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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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A Hillary foreign policy will probably look a lot like W's.


If only. Bush's second-term foreign policy was pretty good.


Don't know how Hillary's going to pivot from her feckless four years as Secretary of State (and previous eight xenophobic years on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee) to Bush's foreign policy. Is she going to start by giving Putin another reset button?

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I'm thinking it's because I've lived through 8 years of BO's failure. Lame excuse, I know.


There is no lesser evil here. It's so bad that virtually no one can explain why they're voting for Hillary or Trump without using words like "at least."


It's a schitt show with either one because they are, essentially, the same person with the same ideologies. One is true to her form and the other is a con man.

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If only. Bush's second-term foreign policy was pretty good.


Don't know how Hillary's going to pivot from her feckless four years as Secretary of State (and previous eight xenophobic years on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee) to Bush's foreign policy. Is she going to start by giving Putin another reset recharge button?


Fixed it for you.

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There is no lesser evil here. It's so bad that virtually no one can explain why they're voting for Hillary or Trump without using words like "at least."


It's a schitt show with either one because they are, essentially, the same person with the same ideologies. One is true to her form and the other is a con man.


Depressing isn't it?

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Depressing isn't it?


What is depressing to me is watching people I have long considered to be relatively smart, independent thinkers turn into these unbelievably stupid Trump fanboys. The best term I've heard used is calling them Trump Davidians. They are so blinded by whatever Trump is selling, they have lost all ability to reason or think for themselves.


They've essentially become the right wing version of birddog, ...lybob/gatormans, etc. Just mindless fools with the kind of intellectual give-and-take you usually expect from pocket lint.

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There are 3rd party candidates out there.


Just give up. Democracy is dead. The two-party Oligarchy is here to stay.


What is depressing to me is watching people I have long considered to be relatively smart, independent thinkers turn into these unbelievably stupid Trump fanboys. The best term I've heard used is calling them Trump Davidians. They are so blinded by whatever Trump is selling, they have lost all ability to reason or think for themselves.


They've essentially become the right wing version of birddog, ...lybob/gatormans, etc. Just mindless fools with the kind of intellectual give-and-take you usually expect from pocket lint.


Conversely, some of the kool-aid drinkers I've respected the least over the years can see right through his bull ****. And Hillary's.


It's like there's this weird bipartisan inversion going on with people I know, where the normally skeptical have suddenly become blind disciples, and the political dogmatics have become skeptics. Even my sister-in-law hates Clinton, and she's makes birddog look moderate over the years.

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What is depressing to me is watching people I have long considered to be relatively smart, independent thinkers turn into these unbelievably stupid Trump fanboys. The best term I've heard used is calling them Trump Davidians. They are so blinded by whatever Trump is selling, they have lost all ability to reason or think for themselves.


They've essentially become the right wing version of birddog, ...lybob/gatormans, etc. Just mindless fools with the kind of intellectual give-and-take you usually expect from pocket lint.


lol @ Trump Davidians, that's AWESOME.

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If only. Bush's second-term foreign policy was pretty good.


Don't know how Hillary's going to pivot from her feckless four years as Secretary of State (and previous eight xenophobic years on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee) to Bush's foreign policy. Is she going to start by giving Putin another reset button?

сброс? нет. перегрузка!

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They took that job away from a woman and gave it to a man??? How very sexist of Hillary.



Dems edge out Debbie Wasserman Schultz after doing the dirty work,with Clinton's pick to run DNC http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/democrats-replace-debbie-wasserman-shultz-with-clintons_us_576318bae4b034ff3eef265a …


Wow, I can't believe they're finally canning that obnoxious liar. And then they replace her with someone who was national political coordinators for the Purple People Beaters.


Funny...yesterday Shultz tweeted to Reince Preibus something like "I'm in Cleveland if you need someone to get your convention under control." Who knew she needed a job?

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Apart from that Mrs Lincoln, how did you enjoy the play?


Yeah, I know. Any honest person will admit two things about Bush's foreign policy:


1) It was pretty good, except for that Iraq fiasco.

2) There's no such thing as "except for that Iraq fiasco."


It's like the typical "Sure, the RB had a 220 yard, 2 TD game...but If you ignore his two 80 yard TD runs, he only gained 60 yards on 25 carries." Yeah, eliminating the outliers gives a more honest measure of his productivity, long-term...but you can't just cherry-pick like that, nonetheless.

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If only. Bush's second-term foreign policy was pretty good.


Don't know how Hillary's going to pivot from her feckless four years as Secretary of State (and previous eight xenophobic years on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee) to Bush's foreign policy. Is she going to start by giving Putin another reset recharge button?

Fixed it for you.


Just checking, but does everyone get this?

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Wow, I can't believe they're finally canning that obnoxious liar. And then they replace her with someone who was national political coordinators for the Purple People Beaters.


Funny...yesterday Shultz tweeted to Reince Preibus something like "I'm in Cleveland if you need someone to get your convention under control." Who knew she needed a job?


Of course, this may be a prelude to naming her the VP nominee.

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Just checking, but does everyone get this?



сброс? нет. перегрузка!


"Reset" is "сброс". Her button said "перегрузка" which is "overload".


Of course, this may be a prelude to naming her the VP nominee.

Ah yes, the ultimate coming together of the two parties. :bag:

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