Kaine “tried to cultivate an image as an abortion-rights champion. He’s pleased reproductive rights’ groups with a perfect voting record.”


He discovered that he believed in gay marriage in 2013.


By 2011, Kaine, who once ran ads falsely implying NRA President Charleton Heston praised his record, said he supported measures to restrict the number of bullets that can be fired from a single magazine. Recently he declared that the Orlando nightclub terror attack was “just an additional wake up call that we need to find solutions to reduce this scourge of gun violence.”


Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner







I admit I read 5% of these pastes, which is more than I read of OC's drivel. Anyone else care to weigh in on percentages?


I read B-Man's thoughts when he shares them.

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More on democrat "evolution"



11 years ago, Tim Kaine vowed to "put principle over politics," by restricting abortion and banning gay marriage.


Listen To Tim Kaine’s “I’m Conservative” Radio Ads From 2005

In his radio ads during the contentious 2005 Virginia gubernatorial campaign, Kaine touted his support for restrictions on late-term abortion, while his issues page mentioned Virginia’s history of “fiscal conservatism.”




So, if the left doesn't address this................


We'll know that they're full of sh*t when they start in on GOP social stances later.






Jewish lobbying group @RJC slams Hillary Clinton for picking Tim Kaine http://washex.am/2aob9Jj





YOU DON’T HAVE TO FALL IN LOVE, YOU JUST HAVE TO FALL IN LINE: Clinton VP pick could face liberal ire




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Leaked DNC Emails Confirm Democrats Rigged Primary, Reveal Extensive Media Collusion



The media collusion is undeniable. But the stuff about Bernie is simply complaints about a pest.


Of course DNC hates Bernie. He's not a Democrat, but had no problem using their vast resources to build up his vanity campaign.

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Things are not good in Denmark when the Huff&Puff Post turns on the DNC ...1f914.png #DNCLeak

















Effort to fully eliminate superdelegates in future elections fails at a meeting of the DNC rules committee. http://apne.ws/2ah7VF0


God yes, we can't have the regular voters pick a nominee............are you crazy ?

God yes, we can't have regular voters deciding our nominee.........are you crazy ?







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The difference is there were like 17 candidates on the GOP side, many of them traditional Republicans, thus weakening the competition for Trump.


While they were busy making sure Cruz wouldn't win Trump skipped in and created momentum. In the end it was too late to stop him.

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Clinton will talk about how great the U.S. economy is under Obama then her, not dark like Trump portrayed it.



As of March 2016 budget deficit for fiscal 2016 $ 534 B
June unemployment rate of 4.9%
Good paying manufacturing jobs replaced by part time minimum wage, pay very little in taxes
What will the deficit be in another recession
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Clinton will talk about how great the U.S. economy is under Obama then her, not dark like Trump portrayed it.



As of March 2016 budget deficit for fiscal 2016 $ 534 B
June unemployment rate of 4.9%
Good paying manufacturing jobs replaced by part time minimum wage, pay very little in taxes
What will the deficit be in another recession



Pining for manufacturing jobs is like missing the good old days of building flint spearheads. They are not all leaving for China like many would have you believe and makes a good narrative. They are gone. Poof. Thank you very much-o Mr. Roboto. If we get hard on exporting China mfg jobs, those jobs (which most Americans would not deign to do...sitting in a giant room inserting screw 136 into hole 136A for the iPhone 7) will only come back as more robots.


Starting in 2000, US Mfg jobs went off a cliff on a one way journey.


Presidents don't play that big of a role in an economy, as long as inspire calm and predictability. We're looking at you Trump. Blaming Obama and Bush for a mashed (Bush) and mushy (Obama) economy in the last 16 years is like crediting Bill Clinton for his budget surpluses. Too much credit and blame.

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