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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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From your article:


Here is a step-by-step guide to how U.S. Supreme Court justices are selected:
  • Step 1: Supreme Court vacancy opens after a sitting justice dies, retires, or is promoted to the Galactic Circuit
  • Step 2: President wistfully crosses out own name from list of potential candidates
  • Step 3: Official presidential nominee slowly lowered by rope into Senate Judiciary Committee pit
  • Step 4: Nominee charged one-time $30 background check fee
  • Step 5: Candidate asked whether they see themselves in exact same place 35 years from now
  • Step 6: Judiciary Committee members ask nominee whether they capable of writing a dissent that could be described as “blistering”
  • Step 7: Candidate attests they have no opinion whatsoever on issue of abortion, don’t know what it is, and frankly have never heard such a word uttered before
  • Step 8: Senate takes nominee out to drinks to see how they act in casual, informal setting
  • Step 9: Nominee stands as their predecessor’s robe is draped over them to see if government can save a few bucks on not ordering a new one
  • Step 10: Following months of direct questioning, witness testimony, and poring over the nominee’s qualifications and judicial history, the Senate votes on whether they like the president or not
  • Step 11: If confirmed, justice takes oath of office and is assigned a bench buddy to help them through their first few opinions
  • Step 12: If candidate not confirmed, process repeats indefinitely until other party holds White House or country is awash in the hot, crimson blood of neighbor killing neighbor, whichever comes first
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From your article:


Here is a step-by-step guide to how U.S. Supreme Court justices are selected:
  • Step 1: Supreme Court vacancy opens after a sitting justice dies, retires, or is promoted to the Galactic Circuit
  • Step 2: President wistfully crosses out own name from list of potential candidates
  • Step 3: Official presidential nominee slowly lowered by rope into Senate Judiciary Committee pit
  • Step 4: Nominee charged one-time $30 background check fee
  • Step 5: Candidate asked whether they see themselves in exact same place 35 years from now
  • Step 6: Judiciary Committee members ask nominee whether they capable of writing a dissent that could be described as “blistering”
  • Step 7: Candidate attests they have no opinion whatsoever on issue of abortion, don’t know what it is, and frankly have never heard such a word uttered before
  • Step 8: Senate takes nominee out to drinks to see how they act in casual, informal setting
  • Step 9: Nominee stands as their predecessor’s robe is draped over them to see if government can save a few bucks on not ordering a new one
  • Step 10: Following months of direct questioning, witness testimony, and poring over the nominee’s qualifications and judicial history, the Senate votes on whether they like the president or not
  • Step 11: If confirmed, justice takes oath of office and is assigned a bench buddy to help them through their first few opinions
  • Step 12: If candidate not confirmed, process repeats indefinitely until other party holds White House or country is awash in the hot, crimson blood of neighbor killing neighbor, whichever comes first





I knew it was satire as soon as I read #9.

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Its not her.............................its us


Straight from the Barack Obama School of Incompetence Playbook.


I remember during his first five or six years explaining to the media that the reason his policies and plans weren't working was because he simply wasn't explaining everything in terms simple enough for the average idiot American to understand.


It's not him. It's us! If only we were smarter than the dumbass in office. :lol:

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Straight from the Barack Obama School of Incompetence Playbook.


I remember during his first five or six years explaining to the media that the reason his policies and plans weren't working was because he simply wasn't explaining everything in terms simple enough for the average idiot American to understand.


It's not him. It's us! If only we were smarter than the dumbass in office. :lol:

I hate to say it but it is us. If the collective "we" had more on the ball, Obama would never have been re-elected, Hillary would be polling single digits, Bernie would not even be running, Trump would not be leading and several more capable people (who have never run) would be candidates because voters would have a history of rejecting the liars, windbags, the incompetent and anyone that is far left.

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