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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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A rare moment of sanity in this day and age.


I'm sure it won't last ten minutes, until hear about how the court, in refusing to let the governor write his own laws on a whim, is engaged in "Republican voter suppression."



Already in the article around paragraph eight.............. :lol:



Democrats said Friday that Republicans have gone to great lengths to keep Virginians from voting.

"It's a sad and disappointing day when the Virginia Supreme Court bows to political pressure from right-wing ideologues who would rather bar citizens from the polls than compete for every vote," said Anna Scholl, executive director of Progress Virginia.


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Yikes. She must really not want those Bernie supporters. That noise you just heard was Johnson and Stein high fiving each other.


How do you arrive at the conclusion Kaine will win over Bernie supporters? He stands for everything they're against -- at least the rabid Bernie fans.

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How do you arrive at the conclusion Kaine will win over Bernie supporters? He stands for everything they're against -- at least the rabid Bernie fans.

Trump might be further to the left of Kaine on a lot of issues. It's like these two are trying to give up the election.
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:lol: I do agree there. :beer:

But seriously, there is no way this goes over well with the Bernie supporters. She can kiss them goodbye. Warren would have picked most of them up, but Kaine might even scare some of them away. Incredible.
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But seriously, there is no way this goes over well with the Bernie supporters. She can kiss them goodbye. Warren would have picked most of them up, but Kaine might even scare some of them away. Incredible.


I completely misread your OP -- my bad. I thought you were saying she picked Kaine to win over Bernie supporters. :bag:

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As expected, Hillary Clinton has named Sen. Tim Kaine to be her running mate.


The mainstream media likes to portray Kaine as a “centrist” and a “bridge builder.” The reality is quite different.

In the Senate, Kaine almost always votes the liberal line. The American Conservative Union consistently gives him a zero rating. Same with the Eagle Forum. With Americans for Prosperity and Heritage Action, he’s in single digits.

Kaine is a practicing Catholic, but a reliable pro-abortion vote. He gets a zero from the Family Research Council and 100 percent from NARAL and Planned Parenthood.

Though at times he talked a good game on the problems with the Iran nuclear deal, in the end he voted for it, to no one’s surprise.

This is the New York Times’ idea of a moderate.

More at the link:


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Last year (before the Trump movement started) I said if Hiliary was far behind in the polls, shed go with Booker for the race card. One of the Castro boys if she was slightly behind for the Latino thing. A boring white guy if she was slightly ahead, and Tammy Baldwin if she had a comfortable lead.


I think my hunch last year may still be on track. The Democrats choice will tip off how the Hiliary campaign sees their odds at this point in the campaign


LIAR can't do much better with blacks and latinos with her VP pick. Not to mention Castro eliminated himself from contention for accepting illegal campaign money.


But Kaine will only lose her votes. A white male pick is wholly uninspired and will piss off more than a few Bernie bros.

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As expected, Hillary Clinton has named Sen. Tim Kaine to be her running mate.


The mainstream media likes to portray Kaine as a “centrist” and a “bridge builder.” The reality is quite different.

In the Senate, Kaine almost always votes the liberal line. The American Conservative Union consistently gives him a zero rating. Same with the Eagle Forum. With Americans for Prosperity and Heritage Action, he’s in single digits.

Kaine is a practicing Catholic, but a reliable pro-abortion vote. He gets a zero from the Family Research Council and 100 percent from NARAL and Planned Parenthood.

Though at times he talked a good game on the problems with the Iran nuclear deal, in the end he voted for it, to no one’s surprise.

This is the New York Times’ idea of a moderate.

More at the link:




It's very weird. Every article I see basically says "Clinton picks another moderate." Uh...what?


I also saw one that said that he's a foreign policy expert, and this greatly strengthens her foreign policy qualifications... :doh: Because apparently the former Secretary of State was weak on foreign policy. We are through the !@#$ing looking glass now.

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LIAR can't do much better with blacks and latinos with her VP pick. Not to mention Castro eliminated himself from contention for accepting illegal campaign money.


But Kaine will only lose her votes. A white male pick is wholly uninspired and will piss off more than a few Bernie bros.

You are correct about Hiliary not doing much better with blacks and latinos, percentage wise. My prediction was based on driving black/latino/sjw turnout.


And Castro eliminating himself based on illegal campaign money :lol: Like that would have mattered


I disagree that Kaine will lose her votes. Kaine is there for 13 Electoral Votes. Outside of those 13 Electoral Votes however, I doubt Kaine swings the Sandernistas, SJW brigade, or moves the blue collar Union types back from Trump

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Super liberal checking in... my view:


Short version: Meh


Longer, but still short version: Exceedingly safe pick. Kaine makes a lot of sense for a Clinton White House, in that he probably aligns with her ideals the best of the final three, and he helps her (probably) get certain swing states. But as someone who is hoping that the Democratic party would start embracing true progressive policies, its a bit of a disappointment. My choices at this point are Clinton, who is a bit right of what I'd like, and Stein who is completely unqualified, and a bit of a nut. And no, I'm not considering Trump.

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Super liberal checking in... my view:


Short version: Meh


Longer, but still short version: Exceedingly safe pick. Kaine makes a lot of sense for a Clinton White House, in that he probably aligns with her ideals the best of the final three, and he helps her (probably) get certain swing states. But as someone who is hoping that the Democratic party would start embracing true progressive policies, its a bit of a disappointment. My choices at this point are Clinton, who is a bit right of what I'd like, and Stein who is completely unqualified, and a bit of a nut. And no, I'm not considering Trump.

I would prefer my candidate pick a running mate who has a different set of ideals than the President. Surrounding yourself with boot lickers is too much like royalty......oh wait. Never mind.


Oh and BTW. I was watching some speech she was giving in FL while at the gym. In the short time I watched she gave at least a half dozen "Nazi Salutes". Funny I don't see my liberal friend posting pictures of that. Dumbest thing ever.

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Hillary-Generic Democrat 2016!


The focus groups must have indicated that with her electoral college advantage, Hillary Clinton just needed a generic Democrat to be her running mate. And the good news is, she found the generic Democrat.


Painfully generic. Clinton’s selection of Tim Kaine as her running mate won’t raise her poll numbers much, or Democratic spirits. Ordinarily I would say the pick would “raise some eyebrows,” but maybe I should avoid that metaphor in references to Tim Kaine.


Kaine’s bland, risk-averse political persona means he’s a fascinating measuring stick of the leftward shift in Democratic politics over the past decade.


The 2005 era Tim Kaine sounded downright Republican: “I believe that marriage is between a man and a woman and that marriage is a uniquely valuable institution that must be preserved.”


“I supported reducing Virginia’s sales tax on food and prescription drugs.


I supported tax reform that eliminated the marriage penalty, reduced everyone’s income tax, and took over 140,000 Virginians off the tax rolls entirely.”


He believed in enforcing “the current Virginia restrictions on abortion and passing an enforceable ban on partial birth abortion that protects the life and health of the mother” and “fighting teen pregnancy through abstinence-focused education.”


His campaign literature promised, “Tim Kaine strongly supports the Second Amendment. As the next Governor of Virginia, he will not propose any new gun laws.”

Once he was elected governor, Kaine pushed for tax increases again and again. He began by pitching $1 billion tax increase, as well as increasing car registration fees and imposing steeper fines on drivers who got tickets. Two years later, he proposed a $1.1 billion plan to hike the titling tax and vehicle registration fees. In his final year in office, Kaine proposed increasing the state’s income tax another percentage point to 6.75 percent. Republican state legislators blocked all these proposals.


In 2009, Kaine’s dedication to the party started getting in the way of his day job; he spent “about 30 percent of the workweek, on average” as chairman of the Democratic National Committee. Of course, that was his final year as governor.


Once elected to the Senate in 2012, Kaine “tried to cultivate an image as an abortion-rights champion. He’s pleased reproductive rights’ groups with a perfect voting record.”


He discovered that he believed in gay marriage in 2013.


By 2011, Kaine, who once ran ads falsely implying NRA President Charleton Heston praised his record, said he supported measures to restrict the number of bullets that can be fired from a single magazine. Recently he declared that the Orlando nightclub terror attack was “just an additional wake up call that we need to find solutions to reduce this scourge of gun violence.”


Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner






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You are correct about Hiliary not doing much better with blacks and latinos, percentage wise. My prediction was based on driving black/latino/sjw turnout.


And Castro eliminating himself based on illegal campaign money :lol: Like that would have mattered


I disagree that Kaine will lose her votes. Kaine is there for 13 Electoral Votes. Outside of those 13 Electoral Votes however, I doubt Kaine swings the Sandernistas, SJW brigade, or moves the blue collar Union types back from Trump


Usually that's a calling card for libs, but I don't think LIAR wants the extra attention. And I'm not sure how much a Senator helps her lock-up Virginia. But I guess she chose him because felons won't be able to vote now.

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