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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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It sounds like a disorganized mess. Write Glenn Thrush and Annie Karni, “Ultimately, the disorganization is the candidate’s own decision-making, which lurches from hands-off delegation in times of success to hands-around-the-throat micromanagement when things go south.” Also:



from the beginning, there have been deeper issues simmering within the cheerfully-decorated Brooklyn headquarters — and much of that had to do with a disconnect between the candidate and her campaign.

Over the summer while her campaign was bogged down in the email controversy, Clinton was deeply frustrated with her own staff, and vice versa. The candidate blamed her team for not getting her out of the mess quickly, and her team blamed Clinton for being stubbornly unwilling to take the advice of campaign chairman John Podesta and others to apologize, turn over her server, and move on.

The entire experience made her a deeply vulnerable frontrunner out of the gate, and underscored a lack of trust between Clinton and her operatives, many of whom were former Obama staffers that she didn’t consider part of her inner circle of trust.




Read the whole thing.


I re-read George Stephanopoluous' White House memoirs a while back, and one thing that stood out was the vague aura of paranoia that seemed to surround Hillary in every vignette about her.


Of course, one of the reasons she has that aura is because she's a conniving, unethical B word who makes so many enemies...so it's kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy. Even paranoids have enemies - but especially when they're so paranoid they alienate everyone around them.

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This is why I'll never vote for Hillary. With the kind of lying and slippery slope tactics (first there was no classified info, then there was no classified info AT THE TIME it was sent, then nothing that was marked classified), she thinks I'm stupid. She seems to think she can tell me anything and I'm so stupid I'll believe it.


And then she gets on Bernie for an artful sneer and then sneers at him a few minutes later as the "arbiter of all things progressive."


Now she and Bill are calling Bernie a sexist (after calling him a racist a few weeks ago).


She's just so slimy and slippery. The opposite of leadership. Politics is a fame for her. We need real leadership who isn't playing games.

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Well...............there goes that (false) DNC/ Media talking point that they keep throwing out, "She's not under investigation"............It's nonsense.





FBI Makes It Official: Hillary Rodham Clinton Is Under Investigation

Just the thing to propel her into the New Hampshire primary tomorrow:


In a letter disclosed Monday in a federal court filing, the FBI confirms one of the world’s worst-kept secrets: It is looking into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server.


Why say this at all, since it was widely known to be true? Because in August in response to a judge’s direction, the State Department asked the FBI for information about what it was up to. Sorry, the FBI said at the time, we can neither confirm nor deny the existence of any investigation.

Now, in a letter dated February 2 and filed in court Monday, the FBI’s general counsel, James Baker, notes that in public statements and congressional testimony, the FBI “has acknowledged generally that it is working on matters related to former Secretary Clinton’s use of a private email server.”

Baker says the FBI has not, however, “publicly acknowledged the specific focus, scope or potential targets of any such proceedings.” He ends the one-paragraph letter by saying that the FBI cannot say more “without adversely affecting on-going law enforcement efforts.”

The letter was filed in one of the Freedom of Information Act cases brought against the State Department over access to documents from Hillary Clinton’s time as secretary of state. This one was filed by Judicial Watch.





Meanwhile, over at the Justice Department, the pressure is mounting on attorney general Loretta Lynch to step aside for a special prosecutor:


Loretta Lynch is on the edge of the spotlight, about to be dragged to the center. If the FBI finds sufficient evidence to launch a criminal investigation into Hillary Clinton or one of her top aides for mishandling classified information, Lynch’s Justice Department will have to decide whether to press ahead.



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Remember how Hillary got upset that Barry pulled the race card during the 2008 race? In the end, it turns out Obama is ALL about race.


Which makes you realize what Capt. Ladypants will be doing to everyone who opposes her: Hillary goes full sexism on Bernie Sanders.


And Bill is front and center...


If you don't vote for Hillary...or are critical of her...you hate women.


It's meltdown time for Hill.

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Remember how Hillary got upset that Barry pulled the race card during the 2008 race? In the end, it turns out Obama is ALL about race.


Which makes you realize what Capt. Ladypants will be doing to everyone who opposes her: Hillary goes full sexism on Bernie Sanders.


And Bill is front and center...


If you don't vote for Hillary...or are critical of her...you hate women.


It's meltdown time for Hill.


Good. Let them go at each other now. And hopefully Bern takes off the kid gloves.

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Remember how Hillary got upset that Barry pulled the race card during the 2008 race? In the end, it turns out Obama is ALL about race.


Which makes you realize what Capt. Ladypants will be doing to everyone who opposes her: Hillary goes full sexism on Bernie Sanders.


And Bill is front and center...


If you don't vote for Hillary...or are critical of her...you hate women.


It's meltdown time for Hill.

This just shows how clueless Hill and Bill are. They're just now discovering that people on the internet make nasty comments about other posters? (Or at least thats what they say)


No word on if anyone called Hillary an idiot.

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This just shows how clueless Hill and Bill are. They're just now discovering that people on the internet make nasty comments about other posters? (Or at least thats what they say)


No word on if anyone called Hillary an idiot.

Its not clueless, it's desperation like 8 years ago. classless couple ready to deal the (reverse) racism or sexist card from the bottom of the deck. bill is also sounding and looking like $#!&


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Its not clueless, it's desperation like 8 years ago. classless couple ready to deal the (reverse) racism or sexist card from the bottom of the deck. bill is also sounding and looking like $#!&



Such sweet irony to see and hear Bill Clit.on decrying profanity against women.

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Does anyone know if there is a single post in this 106 page thread that lists the merits of Hillary as POTUS? I can't recall any poster here that has written a coherent post in support of her. Anyone want to take a crack at that?


Coherent, being the key word.





Pressure mounting on Lynch for special counsel on Hillary e-mails?

by Ed Morrisey


Original Article












FBI formally confirms its investigation of Hillary Clinton’s email server

MSNBC, by Pete Williams


Original Article
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Does anyone know if there is a single post in this 106 page thread that lists the merits of Hillary as POTUS? I can't recall any poster here that has written a coherent post in support of her. Anyone want to take a crack at that?



How about let's make history and elect the first woman president?


If you don't vote for her you are a sexist pig and hate women.


Besides, it's supposed to be her turn or something??

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