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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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"Reset" is "сброс". Her button said "перегрузка" which is "overload".

Ah yes, the ultimate coming together of the two parties. :bag:


I've seen "recharge." But the point being that not only was the idea stupid, they couldn't even get the correct word.

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I've seen "recharge." But the point being that not only was the idea stupid, they couldn't even get the correct word.

She's a Dem, so she can just say it was her speech writer's fault, so no biggie.

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I went to that link last night and it worked. It doesn't anymore.


What I noticed last night was that it was probably faked. Why? Because it was in pdf which did not exist when Hillary wrote her thesis. Come on think.


The only thing that would convince me otherwise is if someone had read it and it had undertones of Hillary being angry at her daddy and being angry at being born ugly and themes of getting back at kids who mocked her in school.

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Hillary Clinton-aligned Super PAC, Correct the Record, is taking a page out of Vladimir Putin’s playbook by employing a $1 million dollar professional internet troll army to build a paid, positive consensus about the Clinton campaign. The effort, called “Breaking Barriers 2016,” claims:


“While Hillary Clinton fights to break down barriers and bring America together, the Barrier Breakers 2016 digital task force will serve as a resource for supporters looking for positive content and push-back to share with their online progressive communities, as well as thanking prominent supporters and committed superdelegates on social media.


“Correct The Record will invest more than $1 million into Barrier Breakers 2016 activities, including the more than tripling of its digital operation to engage in online messaging both for Secretary Clinton and to push back against attackers on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, and Instagram.”




The campaign will essentially be employing an unknown number of paid, pro-Hillary trolls to spread positive news about the candidate and counter anyone posting negative information about her. And these aren’t just ragtag trolls living in their mothers’ basements — they are industry and campaign professionals.

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Hillary Clinton-aligned Super PAC, Correct the Record, is taking a page out of Vladimir Putin’s playbook by employing a $1 million dollar professional internet troll army to build a paid, positive consensus about the Clinton campaign. The effort, called “Breaking Barriers 2016,” claims:


“While Hillary Clinton fights to break down barriers and bring America together, the Barrier Breakers 2016 digital task force will serve as a resource for supporters looking for positive content and push-back to share with their online progressive communities, as well as thanking prominent supporters and committed superdelegates on social media.


“Correct The Record will invest more than $1 million into Barrier Breakers 2016 activities, including the more than tripling of its digital operation to engage in online messaging both for Secretary Clinton and to push back against attackers on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, and Instagram.”




The campaign will essentially be employing an unknown number of paid, pro-Hillary trolls to spread positive news about the candidate and counter anyone posting negative information about her. And these aren’t just ragtag trolls living in their mothers’ basements — they are industry and campaign professionals.



Not the first time. I recall other candidates employing what were essentially propaganda teams like this.

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Not the first time. I recall other candidates employing what were essentially propaganda teams like this.


Trump's campaign has been doing it for months. Normally I hate this type of manipulation, but they've been going after Tim Graham, who's stupid enough to engage them while mocking pretty much anything about the convention, so that's been fun to watch.

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It was up about an hour ago. Wish I had saved it. The Clinton Ministry of Truth had it taken down. Dangerous untruths and lies about the Party Leader Big Clinton must be erased.


The whole site's down.


There's an internet term slashdotting where a website cannot handle all of the traffic because it was linked to by a larger website, such as www.slashdot.org (from whence it gets the name).


It's possible that site was slashdotted. It's just as possible that the site was webhubbelled

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