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Attorney General declines to provide any details on Clinton email investigation.

"U.S. Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch repeatedly declined to answer any questions on Tuesday about her department’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a personal email server while she was secretary of state, making for a bizarre congressional hearing in which she referred questions about the matter to a man lower than her on the organizational chart.


At the outset of her testimony Tuesday before the House Judiciary Committee, Lynch said it would be 'inappropriate for me to comment further on the underlying facts of the investigation or the legal basis for the team’s recommendation.'"

Once again the "most transparent administration in history" has come up short in the morals, ethics, and scruples departments.


In the immortal words of the immortal Marv Levy, "You've been bought. I say, you've been bought!"


Actually I think the Obama admin has been very transparent. It's not hard at all to see through their words, actions and inactions to find the truth. Only believing what they say or do conceals anything.

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Actually I think the Obama admin has been very transparent. It's not hard at all to see through their words, actions and inactions to find the truth. Only believing what they say or do conceals anything.

I'd compare them then, to the glass that holds the opaque name-your-flavor milkshake. You can clearly see what's going on, on the surface. Under that film, not so much.

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FBI Agents Signed NDA Before Interviewing Clinton.


They say it's unusual but I have no idea. It would seem to me you don't work for the FBI if you aren't able to be professionally quiet about stuff.


Interestingly, the larger point of the story, I think, is buried.


Meanwhile, FBI agents expressed their “disappointment” over FBI Director James Comey’s decision not to recommend charges against Clinton, sources close to the matter told The Post.

“FBI agents believe there was an inside deal put in place after the Loretta Lynch/Bill Clinton tarmac meeting,” said one source.

Another source from the Justice Department was “furious” with Comey, saying he’s “managed to piss off right and left.”

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FBI Agents Signed NDA Before Interviewing Clinton.


They say it's unusual but I have no idea. It would seem to me you don't work for the FBI if you aren't able to be professionally quiet about stuff.


Interestingly, the larger point of the story, I think, is buried.



Given that the NDA is reported to have been titled "Case Briefing Acknowledgement," I suspect it was an NDA required not by the FBI, but by Clinton's team as terms for her being interviewed. Simply because...well, look at it this way: the FBI was investigating her. She refuses to even acknowledge she was being investigated. Who do you think is going to call an interview connected with an investigation a "case briefing?"


It fits well with everything else - no recordings, no notes, no statements under oath, and now an NDA worded ("conicidentally") to deny that she was being investigated. It's typical Clinton tactics, expanded with what they learned from the Lewinski "scandal" (don't get caught, don't commit to anything, make sure you control the narrative.)

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FBI Agents Signed NDA Before Interviewing Clinton.


They say it's unusual but I have no idea. It would seem to me you don't work for the FBI if you aren't able to be professionally quiet about stuff.


Interestingly, the larger point of the story, I think, is buried.



There absolutely was a deal cut.


Lynch was appointed by Bill originally to her first judgeship, Comey was on the board of HSBC (Clinton Foundation bank and the bank of choice for drug cartels and terrorists alike). Everyone who is in a position to make a case is sullied by a connection to the Clintons. They don't even hide it, rather they just expect the press not to do their job and for the majority of people to be ignorant.


Two for two.



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There absolutely was a deal cut.


Lynch was appointed by Bill originally to her first judgeship, Comey was on the board of HSBC (Clinton Foundation bank and the bank of choice for drug cartels and terrorists alike). Everyone who is in a position to make a case is sullied by a connection to the Clintons. They don't even hide it, rather they just expect the press not to do their job and for the majority of people to be ignorant.


Two for two.




"Connections to the Clintons" are overrated. Their influence is so widespread, virtually everyone has "connections" to them. Probably even you and me.


And I still think it's more likely Comey was bullied rather than bought.

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"Connections to the Clintons" are overrated. Their influence is so widespread, virtually everyone has "connections" to them. Probably even you and me.


And I still think it's more likely Comey was bullied rather than bought.


Fair point.


However you want to define it, pressure was brought to bear in some form.

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Frankly, that's exactly what I'm hoping we would get in a Trump Administration.

Chris Christie as AG would absolutely kick their leftist azzes into orbit around Jupiter.

Rudy Giuliani would be an excellent choice as well.

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