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Hillary on huge speaking fees: “That’s what they offered”

by Jazz Shaw






What we’re seeing here is one of the downfalls of Democrats and of socialism in general. The fact that Clinton was paid $675K for three speeches she gave to some investment bankers was actually shoved in her face as an accusation. And liberals around the country were worried that she couldn’t sufficiently defend herself from this attack.


The only weak part of Clinton’s answer was her tone. She actually managed to sound somewhat apologetic while absolutely not apologizing. She got tripped up a bit when Cooper got her to almost admit that she might not have done it if she’d known she was going to run for president, leading her into a completely fake answer where she was forced to pretend that she hasn’t been planning to be president since Bill left office. But her initial answer was actually pretty solid. That’s what they offered.


I would have had a fair bit more respect for Secretary Clinton if she had just taken that ball and run with it. If she was someone who honestly believed in capitalism and the American Dream, there would be no need for even a hint of an apology. Given the chance to script her answer for her I would have come up with something like this:


Yes, I took $675K in speaking fees. If I’d been able to negotiate for a million I’d have taken that. Through hard work and a little luck I’ve managed to be fairly successful in life and that provides me with the opportunity to take engagements such as those. I’ve earned it and I want everyone else in the country to succeed and grow their wealth as well. Nobody in this country should have to apologize for legally succeeding and living the American Dream.


Of course she didn’t say all of that because that’s not what her Liberal base wants to hear. They want to know how she will tax the successful and drag them down to their level. They need to be told that wealthy people are evil and that they will be punished under the next administration. Sanders is dishing out that red meat in large portions so I suppose Hillary is feeling the pressure not get too crazy with the capitalism talk.



This is the Year of the Socialist on the left, and having the smell of money about you could be a death knell at the voting booth.

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Hillary on huge speaking fees: “That’s what they offered”

by Jazz Shaw






What we’re seeing here is one of the downfalls of Democrats and of socialism in general. The fact that Clinton was paid $675K for three speeches she gave to some investment bankers was actually shoved in her face as an accusation. And liberals around the country were worried that she couldn’t sufficiently defend herself from this attack.


The only weak part of Clinton’s answer was her tone. She actually managed to sound somewhat apologetic while absolutely not apologizing. She got tripped up a bit when Cooper got her to almost admit that she might not have done it if she’d known she was going to run for president, leading her into a completely fake answer where she was forced to pretend that she hasn’t been planning to be president since Bill left office. But her initial answer was actually pretty solid. That’s what they offered.


I would have had a fair bit more respect for Secretary Clinton if she had just taken that ball and run with it. If she was someone who honestly believed in capitalism and the American Dream, there would be no need for even a hint of an apology. Given the chance to script her answer for her I would have come up with something like this:


Yes, I took $675K in speaking fees. If I’d been able to negotiate for a million I’d have taken that. Through hard work and a little luck I’ve managed to be fairly successful in life and that provides me with the opportunity to take engagements such as those. I’ve earned it and I want everyone else in the country to succeed and grow their wealth as well. Nobody in this country should have to apologize for legally succeeding and living the American Dream.


Of course she didn’t say all of that because that’s not what her Liberal base wants to hear. They want to know how she will tax the successful and drag them down to their level. They need to be told that wealthy people are evil and that they will be punished under the next administration. Sanders is dishing out that red meat in large portions so I suppose Hillary is feeling the pressure not get too crazy with the capitalism talk.



This is the Year of the Socialist on the left, and having the smell of money about you could be a death knell at the voting booth.

The issue isn't that she's making money, the issue is that there's a potential conflict of interest.

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The issue isn't that she's making money, the issue is that there's a potential conflict of interest.


Why do you think anyone who works in an industry that's regulated thanks to Hillary & her friends are puking in their mouths?

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The issue isn't that she's making money, the issue is that there's a potential conflict of interest.


The issue is that she's a hypocritical nutsucker who is being forced onto the people by everyone who funds her 'career,' and that includes the millions her "foundation" laundered from foreign countries in exchange for favors, and by favors I'm pretty sure I mean 'weapons.'


She espouses everything Dems hate, and yet here she is...months away from her DNC coronation, brought to you in part by Goldman Sachs, Saudi Arabia, Oil of Olay and Depends.

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Hillary just spent 10 minutes equating "right wing" with "big money" #DemTownHall



I think the single most annoying thing about Clinton's campaigning is that her only platform and plan for the country is "keep the Republicans out of office." That's it. She has no beliefs, no vision, no semblance of a policy beyond "Republicans are evil."


That's not what anyone should want in the White House.

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Bernie at a groundbreaking for a recreational trail in Vermont:





I really could get behind Bernie because he's the only candidate who is sincere and he really cares about people. Unfortunately he is so delusional about how money works and that all the free stuff he is promising is the worst thing for our country.

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I really could get behind Bernie because he's the only candidate who is sincere and he really cares about people. Unfortunately he is so delusional about how money works and that all the free stuff he is promising is the worst thing for our country.


I'm kind of getting on the bandwagon that the worst thing for our country is a continuation of the norm. I still haven't decided on who I'm voting for, though I know I won't be voting for any establishment candidate. Cruz, Rubio, and Hillary have no chance of winning my vote for that reason.

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I really could get behind Bernie because he's the only candidate who is sincere and he really cares about people. Unfortunately he is so delusional about how money works and that all the free stuff he is promising is the worst thing for our country.


I understand exactly how you feel. He strikes me as unscripted, genuine, and sincere, but I will never in my life vote for a socialist, and I'm honestly surprised at how many people think socialism is just what the US needs.

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I understand exactly how you feel. He strikes me as unscripted, genuine, and sincere, but I will never in my life vote for a socialist, and I'm honestly surprised at how many people think socialism is just what the US needs.


Why would you be surprised, given how many people can't define it?

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OF COURSE she lied. When doesn't she lie?


This video is the perfect example of who she is: an amoral opportunist who will support whatever point of view is most popular at the moment, no matter how inconsistent it is with her previous points of view.

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